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GSF and PvE


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and that brings us back around to your assumptions, you still Assume that IF we get any pve content that it will be an ops, and if it was it would not be anything like the normal ground ops which is why it would fall on the new GSF dev team and not the Ops dev team.


Just try to understand me properly...

If we get no GSF-ops or we get both GSF and ground one - so be it, I don't care. I am really afraid of getting GSF-ops INSTEAD OF ground ops.

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Just try to understand me properly...

If we get no GSF-ops or we get both GSF and ground one - so be it, I don't care. I am really afraid of getting GSF-ops INSTEAD OF ground ops.


you do the same, read this very very slowly, the Ops team is still going to be working on Ops, while the GSF team works on GSF regardless if its pvp or pve focused. not sure where you get the idea that the team making and designing the ground based ops would do the GSF content.

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