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Crushing Darkness tooltip wrong?


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I just rolled a new Sorc and just now realized that the tooltip for crushing darkness seems to have the numbers off. For my currently level 17 Sorc is say that it does around 450 damage immediately, followed by around 320 damage over 6 seconds. The immediate damage has only hit for around 180, and even accounting for armor this seems way to low given what the tooltip says. The dot component seems fine, did a nerf happen to crushing darkness and nobody fixed the tooltip? I don't get it. Does anyone have an explanation?
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My sage is lvl 25 atm.. Trying on my Warzone training dummy..


Tooltip says that it will instantly hit for 775 - 838 kinetic dmg, and another 633 over 6 seconds..


However, on the dummy, the first hit is always 330-340ish.. So something is wrong.. My Telekinetic Throw says that it will do 1098 kinetic dmg over the duration, and it ticks for 224 on the dummy.. assuming that theres at least some armor on the dummy, then that means about 202dmg total less then the dummy says.. Gives the dummy about 18,3% dmg reduction..


Something that should hit for about 800, and 18% dmg reduction, should then hit for at least 640.. Mind Crush hits for half that..

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My sage is lvl 25 atm.. Trying on my Warzone training dummy..


Tooltip says that it will instantly hit for 775 - 838 kinetic dmg, and another 633 over 6 seconds..


However, on the dummy, the first hit is always 330-340ish.. So something is wrong.. My Telekinetic Throw says that it will do 1098 kinetic dmg over the duration, and it ticks for 224 on the dummy.. assuming that theres at least some armor on the dummy, then that means about 202dmg total less then the dummy says.. Gives the dummy about 18,3% dmg reduction..


Something that should hit for about 800, and 18% dmg reduction, should then hit for at least 640.. Mind Crush hits for half that..


Does the WZ dummy scale with level? I thought it was set at level 55 which would explain why the damage output would be so low if you're testing it on a lower leveled character. Don't even think you are granted a bolster of any kind while you're using it

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Does the WZ dummy scale with level? I thought it was set at level 55 which would explain why the damage output would be so low if you're testing it on a lower leveled character. Don't even think you are granted a bolster of any kind while you're using it

I have not been using a dummy. My little tests were on mobs on Dromund Kaas, mobs 2-3 levels lower than me at that rate. I would guess the tooltip is simply wrong. Perhaps it isn't and Crushing Darkness/Mind Crush isn't working properly.

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The warzone dummy scales with lvl yeah.. Unlike the operations dummy, that only gets resists and misses.. :p


Im not 100% certain on this statement, but i think its more like a reguler strong mob or close to that. I do not know the expertise it has, nor the effect of it on the dummy either. I just know that no matter the lvl, i can pull slightly less dps then on most other mobs while im lvling, but im usually 5+lvls above the other mobs, which would make sense for the lower dps.

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I just saw another thread of someone experiencing the same thing. The dot component of the tooltip seemed fine, but the initial damage was far too low, hitting for less than half the specified amount rather than around perhaps the 75% you might expect from hitting a well armored target. Either the tooltip is just wrong, or the spell got a buff and someone updated the tooltip but not the actual damage.
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This needs to be fixed immediately. There isn't an issue with the tooltip because that much of a damage loss would be noted in patch notes.


I've done test on the training dummy (my level) and on mobs my lvl. The tooltip says the inital hit is for rougly 900. it's hitting for roughly 350.


Also, in wzs, and this is where it really pisses me off, the tooltip says it hits for roughly 4500 on the initial hit. I've been hitting people for rought 1500, with crits being around 2500. That is so stupid I don't know what to say.


I've been spending time playing madness assassin for fun because not a lot of people play it, and to have such a major spell completely bugged is really annoying, both for questing and pvp.


We need this thread bumped and the attention of the devs.

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