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Looking for Casual Guild for my Main


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I have had this game since launch but honestly have never gotten into any of the end game raiding, hardmode FPs, etc. and I just dabble a bit in PVP. I can hold my own in unranked pugs, but again I'm not a hardcore player by any means. Mostly due to my obsession with making alts and playing all the other stories.


Anyways, I'm looking for a casual guild to join for my main level 55 Shadow Consular Ti'Shala. She's geared out pretty decently, but I'm still working on getting my dailies done to get better gear. Mostly I'm just looking for people to group with to do missions and dailies and anything else. I am on weeknights usually between 10pm-2am Eastern in the US. I don't voice chat or have a mic or any of that stuff, and I'm not a huge fan of requirements to join a guild, just looking for a fun laid back place to hang out and get some end game stuff started.

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Well most end-game stuff its helpful to have voice-chat - at minimum, for being able to hear call-outs, etc.


...I guess that goes for HM raiding.


If you're just interested in SM raiding, you can probably get by without voice chat - I don't know any guilds off-hand that run scheduled SM runs though...


If you're interested in doing HM content AND trying voice chat, come check Republic Sentinels out - I might be bias, but I really dig our community! :)

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^ What he said. If you want to raid, and DEFINITELY if you want to do HM/NM ops, basically anyone will require you to be able to listen. If you want to tank, you'll be required to talk.


We don't do regularly scheduled SM ops anymore, though there's the option to run them if requested or if you set them up yourself. However, if you don't want to raid and just want to be part of a guild of good people, you wouldn't be the only one in GAF. Only requirement is a good attitude.


Our full recruiting thread is under Jedi Covenant > Guild Recruitment. :) Certainly take a look around there; there may be other guilds which are more casual, do more SM content, etc. that you could fit well in also.

Edited by chibiseira
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if you don't want to raid and just want to be part of a guild of good people, you wouldn't be the only one in GAF. Only requirement is a good attitude.


Our full recruiting thread is under Jedi Covenant > Guild Recruitment. :) Certainly take a look around there; there may be other guilds which are more casual, do more SM content, etc. that you could fit well in also.


What she said. I pretty much only do dailies, weeklies, event stuff, and occasional FPs right now and GAF took me in with no problem. I've only been with them two weeks but I have no complaints so far and I've had no pressure to do anything from any of the members. I've also had a couple come to my rescue to help me finish a couple of FPs that I needed to get done; one was late at night and group finder wasn't popping so I just casually mentioned that I guess I wouldn't be finishing that night and someone offered to come help me before I could even ask.


Feel free to check us out. Also check the recruitment forums and see the other guilds that are recruiting, you might find one that sounds more suited to you than GAF. But as they both pointed out, if you're looking to do the typical 'end game' stuff, most guilds will want you in voice chat because that's just so much easier/faster than trying to type in the middle of a fight. Even pugs I see on Fleet often ask for people who are willing to use their voice chat.

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