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An idea on why characters user another's lightsaber in middle of fights


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In Return, Satele gave her lightsaber to her master, and Malgus used his own master's lightsaber mid fight. And how Anakin uses Obi Wan's lightsaber to defeat Dooku.


Why don't they just carry 2 lightsabers to begin with?


I think it's because the new lightsaber is imbued with the Force of the original owner to give the new person an edge in the fight. Thoughts?

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In Return, Satele gave her lightsaber to her master, and Malgus used his own master's lightsaber mid fight. And how Anakin uses Obi Wan's lightsaber to defeat Dooku.


Why don't they just carry 2 lightsabers to begin with?


I think it's because the new lightsaber is imbued with the Force of the original owner to give the new person an edge in the fight. Thoughts?


No...it was to give an advantage. Satele gave her saber because her master was about to fight against 2 Sith, he wouldn't have been able to block their attacks nearly as well with just a single one.


As for Dooku vs Anakin...well...they were fighting against one of the greatest Jedi that the Order had ever produced, so any advantage is gonna be helpful. Though...he did shift out of his preferred fighting style so it hindered him more than helped him really, but it certainly had Anakin lasting a little longer(not by much though) than he probably would have if he just used his single saber.


Also this is the wrong forum section, this is for Story/Lore in relation to SWTOR. Discussion is more fitting for this.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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No...it was to give an advantage. Satele gave her saber because her master was about to fight against 2 Sith, he wouldn't have been able to block their attacks nearly as well with just a single one.


As for Dooku vs Anakin...well...they were fighting against one of the greatest Jedi that the Order had ever produced, so any advantage is gonna be helpful. Though...he did shift out of his preferred fighting style so it hindered him more than helped him really, but it certainly had Anakin lasting a little longer(not by much though) than he probably would have if he just used his single saber.


Also this is the wrong forum section, this is for Story/Lore in relation to SWTOR. Discussion is more fitting for this.


Well why didn't they just always carry 2 sabers at the beginning? And practice using 2 sabers instead of switching to an unfamiliar fighting style.

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Well why didn't they just always carry 2 sabers at the beginning? And practice using 2 sabers instead of switching to an unfamiliar fighting style.


Because not every Jedi is gonna wield 2 sabers, there are drawbacks to using 2. Such as not being able to make hard swings, a weakened defense(of course this could be overcome with sufficant strength), they are more difficult to control, practioners were also often reliant of their bladework that they didn't develop really in The Force. Plus it requires specialized training.


A single blade virtually has no serious drawbacks, it also leaves options open for the user.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Because it was at that moment that Satele's master, Kao Cen Darach, dinged level 10, and he picked Sentinel as his advanced class.


They edited out the part where he left the instance, and used his fleet pass to go see the Advanced Class trainer, before coming back to finish the encounter. After Malgus killed him for the tenth time he rage quit and rolled another character.




Edited by PLynkes
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Yes, quite. Malgus looks like quite the eligible young bachelor in the Return trailer, too.




And in case you missed it, Kao Cen Darach does actually call Satele by her name in the video, lest you think we are having you on.

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Yes, quite. Malgus looks like quite the eligible young bachelor in the Return trailer, too.




And in case you missed it, Kao Cen Darach does actually call Satele by her name in the video, lest you think we are having you on.


No I didn't catch that, will check it out later. I always thought that was just some random Asian looking female Jedi.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yes, quite. Malgus looks like quite the eligible young bachelor in the Return trailer, too.




And in case you missed it, Kao Cen Darach does actually call Satele by her name in the video, lest you think we are having you on.


I feel like a tard, he actually uses her name twice, though I only watched that one before I ever played the game so I never made the connection once I met her character in-game. I did recognize her from the other movie though and going back and watching Return she looks VERY, VERY different.

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I feel like a tard, he actually uses her name twice, though I only watched that one before I ever played the game so I never made the connection once I met her character in-game. I did recognize her from the other movie though and going back and watching Return she looks VERY, VERY different.


Because she is in 40's during game?

Edited by Sadishist
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