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Requisition Points


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Badly needs a review. As someone who plays gunships and a support role the points are weak. Score the highest damage and highest assist, sometimes even kills, but then get 200-300 points??? Somethings wrong with that.


Or like everyone points out, play objectives for requisition. Hiding from the satellites to farm doesn't count.

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I did quite a bit of testing using the daily req bonus to gauge how much req was actually earned during the battle.


Without getting too deep into the results and their implications, I can say with high confidence that the lion's share of req that anyone gets from any match is from the green aura you see while taking a satellite.


Whatever you earn is doubled at the end of the match. If you have a bonus available, what you earned is tripled up to an additional 500 req (assuming the full daily req bonus is available). So if you earned 400 req, you automatically get 800 when the match is over. If you had 500 bonus req available, you would get a total of 1,200 req for the match.

Edited by Brilo
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Or like everyone points out, play objectives for requisition. Hiding from the satellites to farm doesn't count.


What you call hiding and farming I call being the support for the ones who should be in the front line. The fighters and scouts., Its not the gunners job to rush the satellite!!


As a gunner I set up the kills for the strikers. I just played another round. Top score in damage, to hit, and assist.....All for 200 points. I literally assisted in retaking and defending 2 satellites and got no credit. Not balanced AT ALL!

Edited by Sazodeha
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I have managed to rush and capture satellites in my gunship. Then you get the pleasure of sitting atop it like a queen and blasting at anyone who gets near.


Ive done that before. The complete stop is a nice feature to park right underneath and act as a secondary cannon. But as I am sure you know, a gunship at the source of the firefight goes down fast. Its not where its talents are best used.

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What you call hiding and farming I call being the support for the ones who should be in the front line. The fighters and scouts., Its not the gunners job to rush the satellite!!


As a gunner I set up the kills for the strikers. I just played another round. Top score in damage, to hit, and assist.....All for 200 points. I literally assisted in retaking and defending 2 satellites and got no credit. Not balanced AT ALL!


If you're not having fun with the gunship, why not try another class?

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gotten above 2k before, and all i did that game was take 5 points, kill 10 turrets, kill 9 folks, assist 6 others, and defend a node for 2 minutes


That's it? :p Since most matches I'm in i see my *team* take 1 point, kill 2 turrets, 2 fighters, get 3 assists and defend a node for 6 seconds, I think you were "saved one burning orphanage" away from superhero status. >.>

Edited by bjensen
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Points are weak for a GS? Thats a L2P issue. I always come out with around 1000 req on a win.


I don't think it's L2P issue.


I've been noticing the same thing in my games.


I've had absolutely terrible games in a Scout or a Strike Fighter, and still managed to earn well over 1.5k with the x2 bonus and a win. I'm talking games like 2 kills, 3 assists, 3 deaths, terrible accuracy, and half a dozen medals.


(Edit to add: most recent strike fighter game: 4 kills, 3 assists, 3 deaths, only 28 objective points - so not a lot of time spent at satellites - 5 medals, and... 1,137 ship req (with x2 and a win)).


Meanwhile, in my most recent gunship game - also a win - I had 15 kills, 10 assists, 3 deaths, 54k damage, and 9 medals... and earned 477 ship req. Obviously that was without the x2 bonus, but still.

Edited by Kackman
Adding in recent stats
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I don't think it's L2P issue.


I've been noticing the same thing in my games.


I've had absolutely terrible games in a Scout or a Strike Fighter, and still managed to earn well over 1.5k with the x2 bonus and a win. I'm talking games like 2 kills, 3 assists, 3 deaths, terrible accuracy, and half a dozen medals.


(Edit to add: most recent strike fighter game: 4 kills, 3 assists, 3 deaths, only 28 objective points - so not a lot of time spent at satellites - 5 medals, and... 1,137 ship req (with x2 and a win)).


Meanwhile, in my most recent gunship game - also a win - I had 15 kills, 10 assists, 3 deaths, 54k damage, and 9 medals... and earned 477 ship req. Obviously that was without the x2 bonus, but still.


And i bet you were at the sats when they were capped. Only 3 show as a medal, but you still get 200 ish per cap. Even if you are only there for a split second.

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And i bet you were at the sats when they were capped. Only 3 show as a medal, but you still get 200 ish per cap. Even if you are only there for a split second.


What's your theory on how this works?


At the start of a match on my scout, I tend to boost to one point, stay just long enough to get the green rings (which means a medal if the team as a whole takes the point), then immediately boost off to another satellite and sneak in at the last second to help cap that too. Do you propose that I gain the same amount of req at both satellites? What if I stayed at one longer than the other?

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And i bet you were at the sats when they were capped. Only 3 show as a medal, but you still get 200 ish per cap. Even if you are only there for a split second.


How did you figure that out? I haven't figured out any way to calculate req for individual actions, especially when it involves taking a satellite (you inevitably have to shoot, probably kill someone, definitely get objective points, etc).

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I have done a LOT of matches and even wasted a few seeing how much each objective gets.


My normal tactic is:


  1. Head to A and cap. Stay there for 2-4 mins to get the medals and extra req, plus kills/assists/dmg etc etc
  2. Fly the long way around ( god bless dampening field) to C, take out turrets for objective points, cap etc ( same as A).
  3. Then i usually stay there at range ( you can let the opposing team take it slightly red, then kill them and knock it back to green for more req), or i'll screw around at B supporting my team with debuffs or one shots on the tunnel vision dogfighters, while keeping an aye on A and C.
  4. If A and C are in trouble, ill head to one and repeat step 1


Then you have all the other small junk that gives small amounts of req and medals. I normally get 4-5 caps, and with other stuff ( not x2 req) i pretty much always come out with 1000 req per win, unless our team fails to listen and 3 caps too fast. Some players just dont understand, with long queues, it pays to leave one node uncapped and rotate them for max req.

Edited by renegadeimp
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I have done a LOT of matches and even wasted a few seeing how much each objective gets.


My normal tactic is:


  1. Head to A and cap. Stay there for 2-4 mins to get the medals and extra req, plus kills/assists/dmg etc etc
  2. Fly the long way around ( god bless dampening field) to C, take out turrets for objective points, cap etc ( same as A).
  3. Then i usually stay there at range ( you can let the opposing team take it slightly red, then kill them and knock it back to green for more req), or i'll screw around at B supporting my team with debuffs or one shots on the tunnel vision dogfighters, while keeping an aye on A and C.
  4. If A and C are in trouble, ill head to one and repeat step 1


Then you have all the other small junk that gives small amounts of req and medals. I normally get 4-5 caps, and with other stuff ( not x2 req) i pretty much always come out with 1000 req per win, unless our team fails to listen and 3 caps too fast. Some players just dont understand, with long queues, it pays to leave one node uncapped and rotate them for max req.


You may be on to something.


Just did a bit of testing - one match, huge sample size.


Took a scout; capped A, capped B, capped C. Spent the rest of the game sitting underneath C doing nothing. Picked up 2 kills and an assist early on, but most of the match I sat around idle.


2 kills, 1 assist, 0 deaths, 9k damage - 1,033 req (with only 129 left for x2 prior to the match).


So I think you're right in that capping sat points is worth 200ish, or at least worth more than anything else; I wonder if the defense medals are worth a fair bit as well; if so, that would at least explain the one guy on my server who immediately caps A and then parks underneath it all game.


Anyway, I do understand that we're playing an objective game and not deathmatch, but there needs to be a way to better reward folks who help with caps and defense from range. Perhaps any kills/assists of ships near a satellite within the 30s prior to your team capping it can award some req, as well as killing enemies near your team's already-capped satellites awarding some req as well.


I know that I feel a heck of a lot more useful when I'm ripping off shields with my Ion cannon so that teammates can get kills and prevent caps than I do when I'm just parked in a nook underneath the satellite or when I zip through for a second prior to my team capping it, yet it's the latter two actions that are better rewarded.

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Well that explains that. As a gunship I constantly wait for those little buggers camped underneath to come out and they sometimes just done. So essentially they are camping for points???


Great way to build a reward system for a starfighter warzone Bio-Dev....Brilliant!!!

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Report #2

(First Place

11 Kills

10 assist

30k+ damage

9 medals


all for 800 points???


As has been said before, it's OBJECTIVE based, NOT kills based. Destroying turrets, capping nodes, defending in proximity are all objectives, not killing folks. I just played a match where I had 2 kills, 3 assists, 20k damage. I also capped 5 nodes, destroyed 4 turrets, defended for 2 minutes. All in all, 13 medals and 1700 req. Gunships are easy to get req with, you just have to know how the system works to maximize it.

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As has been said before, it's OBJECTIVE based, NOT kills based. Destroying turrets, capping nodes, defending in proximity are all objectives, not killing folks. I just played a match where I had 2 kills, 3 assists, 20k damage. I also capped 5 nodes, destroyed 4 turrets, defended for 2 minutes. All in all, 13 medals and 1700 req. Gunships are easy to get req with, you just have to know how the system works to maximize it.


Why not just tell him barrel roll? Barrel roll is what you need to snag req every time you clear a sat.


The vast majority of req is earned from taking a sat. If you never take a sat, you will likely never get more than 1k req in a match with no bonus. I am quite certain that you also get smaller amounts of req for a variety of other activities including killing and assisting, but the nature of req earning is such that numbers are very difficult to come up with from the results screen.


If sats rarely or never change hands during a match, you probably won't ever get more than 800 req for that match (not including the bonus). I have seen some folks brag that they always get over 1k or over 1.5k, assuming that is true (though unlikely), they most likely do it by intentionally (or accidentally, if they aren't good at hugging the sat) giving up a sat and getting it back over and over again. An unfortunate side-affect of the current req earning schedule. In fact, we would probably all get a ton more req if no ships ever fired, simply exchanged sats for the entire match.

Edited by Brilo
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In fact, we would probably all get a ton more req if no ships ever fired, simply exchanged sats for the entire match.


Yeah, no idea what they were thinking.


With that said, it's kinda pointless to farm req if you don't like GSF, and if you like GSF, you might as well just try to win efficiently (or play however you have the most fun /shrug).

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Yeah, no idea what they were thinking.


With that said, it's kinda pointless to farm req if you don't like GSF, and if you like GSF, you might as well just try to win efficiently (or play however you have the most fun /shrug).


Pretty much this.


That said. It's all very well to camp out in a GS and pew pew pew away but you'll find that if you constantly move and go take out turrets, zap pesky enemy dogfighters stopping a cap then boost in for capture then boost out etc, you'll easily earn Req. I don't see a problem with it. I prefer playing on my Flashfire kitted out for dogfighting around objs but i do hop on the other ships for the bonus req. I'm deffo not the best GS pilot out there (farrrr from it), but still, if i'm not seeing a problem with it then there's something wrong somewhere.

Besides, variety is fun, just enjoy it.

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