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Looking for volunteers for a pubside project.


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After coming back to game and server after a two month hiatus for work and other outdoor activities, I was sad to find that many of my good friends in hit-and-run had left the server to go to harbinger. Ive tried a few other servers myself, but have always ended up transferring back to begeren colony, as despite the occasional drama, I love the people here, and have always had a good time in the 1.5 years I have been playing. But anyway, seeing s my old buddies are not here to raid with anymore, I quit what was left of hit-and-run, and since then, have kinda been guildless. Temporarily joined a buddies guild while I wait to see if my plan will work out.


My plan is this. After surfing you-tube guild recruitment videos, I stumbled upon a couple vids made to promote a jung-ma all trooper rp/pvp guild known as alpha company. I originally liked their vids and website so much I considered leaving server and trying to join them, but with my past experiences ive always been back to begeren in a few months cause it really is home to me.


So I decided to look around for an all trooper, standard uniform guild here, only one I found was republic specforce, and they just weren't quite what I was looking for. I talked to a few of their members and they seemed happy with the guild, but I am interested in a standardized guild uniform and all-trooper raid group,(not needing to clear HM 55 content for now, just story mode for starters). To me, standard uniform is important from a rp perspective, as an army, there would be one issued armor set, everyone would have to use it. To me, the idea of 8-16 troopers in identical outfits beating a raid, or queueing as premades for pvp, or invading the gree pvp area when other guilds are camping the middle, is just an awesome vision.


So, I am looking for 7 volunteers to help me start and become the founding members and primary officers of a new trooper only guild. It will be named along the lines of omega battalion, delta platoon, or something like that. The standardized uniform, (will be enforced as mandatory) will be the t17-patrol lev 40 armor from the pvp vendor on coruscant. No dye for now. Belt, bracer, implants and ears offhands, mainhands will be up to the discretion of the individual. Blue color crystals will be mandatory, all variants accepted, such as cartel market ones. (black blue not included). I am a commando, so can either dps or heal, as needed, have experience doing both. will need 2 tank vgs, 1-2 healer commandos, and 3-4 dps of either class. The founding members must all be lev 55.


What I am looking for in people. Must have teamspeak, and play regularly (2 times a week or so min.)

Must be a polite, professional person. No racist, sexist, or any other type of abuse verbal or typed will be tolerated.

That said, a thick skin is always handy. No drama will be tolerated.

I need people who will give the guild a good name, that means, when in fps or ops with pugs, be polite, don't ninja loot, give helpful advice and explanations to noobs. Don't ragequit, if you must leave a pug, explain why.

In pvp, no profane raging when a loss accurs due to repeated player fault. Constructive critiscism is better than profanity.

Must be willing to wear the guild uniform at all times including helmet, unless in a cantina, where casual wear is permitted. On fleet, must wear all armor, but helmet is optional. In open worlds, helmet is mandatory.


Would prefer for founding 7 members to have previous experience in raids, but this is not mandatory. The first 7 members will form a raid team with the objective of clearing all lev 55 content in story mode, we will wory about HMs after we get used to working as a unit.


Need people who are willing to help guildies out at any time, for example a lone player repeatedly dying trying to get gree pvp missions done, unless guildies are in a fp or operation, they would be expected to come to said players aid if they are appropriate level.

Need people who are always willing to get better at dpsing/tanking/healing. We can always improve, and if that means spending an hour in front of a training dummy, then so be it.

Future recruits if this gets going will need to be at least level 40, teamspeak optional, and be willing to grind pvp comms to buy uniform.


My vision is this. A polite, popular guild, that can clear story mode content, that is willing to bring pugs along and give them an enjoyable experience, that is known for being fair, as well as feared, in open world pvp, and feared as premades in 55 pvp matches. A guild that becomes a good symbol amongst the ashes of what begeren colony was a year ago. A guild that helps players when leveling on planets, to clear group content, and to deal with threats the galaxy wide, A guild that is known for success when clearing content and pvping as well as mature and enjoyable rp.


If you have a 55 trooper that would be interested in this, please either reply below, or mail me in game on hedra. I log onto her at least once a day currently, so will get your mail. If you hate this idea, still feel free to reply, but keep it polite, this thread doesn't need to degenerate into what so many recent threads have, lol.


Wanted to post a pic of uniform, but not sure how.


Anyway, have a great new year, and cya round on begeren!

Edited by taxidermis
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So I decided to look around for an all trooper, standard uniform guild here, only one I found was republic specforce, and they just weren't quite what I was looking for. I talked to a few of their members and they seemed happy with the guild, but I am interested in a standardized guild uniform and all-trooper raid group,(not needing to clear HM 55 content for now, just story mode for starters). To me, standard uniform is important from a rp perspective,

"RP" and "class-specific" do not go together. Any class can be RP'd as a "trooper" with the right adaptive armor.

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"RP" and "class-specific" do not go together. Any class can be RP'd as a "trooper" with the right adaptive armor.


Not really. A trooper wouldn't be using the force. The Idea is to rp a squad that is a portion of the republic's army. They would have standard armour and weapons issued to them, ie, no lightsabers. Smugglers there could be a possibility, but would have to find any easy to aquire armour set that suggested military scout.

For now I just want to get it going with troopers only. The rp perspective would carry over into pvp and pve, so a trooper swinging a lightsaber would kinda ruin it lol

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