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Toggle the ability to get hit with snowball or any other event item.


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Kind of sick of getting hit with stupid snowballs and other event items. I don't care if the majority like this, its annoying to me. Please implement an ability to toggle allowing people to do this to you or not.



It will only be around until 01/01.

No toggles are needed.

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lol...i see people yell about this in chat on the fleet(well...not yell, just typed in all caps)


all i can think is how much of a bigger target you just became.


Irsonally target ANYONE that complains about being hit with something that does nothing ala the tinsel bomb or snowballs. You can even click the buff and turn it off if you want...that is WHY they made it a buff for crying out loud!


As for the OP and anyone like them...this is an MMO, if you don't want social interaction and all that it entails (aka putting up with behavior you don't like/agree with) then play a single player game.

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