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Opinions, plurality, and change.


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Funny thing I just noticed, many posts suggesting changes to the game have responses with one subtle thing in common.


Insults. Sometimes veiled, sometimes obvious, but consistently.


I don't know exactly what it is about making reasonable observations and suggesting changes that so riles certain members of our community, but I assure you that insults have no impact on my opinion of the matter at hand.

Are you somehow threatened that people have opinions that differ from your own? It's called plurality, it's a common concept in modern thought. You'll want to think about what it means to you that your thoughts are your own and you are free to voice them, and perhaps you will realize that other people are free as well, and perhaps even realize how important that is.


If you are truly concerned that a tide of player opinion is likely to change the game that you appear to love exactly the way it is, I can assure you that the devs are also plural thinking individuals that are unlikely to spend man hours flippantly changing the game that they lovingly designed for no valid reason. They are even less likely to pay attention to you if they have to redact your posts in order to present them to peers as valid player opinion.


If you have something to add, or specific points to address, you may find it in your best interest to do so thoughtfully, empathetically, and civilly.


As an experienced and successful GSF pilot that appreciates plurality not only in discussions but in gameplay, I would like to see all of the different ships evolve to suit specific roles. The devs could not possibly anticipate the consequences of every permutation of what thousands upon thousands of players would come up with while playing GSF. There are many things that could be done to make this happen, though I do not expect all players to appreciate all of the changes that can be made.


Changes will come. You will agree with some, you will disagree with others. Whether others are convinced of more than what they came here to post is partially up to you.


Thank you for reading.

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I believe we can all agree that you disagree with one of the primary design concepts behind the Scout as incepted by the devs. Thankfully that has never been in question.


Sharee, I don't know what you're talking about. I'm not really worried about it either.


I find it curious that you make a thread about this, when you yourself have been doing exactly what you are being critical of.

Edited by LeonBraun
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I find it curious that you make a thread about this, when you yourself have been doing exactly what you are being critical of.


I'm not sure that quote comes across as quite the indictment of hypocrisy you were hoping for. You sure you can't find a picture of me kicking a baby or something?

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Funny thing I just noticed, many posts suggesting changes to the game have responses with one subtle thing in common.


Insults. Sometimes veiled, sometimes obvious, but consistently.

And I've noticed that many posts suggesting changes also involve insults.


It's the combination of internet anonymity and the competitive mindset that draws people to PvP.

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On the flip side, insults don't detract from one's argument.
No, but they detract from the credibility of the person making the argument. We're all gui8lty of it from time to time, unfortunately. But insults don't do anything to help a person's case and frequently end up with whatever someone was trying to say being ignored because of the insults.
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