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conversion of ship rep to fleet rep


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This conversion costs cartel coins. TAKE THIS OUT OF THE GAME. Make it no cost or charge free to play people only. starting to not see many perks for being a subscriber, and I certainly put enough money into this game than to be charged for using an in-game feature. It also creates unfair advantages.
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It is a bit pay to win but so is the cartel scout as unlike the strike fighter the purchasable is identical to the unlockable not the stock.


this in no to much to imply the unlockable is better for either class though round 2 scout is a better ship killer.


truth is in the grand scheme it's not P2W, heck gold farming is not P2W in many ways, if a player doesn't progressively develop they will likely never be as good as a player who does. Moreover, as far as I'm able to determine the mods we see are all there is, unlike ground pvp there is no endgame grind. If a player rushes to their final build that's basically it they will have a diminished gameplay experience as rewards have lost their value that much faster.

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It is nothing like pay to win. Pay to win gives you a massive advantage over others, such as a cartel shop weapon that is twice as powerful as any other.


This just lets you get an upgrade that everyone gets, 2-3 matches quicker.


Well if you do the math you can do both cartel ship unlocks and gain 5x faster, is you turn that req to unlocking the flashfire and pike you have 7x as much ship req to convert. This is an expensive strat but it is possible. P2W is not same as pay to dominate and like I said they don't really win as GSF is mostly skill. it does however circumvent the normal progression and a player may feel he is win for having stacked ships.

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While conversion does allow you to obtain upgrades slightly faster, it does not give you any requisition by itself - you have to earn every single point of it the hard way first. Therefore i don't consider it pay to win. Its more like convenience.
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Well if you do the math you can do both cartel ship unlocks and gain 5x faster, is you turn that req to unlocking the flashfire and pike you have 7x as much ship req to convert.


Only from quest rewards. Which are a very small percentage of total points i earn. It's not like having 7 ships increases your total requisition gains 7-fold.

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starting to not see many perks for being a subscriber, and I certainly put enough money into this game than to be charged for using an in-game feature. It also creates unfair advantages.


Are you playing GSF?

Are F2P players playing GSF?

Who's gonna be at a disadvantage come February?

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This conversion costs cartel coins. TAKE THIS OUT OF THE GAME. Make it no cost or charge free to play people only. starting to not see many perks for being a subscriber, and I certainly put enough money into this game than to be charged for using an in-game feature. It also creates unfair advantages.


You have paid to access the game. Just because you subbed for a while doesnt give you any more rights over anyone else.

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Nah. No need. It's as cheap as hell anyway and isnt necessary. It's just there as QOL to help out those focusing on one ship.


If you have six or seven ships and are converting almost all your daily and weekly bonus req to master ships quickly in an effort to stay competitive (because, let's face it, a single mastered ship is much more powerful than half a dozen "new" ships), you're looking at something like 10k-12k ccs per month, which isn't exactly pocket change (not for me, anyway).

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If you have six or seven ships and are converting almost all your daily and weekly bonus req to master ships quickly in an effort to stay competitive (because, let's face it, a single mastered ship is much more powerful than half a dozen "new" ships), you're looking at something like 10k-12k ccs per month, which isn't exactly pocket change (not for me, anyway).


for a start a full modified ship does not mean youll be one of the best, mods help but GSF is about skill 1st and formost. I can dominate a game on a unmodded ship, why? coz i practice and practice and know how to survive/wiin/kill etc.


1 full modified ship better than 6 new ones? dont think so lol just on the simple side, one guy in a unmodified ship could take out 6 fully geared ships if hes skilled enough. thats a fact. and for damn sure this is nothing like a pay to win situation since no one has something from cartel market that u can only get from cartel market that is superior.

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for a start a full modified ship does not mean youll be one of the best, mods help but GSF is about skill 1st and formost. I can dominate a game on a unmodded ship, why? coz i practice and practice and know how to survive/wiin/kill etc.


1 full modified ship better than 6 new ones? dont think so lol just on the simple side, one guy in a unmodified ship could take out 6 fully geared ships if hes skilled enough. thats a fact. and for damn sure this is nothing like a pay to win situation since no one has something from cartel market that u can only get from cartel market that is superior.


Couldn't agree more with everything you said, +1 to you sir. I started flying imp side this weekend because I'm leveling a sith warrior (I normally play on Republic side). Since I love GSF, I thought it'd be a fun way to supplement the leveling process. Now I'm not the best pilot--I'm solid but not amazing. I have some good matches and occasionally a really bad one. But most of the time I get 4-9 kills and 5-10 assists with around 20-30k damage, a good number of medals, and a lot of objective points. Not amazing, no--but decent.


So on imperial side, I expected to do a lot worse given the lack of ugrades (I have a mastered strike fighter and an almost mastered scout on Republic side). And I had a few pretty bad matches (I think this was exacerbated by a lack of teamwork on several matches), but I had a lot of really solid rounds as well. In fact, I had one of my best matches ever: 53k damage, 9 kills and 10 assists (it might have been 8 kills, I'm at work so I don't have my screenshot for reference). And that was in a Sting with minimal upgrades: to that point, I had spend all my ship req buying different laser cannons and defensive maneuver (so those were at tier 0), I think I had maybe 1 or two components that were upgraded to tier 1. Most of my other matches were fairly solid as well: 4-8 kills, 5-10 assists, 15-25k damage.


I firmly believe I did OK in an barely-upgraded ship because I have played over 300 matches at this point. Experience and practice made all the difference, and I was able to have a few very decent rounds in a ship with barely any upgrades. Sure, I had a couple matches where I got pummeled--but on the whole, was definitely able to compete with a stock ship.


So even if you have a fully mastered ship, if you get 3 or 4 un-upgraded ships on you they can DEFINITELY take you down if they have the skill. Ship upgrades help in GSF, no doubt. But skill and experience are far more valuable.

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for a start a full modified ship does not mean youll be one of the best, mods help but GSF is about skill 1st and formost. I can dominate a game on a unmodded ship, why? coz i practice and practice and know how to survive/wiin/kill etc.


1 full modified ship better than 6 new ones? dont think so lol just on the simple side, one guy in a unmodified ship could take out 6 fully geared ships if hes skilled enough. thats a fact. and for damn sure this is nothing like a pay to win situation since no one has something from cartel market that u can only get from cartel market that is superior.




ReqConversion is pay to skip the grind, which is standard of most F2P games. You sub to get extra reqs, can pay to get premium ships, and can pay extra to convert reqs. Yet neither of these options actually make your fighters more powerful that they would be for a completely free player.


Sure, you'll get upgraded faster, but everyone else WILL catch up. Never mind that skill _IS_ the #1 factor in determining your performance. About the most important thing to do is to get the right components for your build, which is easily done without converting at all.


Furthermore, converting does not reward you more reqs, it just allows you to focus them on a single ship. Someone who's been playing from the start but not converting probably has a full stable of highly upgraded ships, instead of a couple of fully upgraded ones. I'm not sure at how much of a disadvantage such a free player would be now.

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Couldn't agree more with everything you said, +1 to you sir. I started flying imp side this weekend because I'm leveling a sith warrior (I normally play on Republic side). Since I love GSF, I thought it'd be a fun way to supplement the leveling process. Now I'm not the best pilot--I'm solid but not amazing. I have some good matches and occasionally a really bad one. But most of the time I get 4-9 kills and 5-10 assists with around 20-30k damage, a good number of medals, and a lot of objective points. Not amazing, no--but decent.


So on imperial side, I expected to do a lot worse given the lack of ugrades (I have a mastered strike fighter and an almost mastered scout on Republic side). And I had a few pretty bad matches (I think this was exacerbated by a lack of teamwork on several matches), but I had a lot of really solid rounds as well. In fact, I had one of my best matches ever: 53k damage, 9 kills and 10 assists (it might have been 8 kills, I'm at work so I don't have my screenshot for reference). And that was in a Sting with minimal upgrades: to that point, I had spend all my ship req buying different laser cannons and defensive maneuver (so those were at tier 0), I think I had maybe 1 or two components that were upgraded to tier 1. Most of my other matches were fairly solid as well: 4-8 kills, 5-10 assists, 15-25k damage.


I firmly believe I did OK in an barely-upgraded ship because I have played over 300 matches at this point. Experience and practice made all the difference, and I was able to have a few very decent rounds in a ship with barely any upgrades. Sure, I had a couple matches where I got pummeled--but on the whole, was definitely able to compete with a stock ship.


So even if you have a fully mastered ship, if you get 3 or 4 un-upgraded ships on you they can DEFINITELY take you down if they have the skill. Ship upgrades help in GSF, no doubt. But skill and experience are far more valuable.


I pretty much had this experience playing an alt on GSF. While the stock gear on strike fighters is not ideal for my playstyle, I actually found myself doing better than with my main starfighter toon. Maybe this is because of whatever match-making there is now pitted me against novice players.


I'm pretty sure we're always going to hear gripes about unfair gearing advantages (Req conversion is just an offshoot of this issue) and the most frustrating part is that it's nearly impossible to quantify how important player skill and experience is.

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I pretty much had this experience playing an alt on GSF. While the stock gear on strike fighters is not ideal for my playstyle, I actually found myself doing better than with my main starfighter toon. Maybe this is because of whatever match-making there is now pitted me against novice players.

I'm pretty sure we're always going to hear gripes about unfair gearing advantages (Req conversion is just an offshoot of this issue) and the most frustrating part is that it's nearly impossible to quantify how important player skill and experience is.



I think it's this. I've played 99% of my GSF matches in the Sting or imp gunship, and while I haven't fully mastered either ship, I'm close. I do OK with those. Today, I started from scratch on a pub toon. Played a couple matches on the pub gunship and the base scout - zero upgrades on either - and topped the scoreboards in most categories in all five matches I played. I saw zero evidence of advanced mods on enemy ships, like AOE gunship ion effects. So my theory is that I must have been matched against similarly untested ships and novice players. And the only reason I did well is because of all the experience I have on these maps, with similar ships.


If my theory is correct, hats off to BW - matchmaking seems to work...at least with respect to ship level, if not pilot experience.

Edited by MaximilianPower
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Assuming equal skill, one mastered ship that a player is used to, has tailored to their playstyle, and has been upgraded is going to do them a lot more good than six or seven ships with a few upgrades each. I personally can't stand playing a ship without retro thrusters - it's one of the first things I get on any ship.


Never did I say that a good player on a stock ship can't beat a poor player on a mastered ship, or that skill is less important than upgrades. I don't think it's at all related to talk about 3v1 or 4v1. What I said was that - I'll add the caveat of "in my experience and playstyle" - it's optimal to fully upgrade a ship you enjoy playing instead of slowly but equally upgrading every ship available. If you're going to be competitive about it, you convert ship req to fleet req and pump it into the one you're trying to master. The fastest way to master a ship costs a lot of cartel coins, which runs directly counter to what renegadeimp said.

Edited by Armonddd
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Assuming equal skill, one mastered ship that a player is used to, has tailored to their playstyle, and has been upgraded is going to do them a lot more good than six or seven ships with a few upgrades each. I personally can't stand playing a ship without retro thrusters - it's one of the first things I get on any ship.


Never did I say that a good player on a stock ship can't beat a poor player on a mastered ship, or that skill is less important than upgrades. I don't think it's at all related to talk about 3v1 or 4v1. What I said was that - I'll add the caveat of "in my experience and playstyle" - it's optimal to fully upgrade a ship you enjoy playing instead of slowly but equally upgrading every ship available. If you're going to be competitive about it, you convert ship req to fleet req and pump it into the one you're trying to master. The fastest way to master a ship costs a lot of cartel coins, which runs directly counter to what renegadeimp said.


Going to start this out by saying this is just my opinion. You play on the POT5 server, which means you most likely play with "Hardcore" pilots most of the time. Just like the difference between a Hobby gamer and a full-on gamer, you most likely experience every opportune moment of slight imbalance, one way or another. So, more people will be willing to simply just pay to get the best ship, as everyone will be grinding that particular aspect a lot more than in a normal server. Meanwhile, in the normal server, people will be simply getting to that point by playing, not paying. So, the people who pay will most likely be at a skill disadvantage, which in a game like this, is about half of the total value of a player. Furthermore, you will most likely see that on a normal server, players have everything in moderation, as it is not devoted to this. You are arguing two completely different points, from two completely different perspectives. If you want to simplify this, think of a wine connoisseur vs. a person who drinks wine on Fridays.

Edited by Caprindo
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You realize I was arguing against playing alt ships for the privilege of paying real money to gear up your main ship, right?


Daily double req is a trap except in the most competitive situations (which pretty much don't exist at this point). Play what you like, not what you feel like you should. It's significantly more efficient to fill your hanger so you get more req from daily and weekly quests.

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Yep. Yes I know. I was simply saying you have a different view on the subject mister Pot5 imp. Don't want to sound like a bantha about it, just saying. Something tells me most of these people are playing on average servers. Just speculating.

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