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Gunship mechanic, other ship ideas, general discussion


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Is it just me or does the idea of the current gunship role just seem dumb in a space fighting scenario? To me a gunship would probably have the same speed and maneuverability but focus more on extremely heavy close range fire power. It would be better if it could fire in multiple directions, not unlike the Millennium Falcon. Maybe have a front firing cannon and top and bottom or side mount quad cannons. They could either be computer controlled, some sort of ability, or better yet have a couple people jump in the gunner seats(I'm sure that's asking too much). It would also be heavily armored, but susceptible to proton torpedoes and concussion missiles.


They also need to find a way to incorporate bombers. The bombers could have the same auxiliary cannon mechanic, although less damaging. Bombers would be proton torpedo and concussion missile specialists, able to fire them at longer range. They would have to be much larger ships so they're easy to spot and take down to avoid being OP.


They should have also some counter measures to avoid locks other than barrel rolls, etc. Like dropping chaf and flares.


Overall GSF is better than I expected, which is rare for this game. Though it is still a far cry far cry from a space sim. It actually might be enough to keep me playing for a while longer.

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A gunship is the "sniper" of GSF. Basically they sit on the outskirts of a battle and debuff, or pick off stragglers which look to cause the team the most trouble. I fyou see a GS picking off everyone, then break off, fly 10-15 k away and flank them. 9 times out of 10, youll catch them completely unaware and they will be a 2 sec kill. You can then jump right back into the fight at the satellite.


Also, GSF will never be a flight sim. The devs have gone on record and said that they arent intending it to be one. They are making it action orientated because thats how they want it and thats what people in beta and now, asked for.


Thats not to say there wont be sandbox features down the line, such as open zone areas aka ilum, but theyre leaning towards action based fights and nothing more.

Edited by renegadeimp
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Considering gunships were in pretty much from the beginning... I would say yes, the game was in fact designed to accomodate sniping! And you know what? A lot of people are having lots of fun either by being gunship hunters, or by adjusting fighting tactics to anticipate the presence of gunships on the field of battle.


Let me ask you this, if you were dogfighting against someone, and strike fighters repeatedly added into the fight and killed you, would you be asking for them to be removed? No, probably not. Gunships just stand out because of their range and their damage comes in larger chunks so they 'feel' more dangerous. Unless there is a lucky crit involved, I can kill something more quickly on my scout than I can a gunship. I need about 4.5-6 seconds (1.5-2 full charge rail shots) to kill something on my gunship, but can wipe the floor with a ship in about 3 seconds on a scout if I can focus them.

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I'm fine with extra strikes and scouts on my tail because I feel like it's possible for me to react to them joining in the battle. I dislike gunships suddenly joining a confrontation because they blow people up before they get a chance to react, or in some cases before they even realize the gunship is there. Add you said, this is mostly because of their enormous range and damage per hit.


I say the game doesn't feel designed around gunships because they're the only ship - including bombers and infiltrators - whose combat doesn't revolve around dogfighting.


I have never argued that gunships are overpowered - since I don't play one, I don't feel like I know enough to make that judgment call, and I agree that scouts and strikes can get faster kills. I've only ever said that gunships are not fun to play against, and they break things.

Edited by Armonddd
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Were you deliberately quote mining, or did you just not read everything I said before deciding to add your commentary?


It still fairly accurately describes your feelings about the matter though. It's a matter of perception and yes, while they are an outlier being the only pure long range fighter, doesn't mean they don't belong or the game wasn't designed for them. And until you can adapt to them, they're going to continue to make you unhappy.

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A gunship is the "sniper" of GSF. Basically they sit on the outskirts of a battle and debuff, or pick off stragglers which look to cause the team the most trouble. I fyou see a GS picking off everyone, then break off, fly 10-15 k away and flank them. 9 times out of 10, youll catch them completely unaware and they will be a 2 sec kill. You can then jump right back into the fight at the satellite.


Also, GSF will never be a flight sim. The devs have gone on record and said that they arent intending it to be one. They are making it action orientated because thats how they want it and thats what people in beta and now, asked for.


Thats not to say there wont be sandbox features down the line, such as open zone areas aka ilum, but theyre leaning towards action based fights and nothing more.


This pretty much. I play gunship almost exclusively. When enemies are busy with my teammates, I can rack up tons of kills and assists. But when somebody bothers to flank me, I almost always get killed before I realize what's happening. If you use the proper tactics, gunships can be beaten far more reliably than fighters or scouts. They're basically sitting ducks on their own and are only effective when working as support for their teammates. They help the game by encouraging teamwork. Just learn to adjust your tactics when fighting them and they're no more overpowered than other ships: just different.

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