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Ranked 4's Arena on POT5 are dying. Que time's are getting longer every day.


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That's the thing though, It's rare to get a good night of teams queing. We qued up lastnight and we played Infinite Darkness 8 times in a row and went even games with them, that was fun as hell. But that was it.


There also seems to be a problem with the matchmaking. High elo teams are constantly being paired against low elo teams in consecutive order. There seems to be a lot of refining that needs to be done with the Elo system and pairing.


Cross-server ques.


It's not the elo system that isn't working. It's **** communities. If I never did any kickball, only went with the same group everytime, only queued when bads were on, and stopped queueing if it was just my team vs a good/better team, then obviously i would have a higher rating. Since I have done the exact opposite of those things I will be grouped with worse teams. The teams that do some or all of those things will be playing better teams. Everything would be just fine if a bunch of teams queued all at once and on a somewhat consistent basis. I've seen the system work to the point where teams that haven't received any rating yet play teams that also haven't received any rating yet. So why don't all pvpers just form teams knowing that they'll get ranked comms and competitive matches? Because who gives a **** about a slight increase in comms? More incentives need to be implemented.

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Yep you are exactly right.


Here is the recipe to get ranked play successful until cross server is released:


1 - Allow 2v2 and keep tuning abilities for balance with small updates

2 - add a ranked daily

3 - give incentive to play ranked by having gear only accessible through ranked


This will get people playing every day. When x-server comes it will create a nice ladder and you can then add 8v8 or 3v3 or w/e


2v2 might actually be a lot of fun. In Ilum and Oricon, I regularly roll with just 1 other person. Mostly a Slinger, Sage or Sent. And I totally love the various kinds of encounters we can have.


2v2 will end up with a lot *more* variety than 4v4. In 4v4 every team has to have 1 tank and 1 healer, and you need 2 DPS that synergize well.


In 2v2, you can have 2 DPS, 2 healers (unlikely, but w/e), 1 DPS 1 healer, 1 DPS 1 tank, 1 tank 1 healer and there's a lot more combinations you can try with various specs. Smash would be a non-issue because we no longer have 5 people to smash in the first place.

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the game is pretty much on its way out .. the writing was on the wall in the first 6 months when the mass exodus occurred. People talk about the mass exodus coming when wildstar is released, but its already happened .. long time ago .. i used to be a subscriber, but cancelled and now just F2P .. i really only play a few warzones each day, if that ..


I realized that pvp would never amount to much with the limitation of the game after the illum changes. We would never have a large scale battle warzone like AV in WoW and we could forget about large scale pvp battles in the wild.


Basically, the developers went in the opposite direction for pvp development. Instead of developing large number of opponents in pvp, they went with smaller groups, which I dislike. I gave up with swtor pvp due the boredom of warzones and the class imbalance created after the cartel expansion.


Overall, I'm done pvping in mmorpgs. I now only play games that are exclusively made for pvp like LoL or occasionally Hawken pvp.

Edited by Knockerz
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Raizur i called tbis b4 i quit, arenas have been dead ever since like 1-2 weeks since htye came out. Almost no one likes arenas.


this will just keep ongoing until pvp'ers all go to diff games and the only ones left in swtor are the cm cows and diehard sw fans. I'm also a diehard sw fan but this game's pvp is just so mismanged

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btw arenas take no skill watsoever theyre just dps fests and mosh pits of fotm classes seeing who can outdps who faster
I wouldn't say that. I can honestly say that Arena play has upgraded my play. It's faster, more dynamic, and quick thinking. I like Arena play. But no support or Dev posts in the PVP forums is just sad.
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I wouldn't say that. I can honestly say that Arena play has upgraded my play. It's faster, more dynamic, and quick thinking.
I agree with all those things but I feel that it quickly becomes repetitive to have killing as the only objective. The only games I've enjoyed deathmatches in were R6 and some of the earlier COD games because positioning was crucial. Nowdays it's just a matter of reaction time in FPS'es, something any idiot can be good at, and I find Arena in this game to be very similar to that. There's very little room for heroic acts either, if one team mate screws up you'll most likely wipe. Things are much more dynamic in 8 vs 8 since killing isnt the only objective. Less forgiving gametypes such as Last man Standing are never popular in games so I don't get why they chose it.


That said, I don't have anything against the 4 vs 4 team size, I just wish that they would implement more entertaining game modes, such as proper deathmatch with instant respawns and perhaps CTF/Assault. Such game types would make less sturdy/bursty classes more viable.

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