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Suzina's Starfighter Tips/Thoughts


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Just for Funzies, here are my starfighter tips/thoughts




1. Humming Bird

The flight pattern where you circle around the satellite. Great for destroying Turrets with scouts as this flight-path takes you to all 3 in quick succession and scouts can unleash all their rocket-pod missiles as soon as they have line of sight.


2. LOS Gunship Defense

Instead of flying out to Gunships to kill them, just fly to the other side of the satellite and park.


3. Taking The Long Way

Going to A or C, the flight-path should be a direct one at the start of the match. However, boosting around the outside edges to attack an enemy satellite will often keep you off the tab-targeting and radar and give you a chance to boost-in and cap when their defenders go chasing after a gunship, self-destruct to reload missiles, or leave to defend other bases.


4. The Sabotoge Probe Crash

A well timed probe can disable enemy ship systems just as they are doing a tight turn on a satellite and send them into a wall.


5. The Starship Turret

Parking anywhere on the satellite with guns out waiting for whoever happens to come your way. This defense style is incapable of defending turrets, but is ready to blaze guns at anyone that comes into their sights.


6. The Air-Brake Pilot.

Some pilots boost away and do big attack runs, some pilots use "S" to slow down to make sharp turns in dog-fights. Air-Brake Pilots instead tap X multiple times a second to find the right low-speed balance below "S" speed so they can turn on a dime and be mobile 3D turrets.



7. Bait and Switch.

Poking at an enemy satellite with a Gunship until some attackers come out to follow you, then making them chase you and waste their boost just so you can die quickly, respawn as a Scout and race them back to the satellite. (Or else, have an ally take the Long Way around and cap when they chase you.

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Mind you, the probe trick only works on scouts and sometimes gunships (this is if the pilot is decent). Why? Because most strikers use directional shields, and when they get hit by a probe, they'll just power the front and take the 2-3 hits from the wall. I've only died once to that, and that was when my hull was badly damaged already.


Though you'll have very little hp left, so one can wonder if it really is beneficial to survive :p

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Never, ever full stop and turret if you're not a gunship, even if you're using the satellite for cover. The next person to see you will blow you up, sometimes before your engines have a chance to warm up enough to move you more than ten meters (and that's with afterburner).
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Never, ever full stop and turret if you're not a gunship, even if you're using the satellite for cover. The next person to see you will blow you up, sometimes before your engines have a chance to warm up enough to move you more than ten meters (and that's with afterburner).


This exact tactic yields me some of the easiest kills. People see a stationary scout and just charge straight into me. I just pop my cds and usually kill the person in a few seconds. It's an extremely viable tactic against scouts and strikes.

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This exact tactic yields me some of the easiest kills. People see a stationary scout and just charge straight into me. I just pop my cds and usually kill the person in a few seconds. It's an extremely viable tactic against scouts and strikes.


And as I recall, every single time I or someone in my premade sees you, we assume you're camped under the satellite (which is right nine times out of ten), dive under it, and blow you the **** up. It's bad and makes you die.

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