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RE crafting stacks


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Hey, I'm not a new player, but I have always wondered about this issue. If I had a stack of 10 green stims, and the RE chance was 20%, is that percentage for the whole stack or individually? So if I RE'ed all 10 at once would it apply the percent chance to each stim, or the stack? Would I be better off RE'ing them one at a time or in bulk?
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It is individual; 20% chance per item in the stack.


As for what is better: On my biochem I would craft five of one thing, get five to seven and RE the stack and 95% of time I would get the schematic. The remaining 5% I would RE one at a time.

Edited by psandak
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From my point of view and experience stacking increases the chance to get schematic to 100%.... i always get new schematic when RE 5 stacks


Just from a statistical viewpoint (and assuming there's no hidden mechanic at work here), your chance of reverse engineering something with a 20% chance is not going to improve by RE'ing five items individually as opposed to a stack of five. Instead, you simply see the results of RE'ing all five at once as opposed to one at a time.


Assuming the following scenarios, here are your chances (assuming a 20% RE chance on each item):

RE stack of five = 100% - (80%^5) = 67.2% (approximate)


RE individual items:

RE 1st item = 20%

RE 2nd item = 36% chance (in other words, 100% - (80% chance of failure * 2 instances)

RE 2nd item = 48.8% chance (in other words, 100% - (80% chance of failure * 3 instances)

RE 2nd item = 59.0% chance (in other words, 100% - (80% chance of failure * 4 instances)

RE 2nd item = 67.2% chance (in other words, 100% - (80% chance of failure * 5 instances)


The former will seem to be more successful, in that you have a higher chance with one mouse click of achieving the result you're looking for, but from a practical standpoint, there is no difference in probability between RE'ing a stack of items and RE'ing the items individually.


Overall, I'd recommend RE'ing the items individual unless is really of the essence for you, as this provides for less wasted items. Succeed on the 3rd item and you can sell the other two, in other words. Of course, if you have no intention of selling the items and only want the materials back, by all means, RE the stack.

Edited by georgemattson
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