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Mysterous Skill


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As I was casually killing republics someone used active ability i believe where i was moving very very slowly for couple of seconds as if i shut down my engines, the debuff icon was purplish with ship on it. Now i searched all active skills and coudnt find it. The only one close to that is lockdown with 40% decrease speed but it has different icon. Any ideas what that was?
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Was it Servo Jammer? That icon is purple with a ship in it but it reduces maneuvering, not speed. Lockdown seems to be the only one that matches with a reduction in ship speed... unless you were affected by a missile or railgun's effects and didn't realize it?
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It couldn't be missile because i didn't hear the lock sound and don't remember taking dmg... I thought it might be servo jammer too but it has blueish icon. The debuff icon was very similar to In Your Sights Edited by Arcagrian
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Maybe you got hit by some gunship's uncharged ion cannon. When they don't charge their ion cannon, they barely do any damage, but still fully apply drain and slow.


Or, you were near a gunship when they used their interdiction drive - that one slows everyone nearby that gunship and boosts the gunship's own speed.


I don't believe it was lockdown or servo jammer, since lockdown, I believe, drains 40% engine power but does not slow, and servo jammer hurts your turning rates but does not slow.

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