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Ignoring mean you wont be grouped with said player?


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just started my daily grind on all my star fighters and had a player park at the base and afk the whole match. my question is since i now have that player on ignore will i no longer be matched with them on my team?



Edited by GooseGrims
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just started my daily grind on all my star fighters and had a player park at the base and afk the whole match. my question is since i now have that player on ignore will i no longer be matched with them on my team?




Had the same thing. Tried putting him on ignore. Next match there he is again. Seems people do this to get the daily rewards for completing two matches or winning one, no other reason I can think off. Sucks though.

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Works that way for the ground game, but not for GSF.


More specifically, it only works that way for the group finder (PvE). I don't believe /ignore has any effect on PvP queueing, ground or space.

Edited by Sharee
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My guess is that once full launch happens (in Feb) and all accounts have access, the ignore function blocking grouping will translate to GSF.


No reason to think that. It's never worked that way for PvP.


And given the way it would cripple creating groups, that's probably for thebest.


If someone's AFKing at the spawn point, report them. Don't just go on the scoreboard thoguh, as a total newb getting repeatedly murdered by good players could score zeroes. Be sure that you've watched them sat all game at your spawn.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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Get a post going on the suggestion forum. Gain good support and you have more chance of it being implemented.


Would be a bad feature.


If you haven't experienced the multiple times this has been brought up on the PvP forums, I can give you reasons if you want. For starters, work out what happens when you have 16 players queued, but one ****** has someone else ignored for no good reason. Then imagine it's a web of A has B ignored, and B has C ignored, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera...


Mainly, you get queued up in a group with one idiot, and you're subject to all his idiotic ignores.

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