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does it get better?


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ok guys fairly new player here when i started my mara lvls 1-30 i dominated in pvp and was having quite alot of fun but so far from 30 - 40 i feel like im paper thin and my burst is like a wet noodle i drop my pay load on someone and they just look at me like **** son is that all you got? i dont even need to use a medpac for that and i die 3 secs later. is this a gear thing? a bottom of the lvl bracket thing? im doin it wrong? or is it just this class gets left behind a little at end game.
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Sigh. I know the Mara Community is starting to hate me for this but I must direct you to the link below. You're not the minority. The rest of us just suffer in silence. Refusing to admit the mistake we made. Its like driving a sports car with four flat tires and refusing to pull over.



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lol so i decided to start lvling an assassin and the first warzone i did i was just mucking around getting a feel for the class and i topped the leader board most kills most pionts most medals guess theres my answer right there
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Ok, the reason you're not doing as well is that you're now up against guys who are level 30-54. Their skill trees are more or less maxed. They have their top tier talents and access to top talents in their skill trees that increase mitigation and damage potential. You'll find that when you get to around level 45 that you'll have more success. Also you're up against guys who are getting better at their class, not playing for fun and abandoning it after level 20 or whatever. They'll be more skilled because they've played it for longer


Also if you're PvPing on a Mara, spec into rage. It's made for warzones. Have some patience.

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or is it just this class gets left behind a little at end game.


:rolleyes: This again. Marauders are one of the top two dps classes in the entire game for both PVE and PVP. The other being the sniper.


Their potential at max level can not be surpassed by any other dps class. BUT you are not going to steamroll over the other classes. Marauders do not have an "I Win" button. You are a glass cannon. Mercs, powertechs, juggernauts, can kill you too.


Melee is harder to play than ranged, so in endgame PVE or PVP if you are finding less than stellar results with the marauder, it's not the class...It's You.


Either stick with it and try to improve by researching, altering your playstyle, or reroll until you find something that suits your playstyle.


I have a marauder as one of my 5 55 toons. It's not my main and never will be because it doesn't suit my playstyle.

It's fun to play once in a while, but I don't care for it enough to be my main.


I do not put up anywhere near the numbers with it that I do on my main ranged dps toon.


It's not the class, it's me.


I've fought with and against very skilled marauders in PVP, they're a wrecking ball when used correctly.


In PVE I run HM OPS with three marauders who have mastered they're class, they're invaluable.


Bottom line, in the right hands, marauders are one of the two best dps in the game, it's the player not the class that will determine your success.

Edited by CaulderBenson
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lol so i decided to start lvling an assassin and the first warzone i did i was just mucking around getting a feel for the class and i topped the leader board most kills most pionts most medals guess theres my answer right there


if you base your experience of a class at low levels and from a single warzone, you're gonna have a bad time :jawa_tongue:


ok guys fairly new player here when i started my mara lvls 1-30 i dominated in pvp and was having quite alot of fun but so far from 30 - 40 i feel like im paper thin and my burst is like a wet noodle i drop my pay load on someone and they just look at me like **** son is that all you got?


and you will face the SAME scenario once you level your Assassin. Like the previous poster said, it is all about class mastery. Don't give up on Marauders now, play around with the specs and don't be afraid. :D

Edited by Sarkos
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It's gets better trust me. I think it's very important to pick your targets.


My advice to you is try carnage. With carnage I can burst sometime down pretty quick . Don't just jump straight into the middle of a group of people. Pick off ranged classes one by one and harass healers. I normally start off with picking out healers while others initiate the fight first. Also pick out ranged classes. Start off with force charge> battered assault>gore>ravage>force scream. That rotation alone normally puts them down to below half hp. Thrown in a vicious slash, deadly throw, disruption etc while gore is on cool down. I always save ravage for a gore window.


You have plenty of defensive skills that help a lot if it's a close fight.


I have topped damage quite a few times and most times am in top 5 of damage and that's being in the 30-54 bracket. I was getting top damage in the 30s level. I'm not trying to show off or gloat. I'm just trying to give you a little hope :)

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