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Anyone else feel ship collision boxes are too large?


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A lot of times when I'm flying around I apparently hit things that I can tell that I obviously did not hit.


It feels like the collision box for ships is too tall and that you "collide" with things get too close to the top part of the ship.


For example, on control satellites, the colored wings that denote which team has control of the satellite are lined up two by two. With a little bit of skill you can pilot a fighter between these wings. However you can use these wings to perform a test to examine collision boxes on your ship.


If you approach the wing from above and attempt to squeeze between the gap from a shallow angle you will find it a lot easier to do as opposed to attempting the same maneuver from below. This leads me to conclude the the ship's collision box above the cockpit is taller and harder to estimate than the space under the ship.


Unfortunately this taller collision box is the source of a lot of grief for me since I like to perform a lot of quick maneuvers through obstacles to throw off people who tail me. But since I literally cannot see the collision box above my ship, I very often collide and self destruct on obstacles that I know for a fact should not have even grazed me.

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actually they are not to large, it is the illusion of seeing it from 3rd person that make you crash into things, you gotta calculate for it just a tiny bit and adjust in after it as well.


It is a trick of the eye basically, so you got to kind of be able to visualize the turn before turning, but in time you will learn how to scoot around without crashing into things, so no worries really just take your time.

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