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Gunships outrange and can blow up Capital ship turrets


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You can shoot on turrets on the opposite faction's ships. Is this working as intended? It can also be used by Gunships to increase their damage / dps for easy 10-30k damage medals.





Bug report forum post http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=7056325#post7056325

Edited by paowee
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It's really tough though and takes a ton of shots to finish one, not to mention there's about 6 per mother ship. I covered shock one round for giggles while he popped at one of the corner spawns. He was able to spend 95% of the match tapping the turrets but only got 3 down, and this was in a long round match where the scores were neck and neck since we weren't helping with point control (close to the 15 min mark).


So yeah, it's doable, but extremely unlikely that you'd ever manage to completely neuter a mothership in time to camp it or anything.

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