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Always More with Love :)


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Something/Anything to do in a Cantina other that having it be a nice place to log off. = Games to play, Crafting Player Booths to sell their stuff.


I would like for the Holoterminals on my ship to have some use at endgame like maybe giving me a list of daily quest to go on.

Also the escape pod on my ship should be usable by me without having a group member onboard waiting for me to go into space combat. Also the escape pod should have a short animation of a pod ejecting from my ship & give me a list of possible destinations to escape to instead of just loading me onto the Fleet...just a thought.


It would be the best thing in the world if I could replay my Class Story over & over as many times as I wanted to. I would love to go back as my lvl 55 all powerful self & get back at a few NPC's that gave me much grief. Or even see all possible outcomes from choosing different options. Or just to go back & be a complete Cocky @$#o!! to NPC's that talk down to me on beginner planets LOL! I think it would add a whole new element of fun to the game.


Give us a PVE Gear tab & a PVP Gear tab on our Character Sheet to easily switch back & forth whenever needed. If worried about something like people switching during PVP matches or anything of the sort just simply don't allow it like many other things not allowed. but give us a handy dandy tab while out of combat.


More Cargo Bay & Inventory Tabs please. I'm not sure if you're aware but you keep giving us more stuff AND I WANT IT ALL!!

I have a large mission items tab with few items in it.......sure could use the space.


A World Boss / Multiple World type bosses on Every Planet.

More Lore Objects.

More Datacrons.

More Random NPC's doing random things in random places.


Make it to where my Droid Companions Armor is not Bound to Motor/Sensor/Parts so that I can gear with my hand-me-downs Bound to Chest/Belt/Legs like ALL other companions. Droid companions get no love.


MORE SECRETS!!!! Examples & possible spoiler alerts!!! Things like more unique items like Czerka-crate-o-matic hidden all over the galaxy. There is a clickable Ancient Tomb on top of the gtn building in the outlaws den that nobody knows what it does. Oh I love the hidden boss unlocks for Dreadtooth drop/NiM TFB Hidden Boss drop/NiM S&V Hidden Boss. Things like the Tat water buff/Hoth water Freeze/Ilum Ghost/Magenta crystal. There are clickable bones/remains out in the middle of the desert what is this for? The Now famous Corellia Crystal/Ship Museum/+10 all stat datacron. I'm talking stuff like this I would love to see lots, lots more.


I love to explore.


Please stop playing the same songs on the fleet over & over again I have heard them all for a couple of years now & I think it might be driving me crazy. I would at least like more selection to choose from, like maybe add all the music in the game to be able to be selected & bought with a jukebox token instead of the same 8 short songs.


Day/Night cycles & Weather added to planets just to help player immersion & other role playing type things. Yes every little thing helps. I love the waterfalls & lava on Makeb & Oricon oh & the rain on Drumund Kaas is nice. Some more extreme weather is needed on Tatooine & Hoth, you know sand storms/snow storms.


As far as Day/Night goes maybe not have it go by the clock but have it be random on loading.


Not for Everybody but neither is GSF.

Instance Player Housing. Personal preference a nice place on Nar Shaddaa. I love Nar Shaddaa & it looks as if there are many places I could live.

Just think of all the Cartel Market Items you could sell for this.


Speaking of GSF I would get into it more if I could have the star fighter I spend lots of time building up & customizing actually sitting inside my ground game ship airlock. Like just have it sitting behind or to the side of my actual spaceship. If anything just so I could look at it.


Guild Ships are needed.


The Ability to add anything I have to Legacy Collections. I might want to create a new Main Character if only ALL THE STUFF THAT IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE IN THE GAME IS LOCKED ON A CHARACTER I MADE 2 YEARS AGO!!


Alteration Table on ships.


A look for being Light Side.

Neutral Player Rewards.


Quest Log needs to be able to hold more quests.


I would like have the option for more Quick slot bars. Maybe up to 10 of them. who cares if I use them or not the option if wanted should be there.


More Operations.

More Flashpoints.

More Planets.

More Skills.

More PVP Maps & Games.

More Playable Races.

More Companions.

More UI Customization Options.

More Events.

More Story.

More Everything of course.


I know that there is even more that i'm not thinking about right now & I know that you are already working on new things for the game. Thank You. I love this game & I believe it can be even better.




And Finally just for little-o-me please for freaking sake give the ship droids a main hand of any kind please so that I can fully gear all of my companions. I could care less if some not all people don't like them I believe that I as a Paying/Gaming/Player should have the option to choose what makes me happy. Just give them a second generator or something if you are worried about Lore.


Thank you for the suggestion box option. May the Force be with you.

Edited by MajinDeath
got some more
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A World Boss / Multiple World type bosses on Every Planet.


There are clickable bones/remains out in the middle of the desert what is this for?


I skimmed, but noticed these...


The bones in the desert, are you talking about Tatooine, Dune Sea? That's the world boss.


Also, there is a world boss on every planet, isn't there? Name a planet that doesn't have one? I've maybe overlooked one or two, but seems like they exist for every planet.

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Well for instance Hutta, Korriban, Ord Mantell, Corellia kinda has a World Boss Lucky, Coruscant, CZ-198 & Oricon even though they are Moons of sorts Ilum only has them during Gree Event. I'm just saying to have more permanent always walking around somewhere kinda World Boss that everyone would recognize as a World boss type NPC. Or just add more. It's just a suggestion. oh & Makeb.


Eh scratch CZ-198 it's way too small but if going there I might as well add other daily areas like Black Hole & Section X.


& no the bones I refer to in the dessert are not the Krayt Dragon or Trapjaw they are like human remains that you can click on but nothing happens other than a channel bar saying Examining. Might be possible future content, might be some sort of puzzle to solve like some of the other above Mentioned.

Edited by MajinDeath
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Well for instance Hutta, Korriban, Ord Mantell, Corellia kinda has a World Boss Lucky, Coruscant, CZ-198 & Oricon even though they are Moons of sorts Ilum only has them during Gree Event. I'm just saying to have more permanent always walking around somewhere kinda World Boss that everyone would recognize as a World boss type NPC. Or just add more. It's just a suggestion. oh & Makeb.


& no the bones I refer to in the dessert are not the Krayt Dragon or Trapjaw they are like human remains that you can click on but nothing happens other than a channel bar saying Examining. Might be possible future content, might be some sort of puzzle to solve like some of the other above Mentioned.


Could the bones be left over the Rakghoul event? I don't remember it very much because it was awhile ago, but I know there was an Infected Trapjaw that you had to kill for a title.

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I'm not sure.....maybe.....? but there are other items left sitting around that you can click on like the Ancient Tomb on top of the gtn building in the outlaws den that nobody knows what it does. I have read that it might have something to do with a so called Queen of Sands Boss but I do not know. People are trying to collect buffs & go click it to see if anything happens. I am suggesting that more secrets & puzzles be added to the game.
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Make it to where my Droid Companions Armor is not Bound to Motor/Sensor/Parts so that I can gear with my hand-me-downs Bound to Chest/Belt/Legs like ALL other companions. Droid companions get no love.



I like a lot of your suggestions, and this one in particular annoys me big time, along with weirdo weapon loadouts some companions have, melee using aim and using a barrel instead of a hilt in their staff, or if youre republic with HK you cant buy a knife.

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Could the bones be left over the Rakghoul event? I don't remember it very much because it was awhile ago, but I know there was an Infected Trapjaw that you had to kill for a title.


Just got to thinking about it & if memory serves the Infected Bosses during the Rakghoul Event were walking around all on their own without having to be spawned by clicking on something. So like I was saying before these clickable items I am speaking of just might have something to do with some sort of puzzle or secret like the crystal for the ghost spirit on ilum was once a secret. You would click on the crystal & examine it but nothing would happen until you went through the appropriate steps. More puzzles & secrets must be added I say.

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