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An in-depth look at combat: Savage Opress


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“This is not the work of a Sith Lord or a Jedi... but a reckless, impulsive animal. ~ Obi-Wan Kenobi


Height: 2.18 meters


Weight: 144.9 kilograms


Physicality: Imbued with the powerful magicks of the Nightsisters, Savage possesses incredible strength and durability. He was easily able to overwhelm accomplished lightsaber duelists through a series devastating power attacks, and he could endure considerable amounts of pain. And despite possessing a heavy build he retained a great deal of speed and agility. Savage also possessed elongated cranial horns which he could use to head-butt/impale opponents, and wore a special combat armour that was resistant to blaster bolts and caustic chemicals.




Melee Abilities


Savage received training in lightsaber combat from the legendary Count Dooku, which was later built upon through a combination of experience and training from his brother Darth Maul, also a highly accomplished duelist. With this kind of teaching and judging from his effectiveness in battle against various high profile adversaries we can assume that he was a fairly accomplished, yet notably unrefined duelist. The exact form he wielded is unknown, but he likely did not specialise, perhaps only receiving rudimentary training in basic moves and manoeuvres from Shii-Cho and/or Niman.


However he was an obvious advocate of the strong style, a broad term for the various applications of power dueling that focused primarily on powerful strikes designed to batter down an opponents defence. This puts him in considerably good stead against single opponents who he can devote all his energy to defeating, and combined with his remarkable physical strength he is devastatingly effective in application of the style.


Lightsaber: Savage wielded a double-bladed lightsaber, his ability in which was possibly influenced by previous skill with the Zhaboka – a double-bladed sword native to the Zabrak people. The weapon gives Opress considerable reach which ties well into the broad swings and strokes of the strong style. The surface area also gives him a more than adept defence against lightsaber attacks and blaster bolts, the latter of which he was skilled at deflecting.


Savage was also highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat going toe-to-toe (though was ultimately defeated by) Asajj Ventress. Post-ritual with increased strength his potency in this field likely increased considerably thanks to his inhuman strength, agility and endurance. And he often chained physical attacks into his lightsaber sequence.


Force Abilities


Savage’s Force abilities were rather rudimentary and he received little training in this field, however by way of his immense Force power his applications were incredibly potent.


Telekinesis: Opress possessed a fairly refined ability in this field, capable of Force choking, pushing and pulling. He was also however capable of extremely potent Force wave attacks that even powerful Force Users were incapable of resisting. Such abilities would complement his style by allowing him to stun and stagger opponents.


Force Speed: Savage has acquired a natural ability to augment his speed to tremendous levels. Capable of blitzing Padawans, Knights and Master's alike through superior speed augmented with devastating strength.


Force Rage: Opress was gifted at channeling his rage into physical ability, building on his already tremendous strength, speed and endurance and altogether making him all the more dominant in combat and difficult to kill.






As one might imagine Savage’s greatest strength is, his strength. Not only does he possess considerably potent physical ability but he is also a very powerful Force User, imbued with Nightsister magicks - that no doubt increased his capacity for rage. Savage channels all of that power into his physical strength, making him all the more dominating. On top of that he can absorb just as much damage as he can dish out, making him the perfect power duelist. He is also fairly flexible in his attacks, often chaining both Force pushes and physical strikes into his sequence to further stun and stagger his opponents and altogether making full use of his abilities.


His speed however should not be underestimated, and Savage puts this to good use when taking on inferior duelists, using his incredible speed to bypass his opponents defenses and apply his strength directly.


Savage’s preferable tactic however remains an all out charge in an attempt to batter down his opponent. Using his endurance to sustain attack and shrug of damage, before quickly tiring out and overwhelming them.




Savage’s weaknesses however are as equally potent, primarily his sloppy and often clumsy form. His abilities in lightsaber combat are far from refined and he uses very rudimentary slashing and swiping attacks, such attacks would be easily countered by his opponents and superior duelists would be able to outmanoeuvre him with little difficulty.


Furthermore Savage suffers from tunnel vision and often succumbs to baser instinct in the midst of heated combat, charging his opponents with little strategy or awareness and simply relying on his immense physical and Force-based strength to achieve victory. This only makes it easier for Savage to be outmaneuvered and outsmarted.




In many respects these weaknesses end up of no consequence, while on one hand his attacks are easily countered, Savage isn't trying to bypass his opponent’s defences, but batter them. In such a sense it is more preferable for his opponents to intercept and block his attacks each and every time, as it increases the likelihood of them being overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of impact. This argument can also be applied to his lack of refinement, a simply slash is all he needs to exert his ability, more complex moves and maneuvers are not required.


And in terms of his tunnel vision, this can act as a boon as much as a detriment – as it allows him to focus is rage and his power, and often in states of intense anger he can grow even more powerful and dominating.


Quotes, Clips and Scans


A demonstration of Savage’s strength, speed and agility which he uses to decimate a squadron of elite clone troopers as well as Jedi Padawan and Master.



Savage disarming Count Dooku with a single strike:




A demonstration of the potency of Savage’s Force Rage:




A demonstration of Savage’s ability in blast deflection, endurance and TK:




Savage overwhelms Jedi High Council member and the master of Soresu with ease:




A demonstration of Savage’s lack of respect for battle droids:




Thoughts: in comparison with other powerful Force wielders, Savage matches up remarkably well and at the fullest extent of his ability he would likely have become very powerful. Altogether he is not to be underestimated as he is among the most dominating, if not the most dominating, power-duelist currently in existence in Star Wars mythos.


If you’ve got any suggestions for future in-depths or any quotes, clips or scans to add feel free to post below. And as always thoughts and opinions are welcome. Also check out my previous installments in the index!

Edited by Beniboybling
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Not that I don't mind Opress, but I feel like TCW just kinda threw him together just to have another Force User in the show. He just kinda rubs on me like that kinda thing.


I kinda hope they don't do that with Rebels, ya the Inquistor is gonna be the big bad dude and everything but I mean aside from him.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Not that I don't mind Opress, but I feel like TCW just kinda threw him together just to have another Force User in the show. He just kinda rubs on me like that kinda thing.


I don't mind him, I just don't care for his name. A bit too cartoony, in my opinion.

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I don't mind him, I just don't care for his name. A bit too cartoony, in my opinion.
Well considering we have a Nightbrother called "Maul" and another called "Feral" I assume that the Nightsisters gave them these kinds of names. A tradition of sorts. Edited by Beniboybling
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Well considering we have a Nightbrother called "Maul" and another called "Feral" I assume that the Nightsisters gave them these kinds of names. A tradition of sorts.


Maybe it's just me or perhaps I missed something with TCW, but I never really understood why they had Maul connected with the Nightsisters. That just seemed kinda like an unnecessary thing, unless it was to introduce Savage?....But even so, I just didn't really see the need for it.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Maybe it's just me or perhaps I missed something with TCW, but I never really understood why they had Maul connected with the Nightsisters. That just seemed kinda like an unnecessary thing, unless it was to introduce Savage?....But even so, I just didn't really see the need for it.
The Nightsisters played a crucial role in the stories of Maul and Savage, so you can see why it would be important.
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  • 2 weeks later...

A bit of a necro, but I just thought I'd share my musing that Jedi of the PT Order were less physically capable than their OR era counterparts (buuurn!) - specifically those from the Great Galactic War period - which is why a duelist like Opress is more dominating in the PT era than power duelists such as Darth Malgus were during the OR period.


Its just a thought, but one would think that more extensive exposure to the harsh conditions of war, which would demand constant physical exertion, and frequent lightsaber combat, in comparison to a 'Golden Era' of peace which would demand little, let alone constant, physical exertion from the Jedi of the day, would produce more hardy warriors.


And then of course we have the armor, simply the act of wearing such a heavy piece of equipment would demand a great deal of physical exertion from the user, and increase muscle growth. The armor itself possibly being enhancing.


Just a thought, but I did think it curious that so many Jedi found Savage so difficult to handle, yet during the Great Galactic War we constantly see Jedi take on veritable power houses such as Malgus and others.

Edited by Beniboybling
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I wouldn't say the PT Jedi were physically less capable than the rest of the others. Anakin, Dooku, Mace and some others do have some pretty good strength feats. I mean a Jedi does need to be rather fit to...well be a Jedi, they can't be out of shape and expect to get by.


I would say really the Nightsister magic helps out Savage moreso. I mean the guy went 6 foot to 7 foot. Already Zabracks are physically strong, so couple that with the magic he recieved it's not that farfetched he would be able to get by with his strength.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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How necessary was that?
In light of the ever present OR-PT Jedi rivalry, and the fact that most people would take this as a challenge, very necessary. :p Come now, I could just substitute those words for "Oh no you di'int." :p Edited by Beniboybling
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I wouldn't say the PT Jedi were physically less capable than the rest of the others. Anakin, Dooku, Mace and some others do have some pretty good strength feats. I mean a Jedi does need to be rather fit to...well be a Jedi, they can't be out of shape and expect to get by.


I would say really the Nightsister magic helps out Savage moreso. I mean the guy went 6 foot to 7 foot. Already Zabracks are physically strong, so couple that with the magic he recieved it's not that farfetched he would be able to get by with his strength.

Well lets not confuse physical ability with Force Ability, fact is Dooku is a frail old man (OK so not that frail, but he is eighty) his strength comes from the Force, as likely does Anakin's and Kenobi's.


Of course they aren't out of shape, but I'd figure that given what the OR Jedi have undergone they would not be as strong. And while yes the Nightsister magick is a boon, one would think that if one possessed the Force Ability of one such as Malgus one would be able to match that somewhat. I personally think the PT Jedi would struggle against him.

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Well lets not confuse physical ability with Force Ability, fact is Dooku is a frail old man (OK so not that frail, but he is eighty) his strength comes from the Force, as likely does Anakin's and Kenobi's.


Of course they aren't out of shape, but I'd figure that given what the OR Jedi have undergone they would not be as strong. And while yes the Nightsister magick is a boon, one would think that if one possessed the Force Ability of one such as Malgus one would be able to match that somewhat. I personally think the PT Jedi would struggle against him.


You can't really separate the two, but they all have shown good physical ability. As for the PT Jedi struggling against Malgus? Depends on who is facing him, but yeah...now.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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In light of the ever present OR-PT Jedi rivalry, and the fact that most people would take this as a challenge, very necessary. :p Come now, I could just substitute those words for "Oh no you di'int." :p


It didn't seem necessary to me.


But as to the issue at hand, I would advise reading through some Clone War era material. I know you don't want to, but it would benefit your view to do so. "One must study the EU in all its aspects, not just the dogmatic, narrow view of the Old Republic." :p

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A bit of a necro, but I just thought I'd share my musing that Jedi of the PT Order were less physically capable than their OR era counterparts (buuurn!) - specifically those from the Great Galactic War period - which is why a duelist like Opress is more dominating in the PT era than power duelists such as Darth Malgus were during the OR period.


Its just a thought, but one would think that more extensive exposure to the harsh conditions of war, which would demand constant physical exertion, and frequent lightsaber combat, in comparison to a 'Golden Era' of peace which would demand little, let alone constant, physical exertion from the Jedi of the day, would produce more hardy warriors.


And then of course we have the armor, simply the act of wearing such a heavy piece of equipment would demand a great deal of physical exertion from the user, and increase muscle growth. The armor itself possibly being enhancing.


Just a thought, but I did think it curious that so many Jedi found Savage so difficult to handle, yet during the Great Galactic War we constantly see Jedi take on veritable power houses such as Malgus and others.


Im going to agree. Not only is your war analysis correct, but the fighting styles were vary different. the form of choice during the starting days of the clone wars was Niman, as it was viewed as a more diplomatic form of combat. Niman was a lightsaber form of moderation, not having any specific weaknesses or strengths. However, it was not suited for battlefield type combat as every Niman practitioner died during the battle of Geonosis Arean.


I guess Savage held an advantage because of the way the Jedi had become complacent. Any Jedi without exceptional lightsaber training would have a disadvantage.

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It didn't seem necessary to me.


But as to the issue at hand, I would advise reading through some Clone War era material. I know you don't want to, but it would benefit your view to do so. "One must study the EU in all its aspects, not just the dogmatic, narrow view of the Old Republic." :p

Hey, stop raining on my fun. :D


But yeah, I'm sure that the PT Jedi have so impressive strength feats, but that wouldn't refute my theory. I'm not saying that the PT Jedi are weak, just less strong overall than their OR counterparts whom I'm sure have impressive feats too.

You can't really separate the two. I'm betting a great deal of OR Jedi enhance their physical capabilities with the Force.
While true I'd either have to accept that Opress is just super powered or that the OR Jedi are overall more powerful Force Users - I don't support either of those perspectives, so I'm putting it down to physical ability.
Actually even without The Force, they have shown to have good physical ability. As for the PT Jedi struggling against Malgus? Depends on who is facing him, but yeah...now.
See the above.
Im going to agree. Not only is your war analysis correct, but the fighting styles were vary different. the form of choice during the starting days of the clone wars was Niman, as it was viewed as a more diplomatic form of combat. Niman was a lightsaber form of moderation, not having any specific weaknesses or strengths. However, it was not suited for battlefield type combat as every Niman practitioner died during the battle of Geonosis Arean.


I guess Savage held an advantage because of the way the Jedi had become complacent. Any Jedi without exceptional lightsaber training would have a disadvantage.

Yes and no, I'm sure that a certain level of complacency (or simply less focus on lightsaber combat orientated styles) crept in over those centuries of peace, this isn't the case for all the PT Jedi. Many higher level masters and especially those of the Jedi Council remained highly accomplished duelists skilled in forms geared towards lightsaber combat.


Many of which, such as Anakin, Kenobi and Adi Gallia, Savage fought.


But maybe that had a part to play when Savage ROFLstomped those Jedi on Devaron.

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Im going to agree. Not only is your war analysis correct, but the fighting styles were vary different. the form of choice during the starting days of the clone wars was Niman, as it was viewed as a more diplomatic form of combat. Niman was a lightsaber form of moderation, not having any specific weaknesses or strengths. However, it was not suited for battlefield type combat as every Niman practitioner died during the battle of Geonosis Arean.


I guess Savage held an advantage because of the way the Jedi had become complacent. Any Jedi without exceptional lightsaber training would have a disadvantage.


No, Niman was not the 'Form of choice' for Jedi. It was chosen by Jedi who did not expect to be apart of combat very often.


And the Jedi had not become complacent. Several sources deny this assumption.

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Hey, stop raining on my fun. :D


But yeah, I'm sure that the PT Jedi have so impressive strength feats, but that wouldn't refute my theory. I'm not saying that the PT Jedi are weak, just less strong overall than their OR counterparts whom I'm sure have impressive feats too.


Well, it's difficult to say. Using your examples of Malgus and Savage, I think both would do well if their positions would be switched.


While true I'd either have to accept that Opress is just super powered or that the OR Jedi are overall more powerful Force Users - I don't support either of those perspectives, so I'm putting it down to physical ability.


Well, then it's difficult to sort this out.

Edited by Aurbere
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Well, it's difficult to say. Using your examples of Malgus and Savage, I think both would do well if their positions would be switched.
Well I personally believe that Malgus has proven himself capable of many of the strength feats that Savage has shown himself able to be, and given that Malgus could be challenged even by a Padawan I'd say that Savage wouldn't have such a dominating track record.
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Well Beni according to his profile, it does say that the Nightsister magic made Savage inhumanly strong. Which seems about right considering his durability, and the fact he could shrug off a lot of things. Which seems right as Savage is mostly reliant on his strength/body than his skill, compared to others anyhow. Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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No, Niman was not the 'Form of choice' for Jedi. It was chosen by Jedi who did not expect to be apart of combat very often.


And the Jedi had not become complacent. Several sources deny this assumption.


When I said complacent, I meant that many Jedi of the time had chosen not to heed the warnings of the then Jedi Dooku. He had tried to warn the Council that the Sith still existed and they didn't listen.


As for the Niman thing it might not have been the form of choice, but most of the Jedi of that time period never expected to have to fight a war. Thus they practiced a form that suited their needs during that time period. The majority of Jedi had at least some knowledge of Niman, its what was used during that time. Now that changed once the Clone Wars started, but prior to that there was no need to practice the more aggressive forms. Although many Jedi still choose to.

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