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Hiding inside the Turret


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So here is the title explained:


I've witnessed (gunships mostly), hiding their ships within the Turret. This effectively "Shields" then. You cannot damage them unless you kill the turret. You can target them, but the damage still gets absorbed by the turret. Meanwhile they have a little extra "Buffer" to get their snipe off.



I'm sure everyone has thoughts on this. . . Let it begin.

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Can you fly into a turret, or do you need to be there when it spawns?


I think you can fly into the turret. I know I've flown through them well after they've spawned (although I've never attempted to stop while inside them, that's just cheap).


Hopefully if the devs don't make them solid they'll do something that prevents any weapons from being fired while inside a turret.

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I've recently started seeing this from some pub players on Shadowlands, and it's really annoying. Another thing I didn't even think of trying since one would imagine this shouldn't be possible.


I typically run gunship, and gunship-gunship duels tend to be based on situational awareness. I usually see satellite guards that try this first, but I have to take a half-charged slug shot to take out the turret cover, and then target the gunship. If I didn't have to do that, I could two-shot the gunship and then kill the turrets at leisure.

Edited by Fractalsponge
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I fly straight through turrets all the time...the first time, naturally, was by accident, but IMAGINE MY SURPRISE when I just flew through the thing like it wasn't there. I think that would qualify as a serious "***?", if not a "bug".

What I HATE about this thread is that it is pointing out that hiding in a turret can be done, so now every frigging gunship is going to DO it.


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I fly straight through turrets all the time...the first time, naturally, was by accident, but IMAGINE MY SURPRISE when I just flew through the thing like it wasn't there. I think that would qualify as a serious "***?", if not a "bug".

What I HATE about this thread is that it is pointing out that hiding in a turret can be done, so now every frigging gunship is going to DO it.



I look at it one of two ways. 1) Its a bug that should be fixed or 2) Its a tactic that is accepted and will be used.


Either way, Posting it on the forums fits

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I agree it seems pretty lame, I've stopped inside the turret myself to see whats up. It works kinda, if you;re all the way inside you really can't see everything around you because of the wonky camera breakage. You should always tab target near a turret to see if there is a hider. If you fly around behind them they can't see you unless they leave the turret.
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Take a closer look at those gunships. They are flown by bad players and are almost always horizontal. If you get above them a good height, nuke the turret first, that gunship is an easy kill. Just fire off missiles or whatever to get the turret down fast, then get those blasters going.


Watch when you do it. The gunship panics like hell. It's pretty funny.

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Take a closer look at those gunships. They are flown by bad players and are almost always horizontal. If you get above them a good height, nuke the turret first, that gunship is an easy kill. Just fire off missiles or whatever to get the turret down fast, then get those blasters going.


Watch when you do it. The gunship panics like hell. It's pretty funny.


And how, exactly, do you know that those gunships are flown by "bad players"? What's your reasoning? I personally think that hiding in a turret is lame, but that doesn't make it a "bad" tactic...actually, since it effectively increases both the gunships armor and hitting power, by adding both from the turret, it's a GOOD tactic. Just because I don't LIKE it doesn't make it "bad". Just annoying to ME.

So is your reasoning that YOU wouldn't do it, and you are a "good" player, therefore anyone who would do it must be a "bad" player?

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And how, exactly, do you know that those gunships are flown by "bad players"? What's your reasoning? I personally think that hiding in a turret is lame, but that doesn't make it a "bad" tactic...actually, since it effectively increases both the gunships armor and hitting power, by adding both from the turret, it's a GOOD tactic. Just because I don't LIKE it doesn't make it "bad". Just annoying to ME.

So is your reasoning that YOU wouldn't do it, and you are a "good" player, therefore anyone who would do it must be a "bad" player?


Because a good GS player does not need to hide inside a turret. Plus those GS's are a one hit kill for most scouts due to them having no 'gear' or skillset. Why are you defending the tactic anyway. Sure, its a legitimate one, but just because i described the easiest way to deal with them, you start going off on a tangent as if its a personal attack?


You dont do it do you? ;)

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