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BioWare, could we get clarification on some of these stats?


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It would be nice if we could get an official response clarifying some the stats in GSF, as right now, some are less than clear.


1) Evasion. What exactly does it do? I've always been under the impression that it was essentially a straight reduction in accuracy, but some people are claiming it effects the tracking penalty. My only anecdotal evidence is that when I pop Distortion Field (which gives a bonus to evasion), I never get hit by blaster fire, even when going head-to-head (so the enemy shouldn't have any tracking penalty).


2) Pitch/Yaw. It's clear what these represent (maneuverability) and how they impact gameplay (bigger numbers are better), but the tooltip numbers don't make any sense. The default numbers are all less than 2 degrees per second, which seems to imply it would take 180 seconds to make a full 360 degree turn, which obviously doesn't make sense.

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Well, evasion would affect tracking penality in the way that tracking penality lowers the attacker's accuracy. As for head-to-head situations, if you already have a fair amount of passive evasion, the bonus from DF gives you enough evasion to avoid pretty much everything in the 5000-3000 range for 3 to 6 seconds (depending on the T4 upgrade).


For pitch/yaw, yes, I actually made a post about this. I'm guessing it should be 100 times more. Also, the distances are off (it should be 10 times less) and attacker objectives seem completely broken.

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