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Possible hack?


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I have noticed (not often but once in a while) that some ships are teleporting randomly within a small area the entire time I am trying to get a lock or fire on them. I was wondering if it was some type of lag issue but it was only happening with the one ship, none of the others. I've seen this at least 3-4 times now which isn't a lot considering how much I play but it has been concerning that there may be a defensive hack preventing others from targeting them. If this has something to do with lag on the ship that is teleporting around then maybe the way lag is handled could be looked at?


Just curious and overall I'm enjoying the space missions, win, lose, or wall :)



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The only thing I have seen that raised my eyebrow was a scout with seemingly endless afterburner.


I was flying my Blackbolt at the time, which I have configured for maximum burn time. We were attacking this guy when he tries to burn off, so I set after him with a full tank. I chase him forever, activated my booster recharge, and still ran out of fuel before he did. I then sat there at normal speed and watched as he boosted around for another 15 seconds (at least!).


I have been trying to figure out how he configured his ship to do that ever since.

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The only thing I have seen that raised my eyebrow was a scout with seemingly endless afterburner.


I was flying my Blackbolt at the time, which I have configured for maximum burn time. We were attacking this guy when he tries to burn off, so I set after him with a full tank. I chase him forever, activated my booster recharge, and still ran out of fuel before he did. I then sat there at normal speed and watched as he boosted around for another 15 seconds (at least!).


I have been trying to figure out how he configured his ship to do that ever since.


His booster recharge is probably upgraded to the max, he might have had the shield to booster power converter, and booster capacity upgrades. Maybe he also used barrel roll a lot, which would make him move real fast for really low cost.

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When I saw the first few teleporting ships they would only do it for a few seconds then were normal, so I figured it was lag on their side or a very bad computer.


But then I saw a couple of people that lagged the entire match and were next to impossible to kill, I started to think that there was something fishy going on. But then I saw their scores after the match, they shot down nobody had very poor damage and still died a few times, so I think its still just lag and if it is a hack its a stupid one.

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No barrel rolls witnessed. I have my prop mods maxed too, but I don't have Shield to Boost converter, so maybe that was it. He outlasted me by a good margin.


That, and it also depends on the choices... If you choose engine regeneration instead of engine capacity (like I do), you don't get that much from the boost recharge, but if that guy had stuff in booster capacity and the boost recharge with the perk that adds 20% engine energy instantly, he can easily gain tons of engine power using some abilities.

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