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Echani Mercenary Looking for Heavy RP Guild


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OOC Information:



Hello all! I've been playing swtor since launch, however I took a brief break and have recently returned to the game. I have been RPing for several years and that is my primary focus within the game. I have officer experience, though don't expect to take such a position unless it is needed.


Anyways, I hope to hear from an awesome guild that I can find RP with daily and just enjoy being a part of this awesome world.



IC Information:


Name: Yeldai Mahreel


Class: OOCly Jedi Shadow


Sex: Male


History: Yeldai was born on the planet of Eshan ten years before the Treaty of Coruscant. For much of his long life he spent his time learning the martial style of his people and experiencing the love of his family. For his tenth birthday, his family decided to visit the Capital of the Republic. During their time on the planet, the Sack occured. In the Sack, Yeldai lost his parents and siblings to the Sith. He would be taken in by his Uncle, who was a bounty hunter. Yeldai would spend the next fourteen years with his Uncle, learning the skills of his people and the life of a mercenary. At twenty-four years of age, his Uncle was killed in a brawl. Selling his Uncle's possession, Yeldai is somewhat adrift as he tries to find purpose. OOCly, while the class is a shadow, I wear battle armor and wield the cathar warstaff. Yeldai is not ICly force sensitive, merely ingenious with technology.

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Jasuke / Yeldai:


In a similar situation to yours. I've been in the game since launch, took a break for a while, came back four months ago and didn't find a good RP experience so I focused on PvP for a while.


Just hooked up with a couple of old buddies from launch who started a new RP guild. The three of us were all officers in one of Lord Adraas' most successful and respected RP guilds -- House Vasta -- back in the bad old days. We've also picked up a few very good RPers in the past couple of weeks even though we aren't really planning to get going until the new year.


Come check us out or talk to us in-game. I can promise you two things:

  1. The RP will be of very high quality
  2. The RP won't be the same ol, same ol


We've got some folks here who pride themselves on very unique characters with tons of depth. I am Akeso -- the Jedi non grata who thinks the Jedi Code is a load of BS. ;):D And our guild lore / backstory would fit extremely well with what you have written up in the post above.


We're just getting rolling and ready for a big push in events, storyline and recruiting after the holidays, so now would be a great time to talk to us, see if you fit, and if you join us get in as the main lines we will follow are being developed.


Regardless of where you go -- good luck from another RPing Founder. :)


Circle of Ashla

Circle of Ashla Lore

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Sounds awesome. I'll friend Akeso and put in an application on the Circle's Site. I'd seen Ashla advertised, but had yet to really look into it. Sounds like a great group of people.


Just curious, but what times are people usually on?

Edited by Jasuke
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We have quite a few people in Central and Western so traffic tends to be heavier from 9pm ET to midnight. But as I said, we're just getting ramped up so don;t expect to see a ton of folks yet -- I think we had seven on at once last night for a new record. ;)
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