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Avenced overkill aug or advenced fortıtude aug


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Looks ilke overkill aug has more power (20 end 32 power) but i am getting more Good results wıth fortıtude augments (32 end 20 power) anybody tested anda confirme thıs any ıdea ?


Seeing as Marauders are strictly DPS and not tanks, I have no idea why you would ever even consider using Fortitude Augments (on a side note, I don't see why any tank other than in PVP would use those). Your job is to do damage that is it. As a result, your augment choices are the Might Augment 28 (32 Str + 20 End) or Overkill (32 Power + 20 End). Maths done numerous times by KeyboardNinja, Oofalong and a few others has shown that strictly speaking, the Might Augment will allow for higher damage. However, one thing to note is that Overkill Augments will allow for slightly more consistency from fight to fight. In the end, the choice is up to you but your only choice is between Might and Overkill Augments.

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The only Augments you should be remotely thinking about are Overkill, (insert Crit over End Augment name Here), and Might Augments. The crit Augments are strictly for Anni, because of it's crit use.


Just no. In no way, shape or form should anyone use Crit Augments ever. Mainstat or Power are the only options and at that, Power is losing in terms of raw dps output to Mainstat.

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Umm, yes. Crits for Anni A. Are Healing to yourself and B. Make Rage management easyer.


No, Kaos Kid, when it comes to augments Power or Strength are superior choices to critical rating. While it's true that overall critical chance is important for Annihilation, augments should either be Overkill or Might.

Edited by oofalong
too harsh
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No, Kaos Kid, when it comes to augments Power or Strength are superior choices to critical rating. While it's true that overall critical chance is important for Annihilation, augments should either be Overkill or Might.


True, Might does give crit along with power. Was having a bit of a mind derp... I still need to figure out how to change my forum name.. I didn't make this forum name, the forums just game the name to me... I want it to be Skiptrace cause that's my first toon's name... But I guess I cant change forum names...

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