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Exfiltrate/Scamper is still broken


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I don't usually create new threads about existing bugs that already have their own threads in the bug report forum, but I noticed that this has not yet been (re)added to the Known Issues.


It's not fixed.

It's still broken.


I've had this happen to me 3-4 times in the past week alone (even before the latest patch so it's not a 2.5.1 issue).


It's happened to me three times in Huttball - twice on my Operative and just now on my Scoundrel and all three times I was stuck in place after an Overload/Force Wave and yes I was permanently stuck not rooted, because there were no ccs on me and after I couldn't move for more than 10 secs I just left the games.


It also happened to me once in Ancient Hypergates, while waiting for the door to open in the spawning area. I used exfiltrate once to get closer to the door and after that I couldn't move. And, obviously, there are no knockbacks, roots or any type of CC in the spawning area so I don't even know how that happened.


Amber, can you please add it back to the Known Issues thread?


I realize not every bug can get 100% fixed the first time around, but this is kind of important since we literally have no choice but to leave the game and it's been around for quite some time now.


And at least acknowledging that you are working on fixing it would be something.


Thank you

Edited by TheNahash
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