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Solo queue needs to be separate with group one.


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Just name of the topic. Its pretty simple - if a good pre-made group is on one side - its "auto win" or "auto lose", if on both sides - its in fact premade vs. premade, other ppl is just dont matter. Especially if they are in voice comms. So it isnt any fun to play. Especially when game pits you against same group for the 5th time in a row. The GSF relies heavily on teamwork, and as such PUGs dont stand a chance vs. teams.


I understand that "hardcore" players would come here and post like "join a good guild and fly premade yourself", but i DONT need a second job like "be online at given time". I'm a casual player who wants to play againist same level of opposition, and with the same level of "wingmen". And while a week before it was possible and fun, now it isnt.

Edited by Mad_yojik
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Just name of the topic. Its pretty simple - if a good pre-made group is on one side - its "auto win" or "auto lose", if on both sides - its in fact premade vs. premade, other ppl is just dont matter. Especially if they are in voice comms. So it isnt any fun to play. Especially when game pits you against same group for the 5th time in a row. The GSF relies heavily on teamwork, and as such PUGs dont stand a chance vs. teams.


I understand that "hardcore" players would come here and post like "join a good guild and fly premade yourself", but i DONT need a second job like "be online at given time". I'm a casual player who wants to play againist same level of opposition, and with the same level of "wingmen". And while a week before it was possible and fun, now it isnt.

There are several threads and posts in yet another threads about the (currently problematic) matchmaking. I bolded out one part which I'd like to talk about more. At this moment, separating solo and group queues wouldn't help much, since the GSF player pool is too small. My own experience is the same, 90% against the same opponents - 2 Gunship/1 Scout/1 Strike Fighter premade, sworn Gunship players with fully upgraded Ion railgun, and very good Scout/Strike Fighter players who get 10+ kills per match. What was a wonderful experience in the beginning is masochistic chore now - 2 matches for the daily and out.


The only thing I can say is, wait until GSF becomes available for preferred/F2P, and pray that there will be an actual matchmaking then.

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There are several threads and posts in yet another threads about the (currently problematic) matchmaking. I bolded out one part which I'd like to talk about more. At this moment, separating solo and group queues wouldn't help much, since the GSF player pool is too small. My own experience is the same, 90% against the same opponents - 2 Gunship/1 Scout/1 Strike Fighter premade, sworn Gunship players with fully upgraded Ion railgun, and very good Scout/Strike Fighter players who get 10+ kills per match. What was a wonderful experience in the beginning is masochistic chore now - 2 matches for the daily and out.


The only thing I can say is, wait until GSF becomes available for preferred/F2P, and pray that there will be an actual matchmaking then.


I was flying against an IMP premade on Pot5 yesterday with that exact combo. Two premades each flying 2xGunship, 1xScout, 1xSF. It was literally impossible to get out of the spawn area.


Once the game is released in full, this will need to be remedied. Premades on voice chat (or even guild chat) ARE a strategic advantage the other team can't come close to. Anyone who denies that is delusional.

Edited by Arkerus
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They've done it with Warzones, why can't they do it in GSF!






Honestly, any time someone gets wasted, they swear-to-gawd it was a premade.


Probably because, like bioware have already said, GSF is in its minimal form to ensure it works out right. Thats why hardly any subs queue. They are using the first month and a half as a live beta test. When F2p players join in, they switch everything on. Including queues and matchmaking. Right now, if you split solo and premade queues, you would rarely eve see a queue pop.

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They've done it with Warzones, why can't they do it in GSF!






Honestly, any time someone gets wasted, they swear-to-gawd it was a premade.


Well every time some team gets owned with absolutely no chance of winning its matchmaking problem IMO....

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What is happening and it will drive a wedge in the population is one side overwhelming destroys the other side and this is causing people to be turned off from playing. It's the same people queing in and facing time and time again and eventually people will get disgusted with it. Problem is if and when the preferred and the free to play people are added into the pool, how with that affect game play? Obviously if they are thrown into the majority pool they will get destroyed by the people that have had one to two months on them.


Then there is the how many matchs will they be able to play per week which then leads back to the small pool size after the intial weekly daily quest is completed. While it is nice to have a different avenue of game, currently it very frustrating. Hopefully some new maps will change the tactics, but until then we are left guessing and frustration as sides become lop-sided.

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Believe it or not if someone just takes lead of a team of randoms the results can be pretty stunning. I was fighting what I suspect was a premade, they reacted really quickly to our moves which suggests they were probably on coms. By giving orders you can generally move your team around and while we did lose the match was something like 960 to 730 when we ran out of time. The level of coordination the other team showed would have dominated an uncoordinated team and yet there we were in a very close match.


I know it's anecdotal and all but it does work pretty well to coordinate in the limited way that built in.

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