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Corellian Run Radio Christmas Guild Wishlist


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Hello everyone in the SWTOR community!

This week's Community Checkpoint article is all about guilds and their thoughts on SWTOR during the past two years, the direction the game is headed and things guilds in the community are looking for in the future.


Although the article has been written and published, it is our hope at Corellian Run Radio that other guilds will add their responses to the questions found in the article and listed below here. If we continue to submit our constructive ideas and opinions to BioWare, they are bound to hear the guilds, the backbone of the SWTOR community! Please take some time and read through the article and also add your guild's constructive responses in this thread!


Thanks and from us all at Corellian Run Radio, have a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! :rak_03:



Questions from the Christmas Guild Wishlist article:

Christmas Guild Q&A

Tell us your name, your guild, what faction and server?


How has SWTOR progressed in the past two years?

What are your feelings about the current Guild Rewards program? What would you like to see changed and/or added?


What has been the best and worst moment for SWTOR?


Since this is a “Christmas” guild Q&A, what is one thing you would like to see BioWare put under the tree this next update, next expansion and next year for the SWTOR, especially relating to guilds?


Jason Taylor

staff writer for Corellian Run Radio

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