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Crew Loadouts for specific Ships


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Okay, so since I haven't seen any real suggestions/guides for crew loadouts for different ship models.


Mind you, it'll probably change as soon as the Pref. access hits, along with all the new ship models. And then again, when the Bomber hits (pun intended)


So far, as I've played-



- Inquisitor, with Khem as copilot, and Ashara and Andro in their respective spots, but with GSF crew for the other two slots, since I didn't unlock all the companions yet. (Default ship)



- Warrior, with Vette as copilot, and all the other ground crew in their respective slots, since I have all the companions from the story

- Smuggler, with my tactical ground companion (is that Guss or Risha?), again with all companions from story in their respective spots


Strike: N/A, this is where I really need the help. I'm total crap with only Qyzen's passive buff on my Sage, but I also tried with the three classes I have full crew with, along with my Inquisitor, who has Revel, Ashara, and Khem.


Any more suggestions from devs or vet testers?

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Probably aren't many crew member guides yet because either answers can be obvious, or it would have to be incredibly exhaustive. Because your crew members are going to change completely depending on what you set as your ship's purpose. Which strike fighter? If you use the missile boat, reduction on cooldowns and increased ammunition are your top passives to aim for.


Dogfighter? You'll probably want increased turning speed - and perhaps increased accuracy and tracking. Choose your crew members based on what strengths you want. Or go more rounded and use them to shore up weaknesses. The main fault I see here is you are selecting your crew entirely based on your character roster. If you want to be as effective as you can possibly be, check ALL crew bonuses out, then plan to build up fleet requisition to purchase those crew members if you don't get them in the ground game. And don't immediately sideline your GSF crew. Their bonuses can be as good or better than the ground game crew depending on the situation.

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I primarily fly a Flashfire on my Smuggler. Until recently, I used all companions in their spots, picking Risha for the optional in the Engine core. Akaavi Spar was in the copilot seat.


Recently, I picked up Qyzen Fess from the Consular lineup to take over Offensive. I've also thought about testing him in the copilot seat.


I'm also looking at switching up my Engines companion, picking up someone from a different crew for that slot. I haven't settled on that yet, though, and Risha is honestly fine there. I'm just thinking about a further edge for my flying style.

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