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Gunship: Why Use Ion Cannon?


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It also drains blaster and booster pools. Later on you can make this AoE and also prevent regen for six seconds, effectively shutting entire groups of enemies down. Ontop of this, it is autohit on all other targets within the AoE if it lands on your main target, and does not require a charge up to apply its debuff. This also ignores LoS and terrain. You can shoot a turret infront of a satellite, and hit all three enemies hiding on the other side. In fact that is a good strat to flush them out as it does do around 500 hull damage each time, so you can eventually kill them with it. I believe the AoE range is around 5k in every direction around the target hit. It is the most powerful overall weapon of the three.


Is it going to be nerfed? Of course it is. For now though, it is the single most powerful ability any player can bring to the field to turn the tide in your teams favour.

Edited by Tentou
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