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Someone needs to organize the good pugs and solostars


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never saw you in ranked stop acting like the only one playing it, so glad to leave this game in which everyone has something to say about the game dying yet none of them are ever in my group ranked matches.


Come back my freind, get a team and queue up. We will glady verse you. You can verse your BFF bobcows too

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I probably fall into the category of regstars that dont really do arenas... Despite wanting to.


For me the main reason I didn't really do Arenas (solo or team) is that I was just too busy. I'd be lucky to get 1 night a week to play SWTOR and for those I would just play with 1 good friend of mine and we would just take it easy and chill out and wreck those regs. Sadly you can't que for arenas as a group of 2, else we would be doing that all night.


Other thing is that my friends dont really want to do ranked arenas, and I guess Id rather spend time with friends while they are still around this game and have fun with them than do solo que. Past the first couple days arenas were out, just didn't get to play much period even though I would have loved to do arenas.


The problem for 4v4s is most of the people I played with were gone already. I was hoping Lukewarm Tauntauns would come back and they did for all of 2 nights... And of my regular PVP group only 1 other person resubbed. Arenas just came too late, in the first half of this year we would have had a KILLER 4v4 team, we had been playing as a group of 4 for a year and a half and even moved on to other MMOs together but arenas simply came too late for us. Same thing with our attempt to revive the Jawa Bunny Ranch, we rocked the regs with our 3 and 4 man teams but would never have been able to get 8 for rated, Not saying we would have been the best at arenas but we had excellent synergy together. If arenas were out a few months earlier we could have had a ton of fun with that. Too little, too late from BW.


Now when I finally might have some time to actually play Im hearing that its dying if not dead and queues are slow. How very, very disappointing...


I'd still definitely like to do some arenas though. If anyone would like a very experienced Assassin (tank, hybrid, or DPS) or Juggenaut (also tank, hybrid or DPS) let Adraaj know when Im on... Which still isn't that much but at least I get some time to play now that its Christmas break.

Edited by Z-ToXiN
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I'm tired of sitting on fleet for nonexistent solo ranked pops and my guildmates/friends are either MIA or unwilling to queue against DP so let's try this:


I'm willing to take on any relatively geared geared player (at very least min/max conq) of a semi-viable class that doesn't fall into one of these three categories:

1) Is a dbag

2) Is garbage at the game

3) Is in a queue-syncing guild (see #2)

But when i ask if you wanna queue, your main guys aren't online. This is almost the same excuse everytime. If you want ranked to come back, guilds like these needs to sent their high heads abit lower, if you want to be the best agian your not ganna get it by sitting their making excuses and not queueing.


Aka not these people


If you fit the criteria and are interested in learning about/getting some group ranked going whisper Wakalord/Wakasoperative on imp side. I'd love to get some skilled and consistent players together for more frequent ranked games.


I'll be on later tonight

Edited by EatenByDistance
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I'm tired of sitting on fleet for nonexistent solo ranked pops and my guildmates/friends are either MIA or unwilling to queue against DP so let's try this:


I'm willing to take on any relatively geared geared player (at very least min/max conq) of a semi-viable class that doesn't fall into one of these three categories:

1) Is a dbag

2) Is garbage at the game

3) Is in a queue-syncing guild (see #2)



Aka not these people


If you fit the criteria and are interested in learning about/getting some group ranked going whisper Wakalord/Wakasoperative on imp side. I'd love to get some skilled and consistent players together for more frequent ranked games.


I'll be on later tonight


shush kid no one cares waka is a horrid rapper it's embarrassing to dedicate all yours toons to him, I've seen you in two ranked games, you had broxx and guda carrying you and we still whiped you guys in ~ 60 seconds and I was with my reg warzone buddies LOL

Edited by PacifismActivist
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shush kid no one cares waka is a horrid rapper it's embarrassing to dedicate all yours toons to him, I've seen you in two ranked games, you had broxx and guda carrying you and we still whiped you guys in ~ 60 seconds and I was with my reg warzone buddies LOL


if anything. waka was the one carrying us lol or at least me. I was new to tanking during that time.

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i think waka hates rap and listens to super turbo insanity death metal...so i dont think his name is in reference to the rapper...but i could be wrong...


but it'd be the first time so i doubt it.


come play wow with me and liz. I moved my sorc to pot5 and solo ranked pops super quick, but only got 22 days of sub left and already got a level 10 panda warrior

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come play wow with me and liz. I moved my sorc to pot5 and solo ranked pops super quick, but only got 22 days of sub left and already got a level 10 panda warrior


You playing wow now, rofl.


It will take you way to long to make a impact in that arena, too many comps that are fotm that game, take that advice from a 2400 2 time glad last season.


Why did you all sudden become some snotty kid, when not even 2-3 weeks ago you was a community leader trying to make events and make friends.


I miss that Pac, now you are in Quan's league a self proclaimed pro that makes fun of people and trys to act tough on the internet.


I know having a underage girlfriend is cool and all, but you don't need to pump your chest when this game is only pixels, acting tough don't need words only actions.


Farewell and godspeed where ever you and your love takes you, I assume you will be back when you find out wow is way outta your league and too much content to do to become viable in that game.


PS: Take Quan with you, he needs to learn to PVP with class. haha.

Edited by Makavelithug
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So after a few unsuccessful nights of trying, last night we finally got an arena team together.


It took us a few rough games going through ungeared and unskilled players to finally get a half-decent team together. But when we did we ended up having a lot of fun. Sure it was a bit rough, Im not used to arenas myself not having played much since 2.5, but in the end it was FUN and thats what matters.


Still, its so hard to actually get a team going at this point.

>Getting 4 people who actually want to do arenas

>>Getting 4 people who are geared and decently skilled

>>>Getting 4 people who are geared and skilled with a good class composition

Not an easy task at this point it seems to get to #3, unless youre in an active guild that actually wants to do arenas which it seems there are few of at this point anyway.


But hey, at least I tried and got something going. I'll see if I can get some more going later this week.

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I would but I got booed out of ranked. I am great at 8v8 (even got the screenshot of me, a commando healer, healing for 794202 in one match) but for arenas, well, I got booed out of that and I show up as one of the worst players on the bastion at the moment ( that assassin I soloed and that marauder I soloed in 8v8 ought to feel ashamed if I managed to beat them)



now i need to try to find my merc heal screenie that is over 1 mil... but im always down to play the pvps with people, havent played in forever though.

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