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Top 10 most under-rated Force Users


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It's actually likely that Revan was able to benefit from the dark side nexus as well. Considering that he can draw from either side, that seems possible to me.

Good point.


However, that encounter is still fair for Revan regardless. Both Nyriss and Revan could use the dark side to their advantage.

Edited by S_W_LeGenD
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Well that's an interesting choice.


She was essentially the most powerful Sith after Vader and Palpatine were gone for some time, and pretty much helped bring about a lot of resergent sith and Turned Jacen to the dark side. She was proficient in all kind of Dark side powers (specifically ones that helped with stealth) and was very skilled in combat making better use of a Light whip then I have ever heard of or seen prior. Using a unique weapon to throw people off-guard is not unheard of nor should it be held against some one honestly. I just don't think she gets much of any kind of credit here, almost blown off everytime her name is even mentioned.

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Revan formed a protective bubble around himself, preventing the Imperial Strike Team from killing him, before he decided to vanish.


Retry the associated flashpoint or check youtube for videos.


I've done the flashpoint several times, I don't recall a bubble.


Yours is pure assumption while mine is based on canon hints. Their is difference.


I'm pretty sure you're assuming things based upon a few quotes that don't actually say anything important.




"Revan was more powerful and well-versed in the ways of the Force then Traya ever was (Check my post # 133 on page 14 for useful hints). Revan might be able to significantly reduce the impact of her most lethal powers on him, if not outright tank all of them. Revan also have the option to counter-drain Traya in return since he also uses this talent. Revan even have the option to send Traya packing with his light-dark combo burst of energy in split-second period, disrupting her from any action she would be employing in the process."


You have yet to prove that other than a few quotes that don't actually say that Revan found a way to defend against it. Your most relevant quote here:


Led by a woman named Kreia, the rogue Jedi turned to the dark side teachings uncovered by Malak and Revan.


Doesn't really say anything meaningful. Surely Traya would have a defense against Force Drain if she learned from the things that Revan learned from, hmm?


You know, I would really love to carry on with you, but I'm tired of this off-topic discussion. Should you wish to continue, make a thread with a title like 'Revan vs. Traya' or 'Force Drain defenses'


You are dismissed from my presence, peon.

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She was essentially the most powerful Sith after Vader and Palpatine were gone for some time, and pretty much helped bring about a lot of resergent sith and Turned Jacen to the dark side. She was proficient in all kind of Dark side powers (specifically ones that helped with stealth) and was very skilled in combat making better use of a Light whip then I have ever heard of or seen prior. Using a unique weapon to throw people off-guard is not unheard of nor should it be held against some one honestly. I just don't think she gets much of any kind of credit here, almost blown off everytime her name is even mentioned.


Her own Lightwhip is actually a radical variation as Luke makes note in The Jedi Path.

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Her own Lightwhip is actually a radical variation as Luke makes note in The Jedi Path.


Which I think actually shows even further skills as a force user as Force users built their own weapons and building a Radical Variant on an extremely Rare weapon type shows definite skill and knowledge of both her own capabilities likely opponents capabilities as well as good knowledge of engineering Jedi/sith weapons. Yet as I have said before she almost always gets either completely ignored or completely blown off any time any one dares mention her name.

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After spending time on Nathema, Surik was weakened severely. It was said it would take her a long time to recover. Throwing her straight into Dromund Kaas slowed her recovery immensely, she was no where near at full strength when she faced Nyriss.


Let's also not forget Nyriss likely did exactly what Xedrix did, building up power. Except she slowly released the energy herself, instead of in one huge burst. Also note, only reason Revan killed her was with her own bolts of lightning, which means shed probably been building up energy beyond her own usual strength for quite some time. Far too many factors to consider.

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I've done the flashpoint several times, I don't recall a bubble.

Check the moment when Revan recalls and recites Malak's remarks. You will notice a protective bubble around Revan at this point.


I'm pretty sure you're assuming things based upon a few quotes that don't actually say anything important.


You have yet to prove that other than a few quotes that don't actually say that Revan found a way to defend against it. Your most relevant quote here:


Led by a woman named Kreia, the rogue Jedi turned to the dark side teachings uncovered by Malak and Revan.


Doesn't really say anything meaningful. Surely Traya would have a defense against Force Drain if she learned from the things that Revan learned from, hmm?


You know, I would really love to carry on with you, but I'm tired of this off-topic discussion. Should you wish to continue, make a thread with a title like 'Revan vs. Traya' or 'Force Drain defenses'


You are dismissed from my presence, peon.

This is even more useful hint:


"Revan's command of the Force was greater than that of anyone else she had ever met."


Revan does not have shortage of options. He can form protective bubble around himself to make himself virtually invincible (or close) and he can also unleash his light-dark combo attack (or powerful waves of energies) in split second period to knock off opposition of any kind. Revan is canonically superior to Traya and he is unlikely to be undermined by her.

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hey guys, Sorry to bust into this but I think we should do the Traya vs Revan debate else where seems to be derailing the Thread..... All-in-all I don't think either should make this list, both are considered incredibly powerful and both seem to have a large fan base following and both made the top 10 lists and for good reason they aren't under-estimated we all know where they stand.


This thread I feel is to shine a spot light on those less fortunate, those that never seem to catch a break on these forums.

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hey guys, Sorry to bust into this but I think we should do the Traya vs Revan debate else where seems to be derailing the Thread..... All-in-all I don't think either should make this list, both are considered incredibly powerful and both seem to have a large fan base following and both made the top 10 lists and for good reason they aren't under-estimated we all know where they stand.


This thread I feel is to shine a spot light on those less fortunate, those that never seem to catch a break on these forums.


We just said that :p

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After spending time on Nathema, Surik was weakened severely. It was said it would take her a long time to recover. Throwing her straight into Dromund Kaas slowed her recovery immensely, she was no where near at full strength when she faced Nyriss.

Both Nyriss and Scourge had been to Nathema. Also, Meetra remarked to T3 that she was okay after leaving Nathema.


This is what happens when an individual leaves Nathema:


"As they broke the atmosphere of the cursed world, some semblance of normalcy returned. Scourge felt the Force rushing in to fill the emptiness inside him; he felt its power invigorating him and restoring his strength. At the same time, he also felt something else: the presence of someone strong in the Force—someone who was neither Nyriss nor him." (From Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan)


Force-users regains their strength after leaving Nathema, so I am not sure how you reached that conclusion.


Let's also not forget Nyriss likely did exactly what Xedrix did, building up power. Except she slowly released the energy herself, instead of in one huge burst. Also note, only reason Revan killed her was with her own bolts of lightning, which means shed probably been building up energy beyond her own usual strength for quite some time. Far too many factors to consider.

Nyriss had subdued both Scourge and Meetra earlier actually, she began to gather sufficient power to destroy both when she saw an opening to do so (with her opposition down at that moment).


But this happened:


"Revan’s raw power in the Force bends Nyris’s Sith lightning back at her, utterly destroying the Sith Lord." (From Star Wars: The Essential Reader's Companion)


Yes, you have a point that Nyriss had expended some energy in her encounter beforehand but she was not weakened by such an effort. She was powerful in the ways of the Force and not a mere shadow of her former-self like Xedrix was when he encountered Scourge.


hey guys, Sorry to bust into this but I think we should do the Traya vs Revan debate else where seems to be derailing the Thread..... All-in-all I don't think either should make this list, both are considered incredibly powerful and both seem to have a large fan base following and both made the top 10 lists and for good reason they aren't under-estimated we all know where they stand.


This thread I feel is to shine a spot light on those less fortunate, those that never seem to catch a break on these forums.

But Revan is underestimated. Their is evidence of his underestimation even in this thread.

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But Revan is underestimated. Their is evidence of his underestimation even in this thread.


He is not underestimated enough, he landed in the top 10 Jedi List even if he is slightly Under-rated by your standards its not under-rated enough to be considered top 10 under-rated. We aren't talking top 10 most powerful that are under-rated but those that are just under appreciated all round and none of the people who made any of the top 10 most powerful lists should really qualify in my opinion. Because that means by the community that they are the 10 best out of thousands upon thousands that could have been candidates. Lets look at those that never get the lime light and I mean NEVER.

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He is not underestimated enough, he landed in the top 10 Jedi List even if he is slightly Under-rated by your standards its not under-rated enough to be considered top 10 under-rated. We aren't talking top 10 most powerful that are under-rated but those that are just under appreciated all round and none of the people who made any of the top 10 most powerful lists should really qualify in my opinion.

Rankings are not my concern. My concern is CORRECT representation of Revan. His accomplishments are downplayed and his opposition is also downplayed accordingly, as apparent from this thread as well.


- Malak is nothing?

- Nyriss defeated Meetra Surik because she was "supposedly" significantly weakened by Nathema?

- Traya being more then a match for Revan?


All are wrong and absurd assumptions.


Revan is easily among the TOP 5 most powerful Jedi of all times by the way.

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Rankings are not my concern. My concern is CORRECT representation of Revan. His accomplishments are downplayed and his opposition is also downplayed accordingly, as apparent from this thread as well.


- Malak is nothing?

- Nyriss defeated Meetra Surik because he was "supposedly" significantly weakened by Nathema?

- Traya being more then a match for Revan?


All are wrong and absurd assumptions.


Revan is easily among the TOP 5 most powerful Jedi of all times by the way.


We landed him at number 7, under Luke, Yoda, Master Fay, Windu, Jaina Solo and Kyp Durron so pretty up there and all seven of those are extremely close in power as is each one is a power house. Again this is out of Thousands if not millions of Jedi over the years. That is not top under-rated Material and there are people out there who still believe he is the most powerful Jedi to ever live, for those reasons he is not Top under-rated material. Is he under-rated..... maybe is he one of the most under-rated Force users out there absolutely not.


Though a case is def made for Malak.

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We landed him at number 7, under Luke, Yoda, Master Fay, Windu, Jaina Solo and Kyp Durron so pretty up there and all seven of those are extremely close in power as is each one is a power house.

This is another discussion, one in which I have not participated yet.


Jaina, Fay, Durron and Windu above Revan? Seriously?


And Luke at no. 1, is not recognized within canon lore (See post # 141 in page 15)


This is why I believe that fans should not attempt to rank characters.


Their are some other powerhouses in the Jedi Order to consider: Hero of Tython, Aryn Leener, Satele Shan and Bersen'thor (no. 3).

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No one here is going to support the nomination of Revan because of his quite literal legion of fans, want a Class A example of the sheer amounts of fanboyism that surrounds his character? go on Evannova's youtube channel and watch Revan vs Luke Skywalker, the comments made by Revan fanboys on that video leaves it all plain as day for us to see that a very very large number of Star Wars fans think he should be the Chosen One, the Sith'Ari and every other damn recognisable title under the sun.


Here, saved you the trouble:


So please stop your insistance.


Now that rant is over with I shall clear a few things up:


This is not about movie goer perceptions, this is more people who are at least familiar with some of the EU such as TCW.


This is generally Force Users, not Jedi or Sith, etc... geared towards the Force specifically.


This is mostly about power but any other nominations based on other aspects can certainly be considered.


Now as far as Force Drain goes, just to clear this up, this is the list of Force Users that can defend against Force Drain according to the Knights of the Old Republic: Campaign Guide.


Ulic Qel-Droma, Exar Kun, Darth Nihilus, Meetra Surik, Darth Sion, the Ancient Sith Lords...


Keep in mind however this is a list that only encompasses characters up to the Dark Wars and the First Jedi Purge.

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This is another discussion, one in which I have not participated yet.


Jaina, Fay, Durron and Windu above Revan? Seriously?


And Luke at no. 1, is not recognized by canon (see post # 141 in page 15)


This is why I believe that fans should not attempt to rank characters.


Their are some other powerhouses in the Jedi Order to consider: Hero of Tython, Aryn Leener, Satele Shan and Bersen'thor (no. 3).


The barsen'thor and the Hero were considered to difficult to judge as lack of information about them with out game mechanics as such they were disqualified Satele made the list.


And Yes those 4 have shown quite a bit of power, Revan's usage of "oneness" could not be allowed as no feats of "oneness" were allowed as they are rare and generally only happen once this is deffinately the case with revan's "dark-side, Light-side blast" either way even if you think he should be above those people that makes him Under-rated not the top 10 Under-rated. You continually fail to understand the point of this thread.


Is he under-rated? Maybe..... is he Under-rated enough that he should be on this list, clear absolutely not. Since we have him above the likes of Satele, Meetra, Nomi Sunrider, and the list goes on and on with thousands of Jedi. No he is not under-rated enough to make this list simple as that.

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No one here is going to support the nomination of Revan because of his quite literal legion of fans, want a Class A example of the sheer amounts of fanboyism that surrounds his character? go on Evannova's youtube channel and watch Revan vs Luke Skywalker, the comments made by Revan fanboys on that video leaves it all plain as day for us to see that a very very large number of Star Wars fans think he should be the Chosen One, the Sith'Ari and every other damn recognisable title under the sun.


Here, saved you the trouble:


So please stop your insistance.


Now that rant is over with I shall clear a few things up:


This is not about movie goer perceptions, this is more people who are at least familiar with some of the EU such as TCW.


This is generally Force Users, not Jedi or Sith, etc... geared towards the Force specifically.


This is mostly about power but any other nominations based on other aspects can certainly be considered.


Now as far as Force Drain goes, just to clear this up, this is the list of Force Users that can defend against Force Drain according to the Knights of the Old Republic: Campaign Guide.


Ulic Qel-Droma, Exar Kun, Darth Nihilus, Meetra Surik, Darth Sion, the Ancient Sith Lords...


Keep in mind however this is a list that only encompasses characters up to the Dark Wars and the First Jedi Purge.


As I have said I think one we should think about should be Lumiya, she was highly skilled in quite a few esoteric powers such as force conceal and illusions and is blown off as a nothing every time her name is even mentioned and yet was one of the most prominent members after the death of Sidious and Vader in the NJO times.


Also First Jedi Purge was the Purge during KotoR 2 correct?

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No one here is going to support the nomination of Revan because of his quite literal legion of fans, want a Class A example of the sheer amounts of fanboyism that surrounds his character? go on Evannova's youtube channel and watch Revan vs Luke Skywalker, the comments made by Revan fanboys on that video leaves it all plain as day for us to see that a very very large number of Star Wars fans think he should be the Chosen One, the Sith'Ari and every other damn recognisable title under the sun.


Here, saved you the trouble:


So please stop your insistance.


Now that rant is over with I shall clear a few things up:


This is not about movie goer perceptions, this is more people who are at least familiar with some of the EU such as TCW.


This is generally Force Users, not Jedi or Sith, etc... geared towards the Force specifically.


This is mostly about power but any other nominations based on other aspects can certainly be considered.


Now as far as Force Drain goes, just to clear this up, this is the list of Force Users that can defend against Force Drain according to the Knights of the Old Republic: Campaign Guide.


Ulic Qel-Droma, Exar Kun, Darth Nihilus, Meetra Surik, Darth Sion, the Ancient Sith Lords...


Keep in mind however this is a list that only encompasses characters up to the Dark Wars and the First Jedi Purge.

Who takes YouTube based comments seriously? YouTube is not a good place to have a constructive debate about majority of topics. I consult YouTube only for uploaded content.


This is however a respectable effort: http://www.comicvine.com/profile/darthant66/blog/revan-respect-thread/95278/


This sums up the situation:


Rankings are not my concern. My concern is CORRECT representation of Revan. His accomplishments are downplayed and his opposition is also downplayed accordingly, as apparent from this thread as well.


- Malak is nothing?

- Nyriss defeated Meetra Surik because she was "supposedly" significantly weakened by Nathema?

- Traya being more then a match for Revan?


All are wrong and absurd assumptions.


Revan is easily among the TOP 5 most powerful Jedi of all times by the way.


Anyways, I nominate Malak for no. 1 spot. So did Beni.

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The barsen'thor and the Hero were considered to difficult to judge as lack of information about them with out game mechanics as such they were disqualified Satele made the list.

I can do something about this.


And Yes those 4 have shown quite a bit of power, Revan's usage of "oneness" could not be allowed as no feats of "oneness" were allowed as they are rare and generally only happen once this is deffinately the case with revan's "dark-side, Light-side blast" either way even if you think he should be above those people that makes him Under-rated not the top 10 Under-rated. You continually fail to understand the point of this thread.

That is one of the Revan's signature powers, something which he could pull off at will. In-fact, Revan could go beyond that move, he could even channel that power on to something for more destructive purposes, if given time.


Is he under-rated? Maybe..... is he Under-rated enough that he should be on this list, clear absolutely not. Since we have him above the likes of Satele, Meetra, Nomi Sunrider, and the list goes on and on with thousands of Jedi. No he is not under-rated enough to make this list simple as that.

The discussion in this thread suggests otherwise. Their are ample points where Revan is underestimated. You also presented one right above.

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Who takes YouTube based comments seriously? YouTube is not a good place to have a constructive debate about majority of topics. I consult YouTube only for uploaded content.


This is however a respectable effort: http://www.comicvine.com/profile/darthant66/blog/revan-respect-thread/95278/


This sums up the situation:




Anyways, I nominate Malak for no. 1 spot. So did Beni.


Here is the number one problem with Revan: His fans hype any statement or event up as much as possible to give him maximum amount of credit, never ceasing to attempt to build up his importance in Star Wars.


Those who are not major fans greatly dislike the way others treat him, often flooding threads which could be perfectly calm settled debates and then they force his worship down everyone else's throats and calls them haters instantaneously if they don't agree.


Revan will never be given a solid ground to stand on because the Revan fans will never settle for anything less than everyone thinking he's the greatest of all time, when the reality is, that is far from the case.


Also the 'absurd' assumptions are not assumptions at all, you have decided that there is one solid canon as defined by yourself and your personal opinion, your opinion is that Revan steamrolls Traya, when the evidence is to the contrary, it would be a very hard fought battle.


Meetra Surik being weakened after Nathema? the reason for said 'assumption' is that her connection to the Force is different from anyone else's, her connection to the Force is almost completely built upon bonds to other Force users, so what happens when you completely cut off such a person from the Force? they almost die, which is exactly what happened to her, then stick her on Dromund Kaas right afterwards, what happens? she cannot reach out to her connection to the Force properly, she has had next to no time to heal up and on that planet she is basically being drowned in Dark Side energies, many other Jedi have suffered gravely by merely walking on Dromund Kaas such as Katarn, Jaina, Ben and others, a weakened near death Surik is going to feel the full effects of Dromund Kaas, it is absolutely no surprise that she was far from 100% during the mission to rescue Revan and assassinate the Emperor.


As far as Malak goes, I do agree, he is most certanly under-rated around here, but I am not convinced he should be our number 1.

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That is one of the Revan's signature powers, something which he could pull off at will. In-fact, Revan could go beyond that move, he could even channel that power onto something for more destructive purposes, if given time.


Care to point out a canonical source and statement to prove this?

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Here is the number one problem with Revan: His fans hype any statement or event up as much as possible to give him maximum amount of credit, never ceasing to attempt to build up his importance in Star Wars.

This is true for diehard fans of any character actually. These type of fans are least likely open to reason.


Those who are not major fans greatly dislike the way others treat him, often flooding threads which could be perfectly calm settled debates and then they force his worship down everyone else's throats and calls them haters instantaneously if they don't agree.

Well, I am as calm and patient as possible for one to be. Thus far, I have not labeled anybody a hater or something.


My observation is that Revan is noticeably underestimated very often. You would notice this too if you would check several forums but it is a long and tedious task. Their is evidence of his underestimation even in this thread.


Revan will never be given a solid ground to stand on because the Revan fans will never settle for anything less than everyone thinking he's the greatest of all time, when the reality is, that is far from the case.

Well, Revan is among the few characters who could (and have) redefined the course of history. Labeling him "the greatest of all time" might be a stretch but he is among the TOP 10 most influential characters of the mythos as per my rough estimation (based on the character's canon representation) and I am being generous here.


Also the 'absurd' assumptions are not assumptions at all, you have decided that there is one solid canon as defined by yourself and your personal opinion, your opinion is that Revan steamrolls Traya, when the evidence is to the contrary, it would be a very hard fought battle.


Meetra Surik being weakened after Nathema? the reason for said 'assumption' is that her connection to the Force is different from anyone else's, her connection to the Force is almost completely built upon bonds to other Force users, so what happens when you completely cut off such a person from the Force? they almost die, which is exactly what happened to her, then stick her on Dromund Kaas right afterwards, what happens? she cannot reach out to her connection to the Force properly, she has had next to no time to heal up and on that planet she is basically being drowned in Dark Side energies, many other Jedi have suffered gravely by merely walking on Dromund Kaas such as Katarn, Jaina, Ben and others, a weakened near death Surik is going to feel the full effects of Dromund Kaas, it is absolutely no surprise that she was far from 100% during the mission to rescue Revan and assassinate the Emperor.

Their is a problem with this assumption.


Connectivity with the Force is dependent upon Midichlorian count (in mortals) and not dependent upon telepathic connections with others (e.g. bonds) unless Meetra siphoned energies from others 24/7 to maintain her power like some immortals did.




"Meetra had been close enough to feel the shock wave; to survive it she had cut herself off from the Force, shielding her psyche against the horrors of what she had unleashed. Many years had passed before she regained her connection to the Force, but in the end, surviving the trauma of Malachor V had given her the strength to defeat Darth Traya and her followers." (From Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan)


So how Meetra began to regain connectivity with the Force?


This is how:


"What she finds is a ruined Jedi Order, and an enigmatic Jedi Master - Kriea, who also claims to have been exiled and stripped from her powers. Kriea's union with the Jedi Exile creates a vergence in the Force that reconnects them to the energy field surrounding all living things." (From Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide)


Meetra's ability to forge powerful bond(s) with others is a well-known fact but she is not exclusive in this respect (CIP: Aryn Leener) and severance of such bond(s) is not likely to be fatal to her or any Force-user (CIP: Aryn Leener, once again).


Yes, Meetra seems to have severed her connection with the Force during the event of activation of Mass Shadow Generator (thanks to her affinity with Force Sever talent), but this phase ended after she and Kriea forged a bond with each other which indicates that Meetra's Midichlorians were not exactly dead or useless.


Meetra's experience on Nathema is not a unique one either, any mortal felt bad and lost his powers on this world:


"Now, however, he felt nothing. He had become so accustomed to the presence of the Force in the background that its complete absence was almost overwhelming, leaving him unable to speak." (From Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan)


"By the time they reached the shuttle, Scourge’s stomach was churning. He had lived his whole life attuned to the Force; having it stripped away had left him physically ill. The shuttle shook as they took to the air, and he fought against the urge to vomit. As they broke the atmosphere of the cursed world, some semblance of normalcy returned. Scourge felt the Force rushing in to fill the emptiness inside him; he felt its power invigorating him and restoring his strength. At the same time, he also felt something else: the presence of someone strong in the Force—someone who was neither Nyriss nor him." (From Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan)


NOTE: Had Scourge stayed longer on Nathema, he would have felt even more the same way like Meetra did in her relatively longer stay on this planet.


But once a mortal gets out of this world, he regains his powers, as apparent from the example of Lord Scourge.


Meetra also informed T3-M4 that she was okay after leaving Nathema. In addition, she visited Dromund Kaas after 2 days gap from her experience on Nathema , enough time for her to regain her lost strength, if true:


"IT TOOK LONGER than Meetra expected for T3 to decipher and translate the files from Nathema into something she could scan with the ship’s computer. It was nearly two days before she could begin looking through the files. However, she reminded herself, considering he was processing millions of terabytes of data originally compiled on computers using fundamentally alien technology, the fact that he accomplished anything at all was a small miracle." (From Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan)


And this was her experience on Dromund Kaas:


"She knew the storm-ravaged world had to be the world Canderous had spoken of; the one Revan had seen in his dreams. The dark side was powerful here. It was strong enough to send a shiver down her spine, but the sensation was infinitely better than the awful nothingness of Nathema.


As she brought the ship in to land, she knew with a sudden and unshakable certainty that Revan was somewhere on this world." (From Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan)


She felt far better on Dromund Kaas in comparison to how she felt on Nathema and even her senses were not dampened on this planet since she was able to sense the presence of Revan. Point is that she was not that much ineffective on Dromund Kaas as you have assumed her to be. Experiences of other Jedi on the same world DO NOT reflect upon Meetra's coping potential with environments strong in the dark side. Point is that Meetra will be realistically better then many Jedi in certain aspects at minimum.


Prior to visiting Dromund Kaas, Meetra was able to perform really well even on Malachor V, a point which you should not overlook.


As far as Malak goes, I do agree, he is most certanly under-rated around here, but I am not convinced he should be our number 1.

Who deserves no. 1 spot in your opinion?


Care to point out a canonical source and statement to prove this?



"Instead of charging forward, he opened himself up to the Force, letting both the light and the dark side flow through him like twin rushing rivers. But instead of focusing or channeling the Force, he released it in its purest form." (From Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan)


You can notice that Revan gathered power at this moment like Force-users often do to unleash powerful attacks and he decided how to utilize this gathered power as well. This feat does seems like a oneness thing but this is normal for Revan, thanks to his great command of the Force. Also, Revan can choose to channel this power in much more concentrated manner for more destructive results, if he gets time. In the aforementioned case, Revan did not had enough time to consider more possibilities then releasing the gathered power in raw form since he was being subjected to telepathic bombardment from Sith Emperor at that point and he had to make decision fast.

Edited by S_W_LeGenD
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