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My up's and downs


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Just want to give my personal opinions i found so far,


overal it is a great addon to the game and look forward to see where you take it in future updates.


couple of problems 1st,


*if you join late you dont get any reinforcer medal

*Unfortuantely yesterday i joined a game and as i was waiting for start got a phone call and emergency popped up, i later found i hadnt got kicled from that game and got my reward for sitting there doing nothing, please make this so if someone doesnt click ready they get kicked after so long.

*This is my main issue - leaving it till feb for the f2p is a bad idea imo, when they start in feb they will be facing players with maxed everything on their ship and it does make a difference, basically going to make it like normal pvp a newcommer facing someone in full pvp gear but no bolster they will get slaughtered.


*i love the differences between the ship styles, their weaknesses and strengths this has been very well thought out,

*the actual zones i love and its great how you made one base in each more difficult for the gunships that they cant sit back so far.


I would love to see more warzones for the domination type but perhaps at somepoint a capture the flag type thing or an assualt mode where each side assaults the enermys base/ships and have key bits to destroy b4 the timer is up team gets furhter wins.


the stealth ship i heard that was announced please for the love of god NEVER introduce that. The balence right now is great, hardly anything resembling a stun, stealth types and its great, its nice for a pure objective based pvp without stuns and stealths.


Keep up the good work guys cant wait for more updates on this.


**one thing i spotted on one of my ships, i have it fully maxed in some areas and each time i log on to that char the bottom two lines seem to default to left position each time i log out. this was on a gunship under plasma railgun.**

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There is some matchmaking system in works, which puts together players with similar ship upgrade levels. Right now there isn't that much players, because it's subs only, so if a new sub joins in, he has a fat chance of getting put into an advanced fray, but once the avalanche of freebies come, there will always be enough people with basic ships. There will probably be a few players in each game with advanced ships, but that won't be as much gamebreaking.

I have tested it myself, from advanced NovaDive on my main I jumped to a basic one on an alt, and my performance was basically just the same. It is more about experience.


I'd be more worried that once all freebies pour in, there could be some hacking attempts. I hope devs will deal well with that.


And about the stealth ship, yes I absolutely agree. Bomber? Well if you already have it half developed and if you try hard to balance it, okay, but please, no stealth ships.... And if stealth, at least make it hugely limited stealth, like 10 seconds per minute tops. Stealth is enemy of fun gameplay for everyone except the stealther.

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I don't know. I think I could maybe handle a stealth ship if it had a weak hull and no shields at all. Maybe the stealth generator replaces the shield generator?


But I doubt such a ship would have much purpose in a domination map. Maybe more in a capture the flag or some such.

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I don't know. I think I could maybe handle a stealth ship if it had a weak hull and no shields at all. Maybe the stealth generator replaces the shield generator?


But I doubt such a ship would have much purpose in a domination map. Maybe more in a capture the flag or some such.


It's on the way, one of the abilities detects stealthed ships. That's a dead giveaway.

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matchmaking should solve a lot of the advanced/basic ship woes. "Early access" is really just another way to say beta testing. We're having the first go to see how ship balance works in practice so that by the time it is officially released how the ships are supposed to be balanced on paper is reflected in practice.


Or at least I'm assuming that the devs wanted us to be basically beta testing GSF to find things like the ion railgun issues and whether other things are performing much better than intended.

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