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Scouts and Galactic StarFighter 101


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am very interested about your crew setup can u post it plz :)

Edit: just saw that nova dive = blackbolt, how come you dont use flashfire=sting , i thought flashfire>novadive in term of dmg dealing and health

Flashfire is my second choice and im currently working on upgrading it. Its a matter of personal taste, if prefer the increased mobility and agility of the NovaDive over the Flashfire.


My Crew:

Enginnering T7-01: Makes the Rapid Fire Canon sustainable of full auto, further increses damage and provides the much needed healing ability as Co-Pilot

Offensive B-3G9: One has to pick something i guess. With rocket pods as secondary i dont benefit much from this crew spot but since i dont feel the need for even more rockets i took the Accuracy Buff. Who knows if it acutally works on rocket pods.

Tactical Treek: Further Sensor Dampening. I'm not an Awacs platform, i hunt and kill

Defensive Tanno Vik: Defensive is the most interesting crew spot IMO. I went for further Buffing Evasion and increase in overall shield power. The later corresponds well with Quick Charge IMO.



if you dont have problems with your weapon energy i highly recomment frequency over damage capacitator, frequency increase your dps more than damage does(5% more), as a downside it increase your power consumption too, but this should not be a problem with rapid fire

Well i calculated less a theoretical gain of less than 4% when using Frequency Capacitators. But this doesnt translate into a 4% dps increase in the game since all the frequency thingy does is increasing your rate of fire. Meaning you just shoot 15% more rounds (overall with all buffs close to 5 rounds per second insteadt of 4,33) and it doesnt mean you will automatically hit 15% more. If you factor in your actual accuracy in the game the charm of Frequency Capacitator disappears fairly quickly.

On top of that you will run into power issues with that build at some point.


However, in the end, the difference between using damage or frequency is fairly small, doesnt really matter which, at least according to my caluclations.

Edited by AMightyKnight
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