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Annihilation, carnage or rage? (PvP)


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Well it all boils down to how you want to do it. With Rage you're looking at AoE damage, smashing for big numbers obliterating then smashing again. The numbers will be big and fun to watch and its an all around annoying thing to deal with as a healer, or player in general. Then you have the big burst numbers from Carnage, all be it they are proc dependent, it's nothing for me to burst a 30k sorcerer to nothing in 6 seconds on my marauder but like I said its very proc dependent. Then there is annihilation, personally I do not know a ton about this spec. My main experiences with it is cleansing their dots off my buddies and watch them flail around until they can reapply them rinse and repeat.


To recap Smash will produce BIG numbers, but most of it will be Fluff, sure you get your occasional solo or two, but in my opinion there is nothing like hunting down healers as Carnage and watching them drop in 6 seconds.

Edited by Mordacia
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Carnage or Rage

Anni used to be a fun spec to play and i wish it could still be fun but really for the spec to reach its full effectiveness you need to stick on a target and with patch 2.0 onwards, came more kiting tools, aoe slows and snares. Now Carnage and rage actually have protection from slows, snares etc with talented abilitys (camo when specced into on carnage, obliterate when specced into on rage) while anni has nothing of the sort at its disposal while also being the spec that needs to stick on a target longer to deal damage... so while i would love to play this spec again in pvp (i love playstyle of anni i even play it in pve.. infact i mainly pve to play anni!) its just horrible to play against any team that isn't mentally challenged.

Edited by AngusFTW
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Carnage or Rage

Anni used to be a fun spec to play and i wish it could still be fun but really for the spec to reach its full effectiveness you need to stick on a target and with patch 2.0 onwards, came more kiting tools, aoe slows and snares. Now Carnage and rage actually have protection from slows, snares etc with talented abilitys (camo when specced into on carnage, obliterate when specced into on rage) while anni has nothing of the sort at its disposal while also being the spec that needs to stick on a target longer to deal damage...


i still enjoy playing anihilation :( but thing with marauder/sentinel is that you need to discover own play style - adjust to it and twist it to your will to DESTROY THE ENEMY MWAHHAHA

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