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FT-2 Quell or S-13 Sting


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I've finally built up the required 5k Fleet Req. and am looking to buy another ship and I can't decide between the Quell or Sting. Suffice it to say, I suck equally in the strike fighter and scout ships (I perform the best in the gunship) but I am hoping to find a ship that maybe I can be better in. Something fast with a big gun and not so flimsy is preffered.:D


Any positive advice is appreciated.

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I've finally built up the required 5k Fleet Req. and am looking to buy another ship and I can't decide between the Quell or Sting. Suffice it to say, I suck equally in the strike fighter and scout ships (I perform the best in the gunship) but I am hoping to find a ship that maybe I can be better in. Something fast with a big gun and not so flimsy is preffered.:D


Any positive advice is appreciated.


Wait until they release more Gunships, then buy those.

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I've finally built up the required 5k Fleet Req. and am looking to buy another ship and I can't decide between the Quell or Sting. Suffice it to say, I suck equally in the strike fighter and scout ships (I perform the best in the gunship) but I am hoping to find a ship that maybe I can be better in. Something fast with a big gun and not so flimsy is preffered.:D


Any positive advice is appreciated.


Well before you decide you should know the differences between the two ships.


First the Quell is a different version of the original strike fighter. The original strike fighter has two primary lasers and one secondary missile and focuses more on lasers. The Quell is the exact opposite it has only one primary laser system and 2 secondary weapons. So more missile. The strike fighter feels too me more like a ship that is ment to fly around shoot lasers and the occasional missile. The Quell is more shield heavy and can just sit back take a beating and fire missiles (since you have 2 different ones) I have so much shields on my Quell I can be focus fired by 3 other ships and still come out laughing thanks to my never ending shields.


On to the scouts


The main difference between the sting and the original scout is that the sting is built more for dogfights imo. The abilities of the original scout seem to favor flying fast and knocking out turrets/caping satellites. Meanwhile the sting is fast maneuverable and can use concussion missile which the original scout can't. I love my sting it's the funnest ship I could ever play. If you stack this ship with rapid fire lasers, focus on evasion, and get concussion missiles you will be fast moving, high evasion, and do pretty damn decent damage.




Pick the Quell if you want multiple missile, be able to take a beating, but not move around alot

Pick the Sting if you want to be fast, hit hard, but not be able to take a beating instead you rely on evasion and your speed. (Favors dogfights more)

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I have flown both the Quell and the Sting, so I'll give my opinion.


It depends largely on a few questions. Do you prefer being tougher, or faster? Are you confident in your maneuvering, or would you prefer to trust in hardier shields? Are you confident in your blaster aiming, or would you prefer a wider array of missiles?


The Quell is tough and hard-hitting, with the ability to mount an effective main blaster, but more importantly two sets of missiles. My Quell ran Ion Missiles and Cluster Missiles. I would lock on with the Ion Missiles from max range and knock out an enemy's shields with just one, then close with clusters and quad blasters. It was powerful, if you can line up your shot, and you had survivability to last until you could usually.


The Sting is the faster alternative. Sting has arguably the strongest main blaster option, using Blaster Overcharge, and coupled with Cluster Missiles to finish people off and powerful engines / fast turn speed, can probably be considered the strongest hit-and-run dogfighter. With the Sting, I pick a target that's not looking my way, fly in and blow him up in 3 seconds flat, then fly out before any gunships or fighters get an idea to attack me.


If you like the gameplay of the Rycer, the Sting is for you. If you like the gunplay of gunships, I think a Quell would be a more natural step than a Sting.


EDIT: I forgot to mention. A more natural advantage that the Quell has is that Weapon Power has no bearing on missiles, and the Quell relies heavily on missiles. You can fly with max power to shields or max power to engines, depending on if you want to go fast or survive long, and still do near full damage using your array of missiles.

Edited by NomineImperator
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If cartel coins are an option you can by the Cartel Market Scout (same stats as the unlockable-for-req one), and then spend your req on the strike fighter. The Cartel Market Strike Fighter has the same stats as the strike fighter you already have. Then you'll have both, basically.


Note that both the requisition scouts on the faction look far superior to the iron space ******** that is the cartel market one (I have no such complaints about the cartel market strike fighter).

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I would do the Sting first. The Quell is more of a sidegrade of the base striker, while the Sting is in many ways an improvement on the base scout.


Of course, if you're constantly wanting to switch missiles depending on the situation, the Quell is definitely your boat.

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