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Suggestion: Warning indicator when you are approaching the enemy capital ships


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We've all done it. You are so involved in chasing down an almost dead enemy that you fly too close to their spawn point and boom ... dead.


It's a tactic many people use, not only gunships, and is pretty effective with new players. Even old players occasionally lose track and die. In many ways it's a "learn to play" issue, but it's kind of a cheap tactic that could be easily avoided.


What I would propose is that either:

1) No ships are allowed back into the spawn zone after they leave it. Make it an exhaustion zone even for ships of the same faction. Perhaps give spawning ships a 30 second buff that prevents them from suffering from it. (Note: An added benefit for this one is that it would eliminate AFK farmers from circling indefinitely in a protected zone.)


2) Add a warning indicator with say a 15k radius that tells you that you are approaching enemy capital ships. Make it flashy enough that we notice it when approaching so it's not an insta-death situation.


I have a small preference for #2 myself, since I want fewer walls in space, not more. Also, it leaves the retreat tactic open for those who want to use it, it just gives the victim a warning. If they want to continue pursuit to try and kill the target before they hit the zone, it's their choice.

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Simply keeping an eye on your radar gives you a good idea that you might be getting close.


The real question becomes "What are you doing so far away from the objectives?".


If they run away, they are not something to worry about. If you see them sneaking back in to the fight, then go get them.

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if they flee to spawn then you should pat yourself on the back and return to a satellite.


Agree... Chasing players away 25km away from nodes is a good way to lose matches. It means that you suck and everyone else in the group hates you for not killing people off nodes. Of course you should challenge gunships first, but chasing anything back to spawn points is poor playing.


While I agree that there should be a warning, an extra beep-bop from T7 won't help me a bit. I don't have that problem cause I'm focused on objectives, but now I know the maps anyway.

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As I said, this is largely a learn to play issue. However it causes a lot of frustration for new players unfamiliar with the tactic. They get caught up in the chase, and not knowing they have to worry about it, they get destroyed. Since there's no message telling them it happened because they were near a spawn point, it can happen multiple times before they figure it out.


A warning message would educate people faster. If they die in the enemy spawn area, they will at least know why it happened. (Or not have an excuse for not knowing anyway.) It's already done for exhaustion zones when you get to the edge of the map, so there's a precedent.


Basically in my mind it doesn't hurt anyone, and helps new players understand the battlefield boundaries, so why not have it?

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The problem with the current setup is that it's not fun and it's too easy to abuse. Sure, it's a learn to play issue when you get hit by capital ship turrets because you're not paying attention to the map - but at the same time, people shouldn't be encouraged to turn tail and run back to their capital when they're in danger. That's dereliction of duty, after all - and besides, I join matches because I want player versus player, not player versus turret. Of course, I can just completely ignore the turrets by popping distortion field... which makes me wonder what tricks the infiltrator class will have to ignore turrets.


If it were up to me, the spawn points would be farther back, but the "field of play" boundaries would be the same. When you spawn, you get some time - thirty seconds or so - to get to the engagement area before the game starts considering you to be AFK. Anyone who flies back to the spawn point gets the same punishment timer. This would remove the need for turrets entirely, I think - you can't spawn camp in thirty seconds, after all.

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You do it once, think "oh, that hurt" and don't do it again.


Well, unless you stop paying attention because you're tunnel-visioning, and then you deserve to get blown up anyway.


Don't see it as an issue. As so often in life, the horribly charred corpse teaches best.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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