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idée sur les type d'affrontement souhaité


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je c'est pas se que nos petit gars nous on cocoté, pour février .

mais y a type d'affrontement que je souhaiterais réalisé

en 1 / soutien aérien sur les mission au sol, exemple le super générateur a récupéré dans le vaisseau prototype .

imagine que le seul lien avec le vaisseau sois un transporter que les starfighter doivent escorté .

les joueur au sol mis hs ne peuvent pas rejoindre le champ de bataille sans que le fameux transport n'est pas arrivé a destination . et sa peut marché pour tout les zone des guerre . sauf hutt ball bien sur .


en 2/ se serais une vrais bataille galactique avec plusieurs gros vaisseau sur le champs de bataille le but détruire le vaisseau amiral .


et puis soyons, fou beaucoup demande a avoir une branche pilote .

pour quoi ne pas profité pour nous permettre de contrôle des cuirassé ou destroyer pour cette grande bataille .

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Looks like a suggestion for... a battle type? Where the goal is to destroy the enemy's flagship. I think.


Also some kind of suggestion where you could pilot a destroyer. Or something. My French is a wee bit rusty, and Babelfish isn't giving me any more details than I can already discern.

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Don't worry, Google translate has this covered!


I is not that our little guy we are Cocote for February.

but there is kind of confrontation that I would like done

1 / air support mission on the ground, such as the super generator was recovered in the prototype vessel.

guess the only link with the ship'm a carry that must escort starfighter.

the player on the ground put hs can not join the battlefield without the famous transport is not got a destination. and can market to every war zone. except hutt ball course.


2 / would be a real galactic battle with several large vessel on the battlefields order to destroy the flagship.


and then are, crazy much demand to have a pilot branch.

What does not allow us the opportunity to control battleship or destroyer for this great battle.

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I'm better than Bablefish (or bable-poisson). But I'm not sure I understand his French. I'm French, but the langage he used is... I don't know, some kind of 12 years old "kikoo" boy SMS laguage. I'll do my best...


"I don't know what you guys are working on for february but there is some new type of battle I'd like to see in game.


1- Close air support for ground mission. For exemple a super generator you had to recover with the help of a protorype ship (omg I'n not even sure that is what he wrote). Imagine that the only... Well... I don't understand anything....


Let's try with the second idea.


2- Big space battles with motherships to shut down. Multiple crew members in destroyers and other warships. (I use the short version for you, i'm fed up with this false French).


I'm tired now, going back to sleep....

Edited by Takarde
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I'm better than Bablefish (or bable-poisson). But I'm not sure I understand his French. I'm French, but the langage he used is... I don't know, some kind of 12 years old "kikoo" boy SMS laguage..........(I use the short version for you, i'm fed up with this false French).
It could be Quebecois (French Canadian) French. Its allot different than standard French. People from France cant understand WTH they are saying most of the time. They use allot of slang and oldschool french from, like, the 1800's.
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