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Folks leaving again


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I have watched more people then I could count quit this game because of the pvp system. As a founder since day one I have seen hundreds. Some talk of changing servers. Not sure how that is working out. Cross server might fix it. All I know is que times are not good. Matches are dominated by premade teams that que together for regular warzones. At the same time you can not get a ranked que to save your life. Space is fun for some of us that got in early and upgraded a ship. Space is not fun for those in new ships or not running in a premade. Premade space combat is almost impossible to counter as there is no communication between people on a pug team. This month alone I have watched two of my long time friends unsubscribe and most people I know are just hanging on, waiting for EOS to start up. Or for SWTOR to do something that makes since.

I am not bashing SWTOR here. I am just telling it like it is. I like the game and I hope it can find away to climb out of this hole.

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Do you have a suggestion for how to fix it? This is, after all, the "Suggestions" forum. Or did you mean to post in the General forum?


Feel free to read my post over. My suggestion was and is cross server warzones all around. Would not hurt to make cross server instances as well ( although I am reaching there ). A faster fix may be to just not allow a group to que unless in a ranked match. Let people q for more then one thing may help. I would say also please read the PVP forum for more suggestions. Mighty big thread going atm about premade's killing pvp.


I realize this is an MMO. There are many casual players out there that do not have time to nurture online relationships in order to face roll pugs. I am on the forums today after watching another casual PVP guild fall apart as people are leaving the game. Same complaint over and over is pvp. The reasons are normally about the same until a fix comes along. PVP'ers are a hard group to keep happy. I don't hear people complaining about class's or one guy being op or another. Its mostly complaints about horrible teams in a warzone. Warzone teams can be bad but it is magnified by total premade teams that should be in ranked que. I even watched solo ranked que get ruined on my server when premade teams invaded there. If they are not leaving your warzone to reque with friends then you are fighting them. I think I lost at least half of my solo ranked matches due to being outnumbered.

Suggestions to fix that. Penalize people that quit.. Make better rewards for ranked play. Listen to complaints about people exploiting ques. I know we cant fix it all. I know of Pub's that have imp toons and will throw a game for their friends. And vice verses. At this point I have seen a multitude of people exploiting the game in one way or another. My suggestion for that would be listen to the complaints sent in on tickets and investigate in a timely manner. To let people know you care. There are always going to be exploiters, but if you act like you care, people will stick around because its a great game overall.

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I have watched more people then I could count quit this game because of the pvp system. As a founder since day one I have seen hundreds. Some talk of changing servers. Not sure how that is working out. Cross server might fix it. All I know is que times are not good. Matches are dominated by premade teams that que together for regular warzones. At the same time you can not get a ranked que to save your life. Space is fun for some of us that got in early and upgraded a ship. Space is not fun for those in new ships or not running in a premade. Premade space combat is almost impossible to counter as there is no communication between people on a pug team. This month alone I have watched two of my long time friends unsubscribe and most people I know are just hanging on, waiting for EOS to start up. Or for SWTOR to do something that makes since.

I am not bashing SWTOR here. I am just telling it like it is. I like the game and I hope it can find away to climb out of this hole.


Wait... what? Teams that play together regularly perform better than those who don't? Stop the presses! This is NEWS!


Seriously, that's the way it goes. If you don't like the way pugs work, don't pug. Form a team. That's what guilds are for.


GS is fine, it just take time to earn gear... just like ground PvP.


All in all, it seems like they are making good progress recently on PvP content. It is getting better.

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no to forcing people to queue solo, unless its ranked.


I'm a casual pvper, so I like to queue with friends becasue its more fun to play with people you know, and for some of us - less intimidating. inability to queue with friends when pvp mood strikes me mean, I won't be pvping much at all anymore. I'm fairly sure that i'm not a unique snowflake who will have similar reaction, considering how often I see 2-3 people in the same warzone with the same guild tag, that are not exactly a "premade".


if queue times for ranked are so terrible, they should give people better incentives to queue ranked instead of going for regular warzones. maybe even separate warzones and arenas all together since that's what regular queue has and ranked doesn't. some people, even people who are very good and very geared? still enjoy objective based play. and you cannot get it through ranked. not anymore.


not sure if cross server queue is a solution. might be for ranked pvp. please dear maker, NOT for flashpoints.


last but not least. people get bored. its a fact of life. people often get bored in a game that was always meant to focus on pve aspect and for some reason they decided to play it primarily for pvp. there's really not much you can do to keep these people. you can create more warzones, you can fiddle with queue, but in the end it may all be futile anyways. even if they figure out a great way of adding open world events (which IMo they should at least try anyways, gree wasn't exactly it, but hey - it was a start)

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Okay, sounds right.. Are you a developer? You sound as though you could give a &%$# what people think.


No he's not, but he and I both understand it's just an established fact that MMO players are a fickle bunch and are prone to migrating from MMO to MMO. I mean SWTOR didn't do anything to help itself in the beginning, the loss of those players was bound to happen due to the fact that the original client was a mess. But the attrition from then on was just due to the nature of the players. People play, they get bored, they move on. The F2P model unfortunately compounds this issue since there is no reason for a player to have any "skin in the game."

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People are not getting bored. Those that argue against a warzone fix are in for a rude awakening. I am sure you are all having fun face rolling pugs. I watched two people unsub today. Not because of gear. Not because they are bored. They are leaving the game because its not fun to play the same premade teams day after day. The dev's gave us ranked warzones to help this and the premade teams are to afraid to even go in them. Fact is pvpers are fickle, they leave games. Fact is also that this game is steady getting a smaller and smaller population. For those ruining regular warzones they are also ruining the chance for this game to become bigger and better. The fewer the subs the more cartel crap you will see, and the less real content.


My main point being there should be an option for the casual player to log in and warzone without dealing with premade teams that live and breath SWTOR. I mainly pvp, been here since the beginning. I am always looking for a better mmo. I have stayed here for many reasons. Time is growing short for good pvp though. When I get three and four warzones in a row that have already started, that people quit, and I get to lose with a team I did not start with its about time to call it quits. Premade teams run people out of warzones so fast you can't even put together one good offensive sometimes. Premade teams are also running people right out of subscribe status. So keep it up.


FYI, I never premade regular warzones. My team is good enough for ranked. I am concerned for the future of the game because I like it. I love killing you all in warzones even with you premade. When I solo one of you its like a win for me. I have best in slot pvp gear. I have good pvp gear on three 55's. I have found a way to have fun in spite of the problems. Most people have not though. Many more people just quit then stick it out. Talk bad all you want. This game will be void of any real pvp if this continues unchanged.

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People are not getting bored.


Really, cuz I took a SWTOR hiatus because I was bored. I keep my MMOs in rotation. Play til im bored, got to another, come bavk when I miss it enough, got about four right bow and know plenty of people who do the same.


People leave for a bazillion reasons, not just the reasons the frustrate you.

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I just stopped PvPing in 55 bracket. The broken relics and the constant 8 man premades ruin it for me.


They seriously should make it that if you drop out of a warzone (LD or simply leave) you are locked out across all characters from queing for an hour of PLAYED game time. Yes, this would hit me as I occasionally LD from a match. Fair enough, no big deal. It would however kill many 8 man premades as they would have the option of fighting against each other or fighting different people, or waiting an hour before trying again.


seeing 2-3 people from the same guild...even 4 from the same guild on one side is not a problem. When you get more than that it tends to become a problem as the PvP in this game was always designed to primarily be "pick up group" style.

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Really, cuz I took a SWTOR hiatus because I was bored. I keep my MMOs in rotation. Play til im bored, got to another, come bavk when I miss it enough, got about four right bow and know plenty of people who do the same.


People leave for a bazillion reasons, not just the reasons the frustrate you.


Nice try pulling people off topic.. You were so bored you keep coming back.. I am hearing Blah blah blah. Please try to stay on point and not get sidetracked trying to pick what I say apart. Or shall I pick apart your typing skills?

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