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$100 in a couple clicks. SCARY.


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Ah, most players do not have adequate self restraint so we need to step in and help them? My wife complains all the time about the excessive (in her view) amount of time I play this game. I am sure she would like EA to put in some mechanism to help me with my self restraint.



Suggest to your wife you should move to china.




There just might be a provision to stop you after all

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Remove the right vs. wrong and I agree. I think most of the stuff is overpriced and I don't like the idea of spending money for random items that I may or may not want. I'd prefer that I could buy it outright. This is why I buy the things I want from the GTN instead of getting packs. I wish that people wouldn't pay for things like this and cash-in DLC that are held back purposefully to charge extra, even though they add minimal play time.


However I can't and won't try to determine how others should spend their money, and how companies sell their products (as long as it's within the law). I will simply choose to exercise my consumer right not to purchase it.


Fair enough, the right or wrong thing is my personal view. But yea, most people, whether they're critics, defenders, or long time subscribers tend to agree that the CM items are overpriced. You're right, EA only gets away with these prices because certain customers are willing to pay for them. Still, I think maybe the could listen to some of the feedback and create a system where the customers are happy and they continue to make money.


Getting rid of packs with a whole crap load of items bunched in would be a good first step. Instead, like the examples I gave before, make packs with items of similar value. Example: varactyl pack, 4 skin variations, 1000 cc. Random but within bounds of reason. Maybe 1500 cc. Varactyl are kinda awesome.


Example 2: KOTOR armor pack. This pack only contains KOTOR pieces, 500 cc.


Stuff like that. Instead of, ok I want to get a varactyl mount but I either need to get a COMPLETELY random pack or buy it off the GTN :/ And even in the case of buying it off the GTN, somone had to buy the pack and get frustrated first.

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The OP a Rehash?!

If you had bothered to read, he never called for the DEATH or ENDING of the CM. On the contrary he just recognized that packs in general are a form of gambling.

They are not gambling, in any form, so if the OP did what you claim he did. he recognized nothing.


As well as others are coming up with ideas that would make it less like a gamble and more of a PAY for what you want. Get What you want deal. Which is a lot more sensible, practical, and again imho legitimate.

As stated more than once, you can buy exactly what you want now. Get thee to the GTN.


We should pay for what we want. I payed 15$ for my sub to swtor to play swtor.

I don't pay 15$ for a chance to play swtor and hopefully get it play it....

And I assume you get that. You get the same thing when you buy "a pack." You get what you paid for:" a pack." If you don't want "a pack," then don't buy "a pack."

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Sure, it could certainly be improved to my tastes, but they're here to make money, not to cater to me. If they think they get the best returns from how it's structured now, and I'm guessing their numbers agree, then that's how they'll sell it.


Yes sad but true, oh how i wish it weren't.


It would look so much better for this games reputation (imho).

Why can't we just have a pay for what you want system with reasonable prices and things like Dyes be bound to legacy and reusable?

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Yes sad but true, oh how i wish it weren't.


It would look so much better for this games reputation (imho).

Why can't we just have a pay for what you want system with reasonable prices and things like Dyes be bound to legacy and reusable?

If the game becomes too distasteful to you because it's run to make a profit, perhaps you should play a non-profit MMO.

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Fair enough, the right or wrong thing is my personal view. But yea, most people, whether they're critics, defenders, or long time subscribers tend to agree that the CM items are overpriced. You're right, EA only gets away with these prices because certain customers are willing to pay for them. Still, I think maybe the could listen to some of the feedback and create a system where the customers are happy and they continue to make money.


Getting rid of packs with a whole crap load of items bunched in would be a good first step. Instead, like the examples I gave before, make packs with items of similar value. Example: varactyl pack, 4 skin variations, 1000 cc. Random but within bounds of reason. Maybe 1500 cc. Varactyl are kinda awesome.


Example 2: KOTOR armor pack. This pack only contains KOTOR pieces, 500 cc.


Stuff like that. Instead of, ok I want to get a varactyl mount but I either need to get a COMPLETELY random pack or buy it off the GTN :/ And even in the case of buying it off the GTN, somone had to buy the pack and get frustrated first.


If people weren't buying them at the current prices, they'd have been dropped by now.


I suspect that most people are fine with the current prices, but we generally hear from the discontented people more often than the content players.

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Sure, it could certainly be improved to my tastes, but they're here to make money, not to cater to me. If they think they get the best returns from how it's structured now, and I'm guessing their numbers agree, then that's how they'll sell it.


Well, it couldn't hurt to cater to the customers every once in a while instead of only looking out for corporate interests. After all, happy customers are better than angry customers that quit after they get frustrated.


And sure, it's a capitalist economy, doesn't mean the only way you can make money is to bleed everybody dry. In the long run that's actually harmful for the economy. Plus it's not really that capitalistic. It's Star Wars, they're the only real provider right now. It's a monopoly and they've got us by the balls.

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They are not gambling, in any form, so if the OP did what you claim he did. he recognized nothing.



As stated more than once, you can buy exactly what you want now. Get thee to the GTN.



And I assume you get that. You get the same thing when you buy "a pack." You get what you paid for:" a pack." If you don't want "a pack," then don't buy "a pack."



Well when i have bought them i felt(imho) like i gambled with my money and have since no longer bought them.

If i had the ability to purchase what i wanted at reasonable prices i probably would bother with the market.


And not everything is on the GTN. And not everyone has the credits or time to get the credits for everything.

You say like you are guaranteed to find such and such item on the GTN period. I've looked for somethings and haven't found what i have personally wanted in the past.

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If people weren't buying them at the current prices, they'd have been dropped by now.


I suspect that most people are fine with the current prices, but we generally hear from the discontented people more often than the content players.


Well, maybe they should just do a poll and see how many customers are actually happy with the CM prices. The items sell but they could sell better if they appeal to more customers. At the very least they'd have happier customers, which is good in the long run.

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Well, maybe they should just do a poll and see how many customers are actually happy with the CM prices. The items sell but they could sell better if they appeal to more customers. At the very least they'd have happier customers, which is good in the long run.


It'd be much easier for them to just check and see how many people are buying CCs and buying CM stuff than it would to do some meaningless poll.


Trust me. If they weren't making good money with the CM, they'd change the prices. That's how business works. If something isn't selling, you lower the price. If it 'is' selling, you order more from the distributor.


In this case, they 'are' the distributor and the product is pixels.


If customers were unhappy, they'd know it by how many people they have in game versus how many people are buying things.


Looking at the situation, I'm not seeing any signs that there are vast numbers of unhappy customers at the moment.

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If the game becomes too distasteful to you because it's run to make a profit, perhaps you should play a non-profit MMO.


Perhaps you could just let the other customers of this game raise valid points and objections? You're obviously content with the status quo anyway so why bother? Bioware hardly needs you to defend them.

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Well, maybe they should just do a poll and see how many customers are actually happy with the CM prices. The items sell but they could sell better if they appeal to more customers. At the very least they'd have happier customers, which is good in the long run.


Maybe they are afraid to sell just the items that people want for reasonable prices?


Think about it, people who hate the lotto and never win always complain. Yet they always come back to buy more lotto's. Some people would rather buy a lotto for a chance to win something they wanted vs' lunch.


Maybe people who generally buy packs have that same "lotto" mentality. They wanna get what they want and will keep trying even if it would be better to just get it off the GTN or not spend the money at all.


Yet they will keep coming back and spending money.... Oooo fancy psychology.

Edited by Strixs
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Maybe they are afraid to sell just the items that people want for reasonable prices?


Think about it, people who hate the lotto and never win always complain. Yet they always come back to buy more lotto's. Some people would rather buy a lotto for a chance to win something they wanted vs' lunch.


Maybe people who generally buy packs have that same "lotto" mentality. They wanna get what they want and will keep trying even if it would be better to just get it off the GTN or not spend the money at all.


Sane people don't buy packs to get particular items. They spend credits and buy them off the GTN.

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Trust me. If they weren't making good money with the CM, they'd change the prices. That's how business works. If something isn't selling, you lower the price. If it 'is' selling, you order more from the distributor.


They're making good money. No doubt about it. But are they making their customers happy? I'm arguing that they could achieve both and still make money, not that they should stop overpricing the CM because they're not making money. Of course they are. I'm saying look out for the long-term health of the game instead of trying bleed the customers dry.

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Sane people don't buy packs to get particular items. They spend credits and buy them off the GTN.


After personally being upset with how packs work after purchasing them. I cannot disagree with you at all.


Which is why if it was reasonable and different i would most likely spend money once more. Which i do believe you seem to agree with. If things were reasonable as well.... Such as Dyes one time use? that is crazy, more like Legacy bound and reusable amirite?

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Which is why if it was reasonable and different i would most likely spend money once more. Which i do believe you seem to agree with. If things were reasonable as well.... Such as Dyes one time use? that is crazy, more like Legacy bound and reusable amirite?


Me too, I'd spend a lot more if the prices were more reasonable. Right now it's ridiculous, it's like that EVE Online Monocle thing.

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They're making good money. No doubt about it. But are they making their customers happy? I'm arguing that they could achieve both and still make money, not that they should stop overpricing the CM because they're not making money. Of course they are. I'm saying look out for the long-term health of the game instead of trying bleed the customers dry.


<<<< personally a unhappy CM purchaser who won't continue without more reasonableness added to the market.

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the op a rehash?!

If you had bothered to read, he never called for the death or ending of the cm. On the contrary he just recognized that packs in general are a form of gambling. Which imho and others feel the same way. He asked that ea/bw adjust their business practices with warnings.


Read his post for what it is. Not what you think it is please.


thank you.

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You do not speak for me or most people. You have your opinion which is fine, but before you start talking for the rest of us, you should find out what gambling is and how people are buying and using these packs irrespective of what your talkshow personalities may tell you.


This. Please do not attempt to speak for everyone.

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You do not speak for me or most people. You have your opinion which is fine, but before you start talking for the rest of us, you should find out what gambling is and how people are buying and using these packs irrespective of what your talkshow personalities may tell you.

L2read bc he said most people. Your probably the minority bc I agree with his assessments.

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Well when i have bought them i felt(imho) like i gambled with my money and have since no longer bought them.

How you felt is irrelevant, other than in terms of your feelings.


If i had the ability to purchase what i wanted at reasonable prices i probably would bother with the market.

So you can't get stuff for what you think is a reasonable price on the GTN and BWEA has to "fix" the CM to compensate? Really, it's your game, play it how you want. If "item X" is really worth it to you, you'll get it. All you have to do is spend the time to get the creds. If you're not willing to spend the time to get a few creds, then obviously "item X" is not that important to you. Personally, I wouldn't care if they changed it. There's just no need to change it. It works fine as it is.


And not everything is on the GTN. And not everyone has the credits or time to get the credits for everything.

You say like you are guaranteed to find such and such item on the GTN period. I've looked for somethings and haven't found what i have personally wanted in the past.

If you can't find it on the GTN, chances are you can't get it from the CM. The items on the GTN come from the CM.

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