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Suggestion for separate XP for GSF, a Pilot skill tree and Crew member upgrades


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Why doesn't my toon add anything to GSF? He just sits there like a bump on a log enjoying the ride. My companions are pulling their weight, my equipment is pulling it's weight, why is my toon lazy and not contributing to anything?


Yes I know, it's the person behind the keyboard. However, on the ground, my toon brings 46 points worth of contributions to the table on top of his equipment, why a disconnect between my toon and his piloting?


I'd like to see three trees of skills to customize out piloting. At first I thought the easy road would be, make a Scout, Strike and Gunship tree. But that would just pigeonhole people into only playing that one class. So I figure it would be better to have one for weapon bonuses, one for advanced maneuvering and one for shield/armor specialist. Then the Scout pilot can have shield spec yet still see a benefit in jumping into a Scout. Or a GS pilot who takes advanced maneuvering.


I think this would also make it easier for matchmaking because everyone would have a pilot level, I don't think doing it by equipment will be all that accurate when you consider that someone may load out only one ship but may occasionally want to fly a different one with much less upgrades on it.


I'd also like to see crew members treated as equipment (perhaps like sensors with only three upgrade tiers). Probably best to make their upgrades worth fleet requisitions though instead of ship simply because we can use them in all our ships.


Anyway just some random thoughts I've posted in other threads, just wanted to collect them all in one thread and see if it grabs any of you. Will it add more grind? Sure it will but be honest, we wouldn't be here if we didn't like to grind. :rak_04:

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