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Found a bug on 8-man HM Dread Master Tyrans


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As the title states my guild and I discovered what appears to be a rare, but nevertheless hilarious, bug on 8-man HM Dread Master Tyrans, in Dread Palace, last night. This is the first time we, and as far as we can tell anyone, encountered this bug. The problem appeared to be surrounding our Jug tank. Anytime he had aggro on the boss, the entire floor would drop out from under us and reset the instance. Restarting the game client appeared to fix the problem effectively. But we didn't realize that right away. We did a couple pulls and recorded some funny clips.


So I thought I'd share this video, I threw together, simply for sh*ts and giggles:


Like I said the bug doesn't seem to be any real issue and it appears to be extremely rare. It's just funny as hell:D.

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