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Good ways to find/form group?

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Good day.

I have a question to people who do [Heroic] deeds often, especially less common ones, like Macrobinocular/Seeker Droid [H4] or Level 50 Story Mode flashpoints, that kind of things.

What are good ways to get party rolling, considering that you can't queue for it due to Level or otherwise, with pros and cons?

Yes, yelling in /general on Fleet is viable method... except it rarely work in timely fashion. I am looking for alternatives, if they exist.

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Join a guild at that sort of level/geared towards those kind of activities? Post in guild chat asking if people want to do them, learn what time most people are on for your server. Make a circle of friends and set up a casual schedule where you guys can play together?
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Join a guild at that sort of level/geared towards those kind of activities? Post in guild chat asking if people want to do them, learn what time most people are on for your server. Make a circle of friends and set up a casual schedule where you guys can play together?


Actually, this/these suggestion(s) is probably better than mine. Mine takes less effort but also will likely yield meager results.

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Join a guild at that sort of level/geared towards those kind of activities? Post in guild chat asking if people want to do them, learn what time most people are on for your server.

One or more days spent finding guild, making application and being accepted into.

Few more days spent annoying new guild mates with "Can you please do {[some quest]} with me? Please!" in variations.

Once all non-repeatable, single-time story group quests are done... /gquit (because why to stay once it is done, it is not like there will be more story quests soon enough and you have other characters to level on opposite faction).




Sorry, but I think there is something wrong with that way.

Guilds are there not just to help some random person to do their leftover quests, it is groups based on mutual interest, friendship and responsibilities.

In short, to join guild just to finish 3 last story quests left in your logs is overkill.


So far what I find:

- Yelling at Fleet;

- Yelling at the place where quest/activity located in hope that there are more people doing it right that moment;

- Posting at server forums, both official and alternative;

- Making friends and planning day and time for that kind of activity.


I left guild option out, since... well, it is good option, but only if you taking part in other activities, PvE or PvP. Otherwise it will be unfair to guild you worm yourself in. I really don't know single guild which will be happy to invite you "just until I am done with that here quest".

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I left guild option out, since... well, it is good option, but only if you taking part in other activities, PvE or PvP. Otherwise it will be unfair to guild you worm yourself in. I really don't know single guild which will be happy to invite you "just until I am done with that here quest".
Why are you the type that wants help, but is not willing to help others later?


Many guilds are extremely casual, we require nothing from members other than being civil to each other and not steal stuff from guild bank to sell on the GTN. I assure you I don't know or have anything in common with 50% of my guild, but as a officer I will help any of them in game should they ask. I have done the Macrobinocular/Seeker Droid final missions at least 6 times on one of my toons (healer) and I have yet to even complete the Macrobinocular mission for myself on any of my toons.


Now most would frown if you just joined did your mission and quit, but most anyone wouldn't want to be used like that.

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