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Hackers Already..?


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Control points being taken before the match starts... anyone notice this?


I think that it is a glitch outside of their control rather than hacks. I have seen this before (and bug reported the relevant information). The person that did it was notably not on the scoreboard at the end. However, I have seen this individual in ~10 other games where they didn't start before the rest of us (and he was on the scoreboard for those). I assume that if he were hacking, he would have done it more than once.


I would say bug report with as much detail as you can and hopefully the devs figure it out sooner rather than later.

Edited by Lord_Of_Sith
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You sure you didnt get into an in-progress match? that's happened to me a few times.


If he's talking about the same thing that I've seen, it is definitely before the match begins. Someone is able to spawn during the ~1:30 prep time before the match. Gives them enough time to capture at least one node and rack up a few points before the game even starts, also allowing turrets to spawn before the enemy team can even get there.

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The same can happen in warzones. Where a player will spawn randomly within the battlefield, freely able to move around. He won't be able to capture the points, but as soon as the match starts he's already there able to begin the cap.


I've only ever seen the glitch happen 3(?) times in two years. I've yet to see the space version of it, but would expect it to act similar. The person being affected by the glitch isn't exploiting; but if they use it to their advantage then it's exploiting a bug, and is a valid reason to report the person.

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