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An in-depth look at combat: Asajj Ventress


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"Master, all due respect, but Ventress is too powerful for any one Jedi to fight alone." ~ Ahsoka to Luminara Unduli


Age: Mid 20s


Height: 1.8 meters


Weight: 60 kilograms


Physicality: Ventress is in her physical prime and over the course of her apprenticeship her physical strength increased significantly to the point where she overcame many weaknesses of Jar’Kai and Makashi, the latter of which had difficulty generating kinetic energy and the former divided strength up between the two blades. Yet Ventress was capable of blade-locking with multiple opponents at the same time. Yet she could be overwhelmed by power attacks.


She also possessed remarkable fortitude, capable of recovering from significant impacts with little difficulty. She was also considerably agile and a skilled acrobatic, capable of dodging lightsaber attacks in the midst of combat.




Melee Abilities


Ventress was an accomplished warrior, trained by her master, Count Dooku, in the Makashi style and also became accomplished in Jar’Kai – favouring dual wielding and the use of a saberstaff – the latter indicating excellent aptitude in the field of melee combat being a difficult weapon to master. However her style was not without weaknesses and grossly inferior to Dooku’s, and it is unlikely that she achieved a high level of mastery over any particular form. Nonetheless she remained his most deadly of assassins and Jedi Killers, holding her own against many accomplished warriors such as Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi and defeating master lightsaber duelists such as Luminari Unduli and Kit Fisto.


Lightsaber: Ventress inherited the weapons of Dooku’s former Padawan - Komari Vosa - and shared the curved hilt of her master’s own weapon. The blades were crimson and could be linked together to form a saberstaff, which due to the nature of her hilts the blades where slightly off-set and approached therefore at variable and unpredictable angles. Ventress’ weapons gave her a very versatile range of tactics and options, and the curved hilt complemented her usage of Makashi much like it did for her master.


Makashi: being a dueling-centric form Ventress is naturally attuned to combat with other lightsaber wielding opponents, with the sheer effectiveness and finesse of the style granting her an advantage against other duelists of the era unfamiliar with its refined techniques. And one may theorise that Ventress’ personal strength and ferocity introduces new elements to the form that help counter its inability to create significant kinetic energy and general weakness against more power-orientated dueling styles.


Jar’Kai: not a form in itself but rather a style of swordplay that utilises dual blades Ventress’ application of this style pairs well with her emphasis on strength, both physically and through the Force, allowing for rapid and overwhelming flurries. Multiple blades allowing her to perform more attacks per second if you will. It also made her very effective against multiple opponents which she had done so on several occasions with little difficulty, utilising the advantages of having an additional blade to erect an effective defense while continuing to employ offensive maneuvers.


Ventress was also accomplished at chaining physical attacks into her lightsaber sequences which would almost always consist of physical kicks – overbalancing her opponents and leaving the susceptible to attack. She was also a highly accomplished hand-to-hand fighter.


Force Abilities


While her primary focus was lightsaber combat, and her mastery over the Force therefore somewhat rudimentary – Ventress remained a powerful Force User and utilised this abilities to considerable and constant effect in battle.* The following are her most prominent combat abilities:


Telekinesis: Ventress was highly accomplished at chaining telekinetic attacks into her lightsaber sequences and did so often - blasting her opponents back with well-timed force pushes or barraging them with multiple telekinetic projectiles, often weighing in tonnes. Altogether giving her greater control over the battlefield.


Mind Control: Ventress was adept as using mind tricks and could use it to manipulate the minds of weak willed opponents and dominating animals to fight for her in battle.


Force Concealment: Ventress was trained by Count Dooku in Quey’tek meditation which allowed her to mask her presence in the Force. Something that could be used in the midst of a lightsaber duel to evade her opponents and perform a devastating sneak attack. However this was not something she used at all frequently.


*Note that Ventress has yet to achieve the full extent of her power, and in various involuntary bouts of Force Rage she demonstrates exceptional strength in the Force - or rather her full potential momentarily realised. For example choking Anakin and Kenobi. And while unable to apply this purposefully in battle, it makes her all the more deadly.


Other Abilities


Ventress was a tactical and intelligent duelist, often using her environment to her advantage, trapping, confusing and injuring her enemies. She was also accomplished in Dun Möch which she would often use to unbalance her opponents and quite remarkably on one occasions used it to successfully turn a Jedi to the dark side and against his friends.






Ventress’ primary advantages are strength, speed and smarts. Her offensive is powerful and fast-paced yet considerably refined, which makes for a deadly combination effective against a broad range of opponents, often alone proving enough to overwhelm. Yet in the event that this fails she can rely on a strong defense and exceptional fortitude to weather the assaults of her opponent. It is here that perhaps her greatest strength, her intelligent and tactical mind, kicks in. Ventress is constantly calculating her surroundings and the strengths and weaknesses of her adversaries which she repeatedly exploits to her advantage, whether that be a well-placed kick, a well-timed retreat, a trap or a telekinetic attack - they always produce results and turn the tide in her favour or extract her from a sticky situation.


Ventress’ preferred tactic is therefore to engage her opponents head on with an aggressive and unpredictable onslaught, while remaining mindful of her surroundings and exploiting them to her advantage. Inferior opponents fall to the former and superior opponents all too often to the latter.




Ventress’ offensive may be dominating and her defense staunch, but they are far from perfect, and while she is very much a well-rounded duelist she lacks any specific mastery in any particular field. This proves a significant weakness against more specialised duelists capable of handling her attacks and breaking her defenses. She has a particular weakness against power duelist such as Anakin Skywalker; her attacks are easily deflected as she – despite being strong – still fails to produce sufficient kinetic energy. Which leads to her being placed on the back foot and if an opportunity fails to prevent itself she is inevitably overwhelmed. Ventress has also become very much reliant on the Jar’Kai style and when robbed or her second blade finds herself at a distinct disadvantage.




Ventress however is by no means simply a lightsaber duelist, she has her Force abilities and tactical smarts to fall back on. A specialised opponent may be able to negate her more well-rounded assault, but they are still vulnerable to her enhanced speed, strength, Force-based attacks and can of course be lured in traps - which may often be enough to tip the scales in her favour. A good example would be Luminari Unduli, whose mastery over Soresu proved enough to easily hold off Ventress’ most ferocious attacks; yet through a combination of Ventress’ strategic ingenuity ability and her superior speed she was defeated in short order.


In specific terms of tactical ability, such applications would theoretically prove more effective against power duelists, who’s single-minded and in the moment approaches are highly susceptible to more calculating adversaries.




Quotes, Clips and Scans:


A demonstration of Ventress’ unarmed capabilities:




Ventress defeating Unduli and Ahsoka by manipulating her surroundings:




Ventress overpowering General Grievous in a contest of strength:



A demonstration of Ventress’ Force abilities:



Ventress holding her own against Mace Windu:








A nice montage and demonstration of Ventress’ lightsaber engagements:



Thoughts: Ventress’ tactical ability and intelligence is something often overlooked, and in fact is very much pronounced in all her duels. Both in small and large ways Ventress is always aware of her surroundings and using them to her advantage, or else exploiting the nature of the moment to overwhelm or evade her opponents. Watching that montage also makes you realise that her style is quite beautiful. :D


If you’ve got any suggestions for future in-depths or any quotes, clips or scans to add feel free to post below.


And as always thoughts and opinions are welcome!

Edited by Beniboybling
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Good work as always. I believe that Ventress has some skill in Niman, as she employs Force-based attacks regularly, but that's just my opinion.


A suggestion: Plo Koon. Yeah, you knew that was coming. If you don't own In Service to the Republic of The Sith Hunters, I could write it up for you.

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Good work as always. I believe that Ventress has some skill in Niman, as she employs Force-based attacks regularly, but that's just my opinion.


A suggestion: Plo Koon. Yeah, you knew that was coming. If you don't own In Service to the Republic of The Sith Hunters, I could write it up for you.

Well Niman and Jar'Kai are interlinked so its definitely a possibility.


And I file that suggestion, and any info you could provide would be great.

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You might include Dark Rage in her force abilities, dont remember it flatly stated, but we blatantly see it in her duel against Skywalker and Kenobi on her command ship... Fly's into a rage, due to recent emotional trauma, force powers increased by immense measures, she barely escapes and passes out... Seems like Dark Rage to me :p


Oh, and great job!

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You might include Dark Rage in her force abilities, dont remember it flatly stated, but we blatantly see it in her duel against Skywalker and Kenobi on her command ship... Fly's into a rage, due to recent emotional trauma, force powers increased by immense measures, she barely escapes and passes out... Seems like Dark Rage to me :p


Oh, and great job!

Yes and no. On one hand yes she has certainly had some violent bouts of anger that have no doubt bolstered her effectiveness in battle.


But on the other hand these have been involuntary. Whereas Force Rage is a voluntary power that involved the user actively intensifying his emotions to fly into such a blood filled fury. Probably more applicable to someone like Malgus.


That said I might give it a mention.

Edited by Beniboybling
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I don't think Force Rage is really an actual ability, more along the lines of what Obi-Wan(TPM), Anakin(Clone Wars/ROTS) and Luke(ROTJ) did to overwhelm their opponents. Its a breif amp, not something that is voluentary.


It is controllable and uncontrollable. The Sith Assassins utilized force rage as an on-demand power, as did sith like Malgus, and Sion. It's in a lot of sourcebooks... However it's stated to be a dangerous power because It takes severe energy out of the user, it can have long term damage, and merely using the power can stop a Jedi from ever being one with the light side.


The power is seriously so strong that it leaves a permanent darkness in you.

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It is controllable and uncontrollable. The Sith Assassins utilized force rage as an on-demand power, as did sith like Malgus, and Sion. It's in a lot of sourcebooks... However it's stated to be a dangerous power because It takes severe energy out of the user, it can have long term damage, and merely using the power can stop a Jedi from ever being one with the light side.


The power is seriously so strong that it leaves a permanent darkness in you.


Well of course it's a dangerous power and of course it can stop a Jedi from being at the light side, it's using their rage as a weapon something which they shouldn't do. Though prey tell a quote that says its a voluentary power?

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Well of course it's a dangerous power and of course it can stop a Jedi from being at the light side. Though prey tell a quote that says its a voluentary power?
Well in all honesty Force Rage is merely an aspect of using one's anger to draw on the dark side, an intensified state if you will. To quote the Book of Sith:


The writings of Darth Malgus confirm that anger, combined with will, is the key to power. When anger intensifies to rage, it is unstoppable. Malgus submitted utterly to the dark side, and doing so made him an exemplary warrior.


Malgus is most likely a practitioner of this power.

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Well in all honesty Force Rage is merely an aspect of using one's anger to draw on the dark side, an intensified state if you will. To quote the Book of Sith:


The writings of Darth Malgus confirm that anger, combined with will, is the key to power. When anger intensifies to rage, it is unstoppable. Malgus submitted utterly to the dark side, and doing so made him an exemplary warrior.


Malgus is most likely a practitioner of this power.


That doesn't really say it's an ability...it's just more of said person getting angrier and building up their emotions. I wouldn't really say Force Rage is an ability, it's not something that is very unique or interesting or something that you gotta teach yourself...all it is, is just getting pissed off. Which you could control your anger, if you're not stupid but...I don't see it being a legit ability.


It seems rather reaching to have it being an ability or what have you. When all said person is doing is getting angry.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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That doesn't really say it's an ability...it's just more of said person getting angrier and building up their emotions. I wouldn't really say Force Rage is an ability.
Well isn't that what Force Rage is, controlling one's anger and intensifying it?


Here is the Wookiee page by the way.


I think we should be careful using the word "abilities", these are simply applications of the Force, given arbitrary titles.

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Well of course it's a dangerous power and of course it can stop a Jedi from being at the light side, it's using their rage as a weapon something which they shouldn't do. Though prey tell a quote that says its a voluentary power?


Beni beat me to it with the Book of Sith, it's also in deceived though I think the wording is more along the usual "let the hate flow through him" stuff. Oh, and the Kotor Campaign guide, it merely states that Dark rage as something the Assassins submitted themselves to. Finally, if one chooses the a Sith Marauder path, Traya teaches dark rage to you.


However, if you're a dark side prestige other than Marauder, you learn it outside the academy on Malachor... So, we'll, it's a bit comme ci comme ça on the KOTOR front,

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Well isn't that what Force Rage is, controlling one's anger and intensifying it?


Here is the Wookiee page by the way.


I think we should be careful using the word "abilities", these are simply applications of the Force, given arbitrary titles.


Sure but it again is rather reaching to have it being actually called something, when it doesn't really need to be called anything.

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Sure but it again is rather reaching to have it being actually called something, when it doesn't really need to be called anything.


Of course it needs a name.


Any Jedi can recover from passions, but Dark rage leaves permanent darkness in you.


It leaves mental scarring, damage to anyone that uses it.


Intensifies your powers hundredfold, case I'm point? VENTRESS being able to rip through the force shields of Kenobi and Skywalker, with absolute ease. Could have possibly killed them, if not for Dookus orders...


And it takes incredible energy out of the wielder, it's obviously not the norm.

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Of course it needs a name.


Any Jedi can recover from passions, but Dark rage leaves permanent darkness in you.


It leaves mental scarring, damage to anyone that uses it.


Intensifies your powers hundredfold, case I'm point? VENTRESS being able to rip through the force shields of Kenobi and Skywalker, with absolute ease. Could have possibly killed them, if not for Dookus orders...


And it takes incredible energy out of the wielder, it's obviously not the norm.


Well you're always gonna have anger in you, what you do with your anger and then after calming down yes you could have some mental scarring depending on what you did. Anger can make you stronger IE: Adrenaline in this case.


After calming down...eh I guess, could still be exshausted though.


So...../shrug, I don't really see it bothering to have a name. But whatever I guess, so it does, guess there isn't a reason to argue it.

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Well you're always gonna have anger in you, what you do with your anger and then after calming down yes you could have some mental scarring depending on what you did. Anger can make you stronger IE: Adrenaline in this case.


After calming down...eh I guess, could still be exshausted though.


So...../shrug, I don't really see it bothering to have a name. But whatever I guess, so it does, guess there isn't a reason to argue it.

I think I agree in the sense that the name Force Rage is misleading in implying that it is something very specific. When in fact there are varying levels of "rage" and no clear cut definition of when this power is in effect or not. That said, it does exist in some form, but perhaps to lose to be defined in this way. Though in the end, if it exists it needs a name.
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Oh my god, mind ****!


Did palpating order the hit on ventress because he foresaw she would kill Skywalker? He thought she was weak and irrelevant, he had no reason to test Dooku....

Meh, unlikely. Did Palpatine order Dooku to kill Ventress because she in fact had the potential to become very powerful? Powerful enough to have Dooku attempt an dethroning? Very likely.


I mean sure he could have killed them both, but he needs Dooku for the time being. He needs him loyal.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Meh, unlikely. Did Palpatine order Dooku to kill Ventress because she in fact had the potential to become very powerful? Powerful enough to have Dooku attempt an dethroning? Very likely.


I mean sure he could have killed them both, but he needs Dooku for the time being. He needs him loyal.


That is kinda something that bothers me about Ventress, I don't mind her being powerful. But that powerful? No thanks, I personally see her as a mid-tier Force User, she was after all just suppose to be an assassin yes? Nothing more and nothing less right?


Unless of course they changed that....I dunno.

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Meh, unlikely. Did Palpatine order Dooku to kill Ventress because she in fact had the potential to become very powerful? Powerful enough to have Dooku attempt an dethroning? Very likely.


I mean sure he could have killed them both, but he needs Dooku for the time being. He needs him loyal.

Thats what I thought, but in Jedi vs Sith, a guide to the force, he states her as meaningless to him, not a main part of his plans and her fate was irrelevant to him.... I don't think her power, or dooku, was ever an issue for him... But he had his eyes on skywalker since naboo.

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