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Remove the cool down on directional shields


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If I need to quickly switch shields to the front in an "oh crap" scenario, I shouldn't need to risk .4 seconds or whatever of no shields where I want them while I wait for the cool down.


Alternatively, give me seperate buttons for front/mid/back.


Thanks for your time

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If I need to quickly switch shields to the front in an "oh crap" scenario, I shouldn't need to risk .4 seconds or whatever of no shields where I want them while I wait for the cool down.


Alternatively, give me seperate buttons for front/mid/back.


Thanks for your time

Buy the first tier unlock. Problem solved.

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Buy the first tier unlock. Problem solved.


That only removes the energy cost of switching, it doesn't change the delay that occurs while cycling them. This means that, depending on how you currently have your shields set, if you suddenly need to change them, you might temporarily expose the arc where you are taking fire.



I would also really like to see separate buttons for shifting power to forward and back arcs to avoid this. It's incredibly annoying when you take fire from one arc, but in order to shift shield power to that arc, you have to temporarily shift it to the other arc, leaving your hull completely exposed for a fraction of a second.

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Anyone? Bueller?


It's a shield component unique to strike fighters. So instead of using the default quick recharge shield you purchase and switch to a directional shield. Takes practice and skill to use, but definitely very useful if you're making turret runs.

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It's a shield component unique to strike fighters. So instead of using the default quick recharge shield you purchase and switch to a directional shield. Takes practice and skill to use, but definitely very useful if you're making turret runs.


Oh, bummer. I suck with the strike fighter...maybe I wouldn't if I knew about this ability though :) I usually play scout or gunship.

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I myself have noticed that the ability is EXTREMELY weaker than the other shield components, Even for the fact you can shift power to shields making it almost useless. As the shield arcs dont increase any further than Blue for the outer arc...which both should turn bright blue full double strength with power to shields...After all you are putting your full shield strength from one side to the other while all energy is powering the shields.
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I requested this in beta, too. Signed.


(Though be happy that it wasn't like it was in its initial implementation, where the order was Middle -> Front -> Back -> Middle). With that order, if someone started attacking your aft, you were pretty much doomed if you tried to transfer shields backward. You can thank me for calling that out to the devs :)


Now one press helps you react to being tailed.


Two presses lets you prepare for a premeditated strike on a turret or a joust.

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I want to be able to shift power forward/backwards with the mouse wheel.


That would be ideal. I use Directional Shields primarily to increase my overall shield capacity.


Switching to front is okay if you have time to look all around and make sure it's just the one suicidal scout jousting with you, especially because just one tap brings you back to equal shields.

Switching to back when boosting away works fine as long as you KNOW you can get to safety before you run out of engine power, which is rarely.

Switching in the middle of a dogfight is practically suicidal because of the delay.


Any kind of quick-key for each shield position would be great, but without being able to switch to what you want on the fly you take a big risk using it.

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I don't mind the GCD on the shield so much but I would like better control over where to put the power. I don't like how I have to cycle it behind me first then in front. I get more use of directional shields by putting power to front but since it takes so long to cycle through to the front, I a lot of times end up getting one shotted in the transition from power to rear to power to front.


For example, once I get in firing range of a gunship, I prefer to switch power to front and just unload on them. But, oh so many times I'll cycle to rear first and just before I am able to get it in front the gunship fires a half-charge and insta-kills me because I have no front shield.

Edited by Soul_of_Flames
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I don't mind the GCD on the shield so much but I would like better control over where to put the power. I don't like how I have to cycle it behind me first then in front.

To me, cycling to rear first makes more sense, as you don't have a visual there (no rear-view mirror), so it's arguably more likely you'll need to twitch-react to a surprise on your six.


When I'm engaging Gunships head on, I'll switch to front-only just before lining up to them. Of course you're screwed if you've got an unkown tail at that point as well, but I think that's the risk vs reward of the Directional shield - knowing when best to use it, and taking gambles.


Glancing the minimap can help to know whether you're likely to be engaged by others though, so can help with the judgement.

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