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gore-smash hybrid funsies


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Yea there's a few 12k+ smashes in there (12797 high), that is the point of the spec, to hit harder than any other but less often. It is a very niche spec but it has lots of nice tools like roots on deadlythrow and the fast pred from the carnage tree, as well as force leap from the rage tree so you have 2 ways to unroot yourself and lots of ways to root your enemys. I like it best for huttball, roots and speed as well as huge single target and aoe when needed. It is for sure a pvp spec only, don't go trying this in a raid, wont work out for ya.


Really its just like any other hybrid, you have to be good at the class to make it shine. I wouldn't go as far as to call it a useless spec tho. It isnt always about straight up DPS, as dot specs know, you can dot up everyone but you wont kill anything and still get hugh dps yet kill nothing and just gives the enemy healers HOTs something to do. Sometimes it is about spike damage, kinda like certain sin specs.

Edited by Lafay
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Heres a big hit for ya lol...


14152 :D

dat burst.


Ty for the video, now I know what Bioware employee call skill.

It's when you play marauder and do 14152 AOE damage by smash.

It's clearly l2p issue for the rest of us who play other AC! :o


P.S. Anyway you showed a quality play-through and tbh I support your POV about hybrids. Look forward for more of that crazy burst videos :)

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Hybrid Mara and Jugg Builds hurt my brain... Dont go hybrid, you lose out on DPS... Just stop trying to make "viable" hybrids...


Would you call 3300 with the new global thread rules 'viable'? That was a single parse too, I hardly took any shots at it.

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hmmm ill have to check to see if i can make it available in other countrys or something. Anyone know how to fix that? what hybrid did you get 3300 dps with? there are a few goresmash specs that work, the one i was running in this vid was:



basic rotation is played like smash but your only way of getting shockwave stacks is through berserk. just gore before you smash, and watch the numbers fly, oh and also, this spec is great for burning tanks, gore is 100% armor penetration and smash is guaranteed crit, so no shield will come into play. The only thing they can do to lower damage is flat damage reduction cool downs. So you will hit a sorc for the same damage as you would a PT tank, provided no defensive cool down is active.

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hmmm ill have to check to see if i can make it available in other countrys or something. Anyone know how to fix that? what hybrid did you get 3300 dps with? there are a few goresmash specs that work, the one i was running in this vid was:



basic rotation is played like smash but your only way of getting shockwave stacks is through berserk. just gore before you smash, and watch the numbers fly, oh and also, this spec is great for burning tanks, gore is 100% armor penetration and smash is guaranteed crit, so no shield will come into play. The only thing they can do to lower damage is flat damage reduction cool downs. So you will hit a sorc for the same damage as you would a PT tank, provided no defensive cool down is active.


It wasn't gore/smash.


This is actually a log of the 10th, just forgot to set the date on torparse to it (defaulted to today)


Edited by idnewton
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Aww nice! carnage anni hybrid huh, sweet!:D


Can you give me a skill tree so i can see what is taken? I am sure i can figure it out looking at the parse, but still, never knew 3300 was possible with a hybrid, good job man!

Edited by Lafay
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Aww nice! carnage anni hybrid huh, sweet!:D


Can you give me a skill tree so i can see what is taken? I am sure i can figure it out looking at the parse, but still, never knew 3300 was possible with a hybrid, good job man!


It sounds incredibly stupid but through a series of rather unlikely coincidences, it does work. Spec is 20/23/3.

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