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Requisition point oddities


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Does anyone know what earns different amounts of requisition?

Through this last week I spent a lot of time in a Scout, and tended to earn between 700-1000 req per battle. For the last few days I've been flying a strike fighter and am often disappointed, occasionally amazed at just how little req (as high as 800 and as low as 400) I have been earning even though the performances have been similar.


In my most battle I did not underperform by any stretch of the imagination and got 463 req, the lowest I have ever seen, pretty sure the lowest req reward I've gotten in a scout was upwards of 600. Is there any chance that detecting enemies adds to your req?


Please help me make sense of this =)

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I'm not certain there is any sense to it. In matches where I have not been getting bonus requisition, in some that I lose I get more requisition than in some I win. I have played with guildies who are near the top in total damage and medals while I am middle of the pack and they only get a few more requisition than I do. As long as I get at least 600 per match I count that a good match.
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Kills/medals are not an indicator of requisition gain. You gain the most requisition by capturing objectives, killing turrets etc. So you could be top of the kills and medals but earning less requisition than someone who is focused on objectives.


Are you doing more objective stuff with your scout compared to your strike fighter?

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Kills/medals are not an indicator of requisition gain. You gain the most requisition by capturing objectives, killing turrets etc. So you could be top of the kills and medals but earning less requisition than someone who is focused on objectives.


Are you doing more objective stuff with your scout compared to your strike fighter?


Negative, in fact the opposite is more common. As a strike fighter it is often best to be near objectives, not only for cover from the satellite while charging but also for cover from friendly fighters that tend to be near objectives. Strike fighters with no engines out in the sticks tend to become sticks. With my scout I tend to spend more time dogfighting.


I suppose I will have to keep better track of things if I hope to make any sense of this. I suspect that we are looking at mostly non-objective related req gains.

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I still don't quite understand how scoreboard medals - and thus Requisition - are given out, as I explained here : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=704390


Except as the devs pointed out in your stream... what gets you medals may not get you requisition. So you shouldn't be hard linking it. It's sort of like the fixation people have with kills, when it is kill+assist that should be the point of interest since they are the same thing for requisition purposes.

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Does anyone know what earns different amounts of requisition?


Nobody knows yet.


I have been doing some testing, and I am certain that you get a lot for capturing a satellite. I suspect you gain an amount every second you have the green "capturing" glow. I suspect you get a certain amount for the amount of damage you deal, and a certain amount for every second you are counted as a 'Defender'. It is taking a long time to do decent testing though, so it is really just speculation at the moment. You may get some for detecting enemies. I had not considered that, and I will try to find a way to test for it.

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Thank you for everyone's responses, this certainly is hard to figure out.


Interestingly, I have discovered that you receive no objective points for destroying a satellite, which seems weird but whatever.


The worst X factors likely have to do with the a bonus for winning the battle, and very likely some sort of base requisition reward or just a smaller reward for losing.

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I have been able to get my strike fighter back into the regular 600 to 800 req reward range by concentrating on capturing a turret in the early rush (this is probably where some of my consistent Scout req comes from) and then blowing off defending a captured satellite in favor of capturing any enemy satellite.


There does not seem to be a noticeable difference in req whether you win or lose, but after following the advice I've gotten here I am comfortable claiming that the length of time that you glow green is directly related. This would also explain why we are having trouble coming up with a reasonable guess as to what awards req. You can concentrate on clearing turrets and wiping out enemies that encroach on the satellites all you want, it will not help you upgrade.


In light of this, my guess is that the optimal req bonus would be awarded if no one fought, and both sides simply kept trading satellites.

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