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Suggestion: Fleet ship resupply point


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Another conversation related to ships suiciding to refill their missiles made me think of one possible solution: Adding the ability to repair and resupply at your fleet spawn point.


I could see it working a couple of ways. Either a simple auto-resupply/repair when you fly through a field, or possibly allow you to dock and relaunch. The former would be pretty straight forward, the later a bit more complicated, but also affords you the ability to change ships.


I kind of prefer the full dock and relaunch option myself, as it seems a bit more logical and fits in with the way the battle works. Docking takes you out of the battle for the time it takes you to get home and relaunch (and possible adding a respawn timer if needed) while giving you a fresh ship.



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Killing yourself would still be faster.


True, but it also grants the enemy points, and anyone who damaged you an assist.


But yes, they could also use some additional incentive not to suicide. Maybe a progressive respawn timer for every self committed death in the game. 0 seconds for the first, 5 for the second, 10 for the third, 30 for the fourth and so on. Once you have a valid way to repair and rearm it might not be worth killing yourself over again.

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Another conversation related to ships suiciding to refill their missiles made me think of one possible solution: Adding the ability to repair and resupply at your fleet spawn point.


I could see it working a couple of ways. Either a simple auto-resupply/repair when you fly through a field, or possibly allow you to dock and relaunch. The former would be pretty straight forward, the later a bit more complicated, but also affords you the ability to change ships.


I kind of prefer the full dock and relaunch option myself, as it seems a bit more logical and fits in with the way the battle works. Docking takes you out of the battle for the time it takes you to get home and relaunch (and possible adding a respawn timer if needed) while giving you a fresh ship.




NO!! Even it's a great idea Gunships and scouts would use it to scape from Dogfight and kill their opponent when hit bad.

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Another conversation related to ships suiciding to refill their missiles made me think of one possible solution: Adding the ability to repair and resupply at your fleet spawn point.


I could see it working a couple of ways. Either a simple auto-resupply/repair when you fly through a field, or possibly allow you to dock and relaunch. The former would be pretty straight forward, the later a bit more complicated, but also affords you the ability to change ships.


I kind of prefer the full dock and relaunch option myself, as it seems a bit more logical and fits in with the way the battle works. Docking takes you out of the battle for the time it takes you to get home and relaunch (and possible adding a respawn timer if needed) while giving you a fresh ship.




a concise and well thought out idea, good work, and better than I can say about half the threads in this forum.

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Why not give an added incentive to cap sats by allowing them to resupply (but NOT repair) ships? That plays out well in several ways:

1) in the process of attacking you may use up the majority of your secondary ammo, resupplying at a sat you just capped gives defenders a better chance against respawned enemies


2) it gives you a reason to return to sats and/or defend them beyond simple game type mechanics


3) it gives you a reason to cap them since controlling most or all of the sats will give you an advantage over your enemies. (for balance make resupply speed based on turret count, the fewer turrets the slower you rearm; possibly also make it so if enemies are within 3,000 meters or something the sats won't resupply)


repairing at your sat would be too powerful since the defenders could become invulnerable (currently first attack wave may fail but the defenders become so crippled they fall to the second wave, repairs would eliminate that).


I suspect most people would still just suicide over flying all the way to their capital ship and all the way back but if they could use sats as front line supply depots it would decrease suicides.

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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First of all, every time you die you should lose a percentage of any requisition you receive at the end of a match. That percentage should also be double if you're team was the victor. Also, every time you respawn, the enemy should automatically be granted get a few points on their score. That should prevent players from suicide on purpose.


As for the resupply point, I think it's a good idea. I think it should work similar to how capturing satellites work. You fly into the resupply area, cut your engines and your ammo and stuff are slowly replenished.

Edited by Soul_of_Flames
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First of all, every time you die you should lose a percentage of any requisition you receive at the end of a match.


The point of requisition is to reward you for certain behaviors that help the team. Aggressive, dangerous tactics can help the team a great deal.

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First of all, every time you die you should lose a percentage of any requisition you receive at the end of a match. That percentage should also be double if you're team was the victor. Also, every time you respawn, the enemy should automatically be granted get a few points on their score. That should prevent players from suicide on purpose.


While that would discourage intentional suicides the people it would hurt most would be newbies who are still learning game mechanics (I've played numerous flight games since the original X-Wing and I still crashed a fair few times as I got used to controls). Taking away req for suicides would just make it more difficult for newbies, if it punished them for getting shot down by enemies too ("every time you die") it would make it even harder and in all probability discourage them from playing.

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Facts are, from the time I'm dead, till the time I'm back on point is very short, and admitting I have not timed it, I'd estimate it to be 15 seconds, from dead to back on station.


The turn-around is so fast, we really gain almost nothing for the kill, or suicide. Often the enemy negates this small turn-around time with a fresh hull and full rack of missles.


I'm saying, besides griefing the opposing team, it's often a positive outcome to intentionally chose to slam a wall.

Literally, the fastest travel time from point A to C, is thru a wall.


Tactics? If I'm at A, and I see the enemy holds C with 3 turrets, I could chose to pound a wall... change ships to grab my Gunship to C and take out those turrets from range. Via the wall, I could be back at A before I'm missed.


I personally hate sitting and waiting on a respawn timer, but at least make it 15 seconds, which would make back on point cost 30 seconds. At least remove the Wall as a wormhole from points A to C.

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Tactics? If I'm at A, and I see the enemy holds C with 3 turrets, I could chose to pound a wall... change ships to grab my Gunship to C and take out those turrets from range. Via the wall, I could be back at A before I'm missed.


I personally hate sitting and waiting on a respawn timer, but at least make it 15 seconds, which would make back on point cost 30 seconds. At least remove the Wall as a wormhole from points A to C.


I have mixed feelings about a 15 second respawn, in a close match that could sway things too heavily to the team taking the least casualties and make it increasingly hard to make a come back.


That being said if you made it connect with a suicides when you haven't taken fire for 15 seconds increase your respawn by X amount it might work. Mainly make it so each suicide that occurs outside of taking fire increases your respawn timer by 10 seconds until you're effectively looking at 30+ seconds respawn time (each death to enemy fire will remove 1 suicide while not under fire respawn time penalty). I'd guess that'd put a stop to a lot of suicides if they were suddenly stuck staring at the respawn screen for 30 seconds or more (not to mention regular use of such tactics would pretty much ensure your team loses since they'd temporarily be at a numerical disadvantage).

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