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Rotation for Dark Protection Proc?


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Anyone figure out a good rotation to keep the Dark Protection Proc up?


The Proc is 12 seconds. THAT IS TIGHT. By time I get the three 3 stacks of harness darkness back, the proc is usually gone. The 12 second fails to take into consideration knock backs, stuns, and human error.


It would be nice to have some leeway with the proc during raids and HM FPs


(Coming out of stealth is a given, this is more about procing and keeping the proc.)


Also, was the proc meant to NOT be maintained over a long period of time? This question occurred to me considering how much work it takes to obtain and inability to maintain the proc.

Edited by Hainkpe
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So, because of the procs, it's not so much a rotation as a priority queue:


  1. Force Lightning (with three stacks)
  2. Shock
  3. Wither
  4. Discharge (if debuff expiring)
  5. Maul (with proc)
  6. Thrash


In practice, you're going to do something pretty close to the following:


Unstealth > Shock > Wither > Discharge > Thrash > Shock > Force Lightning > Wither > Shock > Thrash/Maul > Thrash/Maul > Shock > Force Lightning > etc


There are a few things to observe here. First, you're almost always going to use two Shocks per Force Lightning. There are rare blocks where you don't, but as I said, very rare. Second, even without procs, as long as you're using things on cooldown, you should be able to get your Force Lightning off in time.


Let's imagine a worst case scenario. Specifically, you're at 10 meters and you used Wither > Shock to get your last two stacks just before you used Force Lightning. When you finish FL, you will have one GCD on the cooldown of Shock and three GCDs on the cooldown of Wither. So, your block will look something like this:


[GCD] > Shock > [GCD] > Wither > [GCD] > Shock > Force Lightning


It doesn't matter what you put in the empty GCDs. In fact, if you're at 10 meters, you probably can't do anything. You'll notice though that this refreshes your stacks with a fair amount of time to spare. Specifically, there will be 6 GCDs between your last tick of FL and the first tick of your second channel. 6 GCDs is just 9 seconds, which gives you two whole GCDs worth of "I have to do other things" without your stacks dropping.


This is your worst case scenario. No other situation will enter the procing block with as much time on the cooldowns of your procing powers. I also specifically forced us to not get any Energize procs, so no cooldown reductions. If you can maintain your stacks under these circumstances, you can maintain them at all times.

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I wonder how often you'll be able to keep stacks up in an arena, or similar pvp situation. Is it more viable to run a hybrid spec and pick up the 30% AoE reduction? I like the skill required for the rotation in PvE, but I'm not sure if it works as well in PvP, and that worries me.
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The hybrid is super strong as far as tanking goes, by far the best mitigation achievable and a monster in 1v1 situations, havent lost to any one in it yet. The damage can be MUCH higher and more busty than straight darkness as well. The problem is it's conditional on being behind the target which with so many aoe slows can be a pain to constantly get your mauls off. The other damage comes from induction/energized shocks and with recklessness thats still considerable. You also lose out wither on this so you lose your aoe slow/damage reduction as well as the out of stealth spike. You can pickup low slash in exchange though so that single target cc is about the same.


Overall the hybrid spec is really tanky but the on demand damage isnt on par with hybrid AP. If you're going that route Hybrid AP is still better. Either of the other tanks as better as pure tank. Really no reason to bring a tank or hybrid sin to pvp anymore over the other tanks (Speaking from the POV of someone that has all 3 in full Obroan).



And outside of PVP...I dont think it's viable at all for PVE... you need wither for threath generation, especially on AOE as well as to maintain your HD stacks fast enough to keep the DP window open, also while tanking mobs you never get to Maul which is a big portion of it's damage.

Edited by Guiken
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